Beautiful Man

Chapter 190 Dragon and Phoenix are prosperous! Crazy upgrade! (Please subscribe!)

Time flies, March has passed!

Belmode and Halle's due date finally arrived.

The New York base of the clown organization, Jason has transformed one of the rooms into a delivery room. The doctors and equipment are ready, and they are the world's top presence, in order to prevent accidents during the production process.

The second daughter has entered the delivery room, and Jason and a few accomplices are waiting anxiously outside the door.

"Boss, don't be nervous." Seeing Jason walking up and down upset, John comforted him intimately: "Ms. Chloe is also in the delivery room. There will be no problem."

Jason nodded with a serious expression. He believed Chloe's technique, but the frequency of the heartbeat still did not slow down.

Ten minutes after the two entered the delivery room, the door of the delivery room suddenly opened.

Chloe came out with a smile on his face and said: "Boss, Miss Halle gave birth to a baby boy, mother and child are safe!"

Hearing that, the big rock in Jason's heart finally fell, and his clenched hands were also released.

This bastard, I haven't had a good mood yet, he actually came out so soon.

"Boss, congratulations!"

Several comrades beamed up and congratulated Jason.

The current clown organization is similar to the feudal country in the past, and Jason is the king of this country.

For any feudal country, heirs are the most important thing, which can effectively prevent the kingdom from falling apart due to certain changes.

In this regard, Halle’s children are also very important to them.

With a smile on Jason's face, he was surrounded by a strong sense of happiness.

After laughing for a moment, he asked again: "What about Belmode?"

Chloe replied: "Miss Belmode will take some time."

After speaking, Chloe entered the delivery room again.

Hallie's child is impatient and can't wait to come into this world.

But Belmode's child seemed to miss the feeling of being in his mother even more.

After more than two hours of suffering, the delivery room finally came to good news. Belmode gave birth to a baby girl, and the mother and daughter were also safe.

The two women lay weakly on a stretcher bed, and were carefully sent to a well-prepared bedroom, each holding a baby in their arms.

Jason leaned forward excitedly, the expression on his face instantly froze.

The skin of the two babies was wrinkled, their complexion flushed, and their facial features were even more unsightly, and they looked like an old man.

Jason's mind was hit hard and he was stupid.

Is this my child?

Chloe came over and explained: "Boss, newborn babies are like this, just wait a few months."

Jason turned his head and stared at Chloe, an expression that I'm young, don't lie to me.

In the warm bedroom, the second girl was also a little dazed at the moment.

At one point, they wondered if the baby was holding the wrong baby, or something went wrong during pregnancy.

Chloe and Jason walked in and once again gave the three people a bit of relevant knowledge.

After listening to Chloe's popular science, the three of them were relieved, and then discussed the names of the children.

Needless to say, Halle’s child, continue to use the name Blair Walter.

Belmode’s child is a girl, what name should he take?

Jason and Halle each said a name, but Belmode smiled and shook her head. She had thought about the child's name early on.

"Angel! Angelina!" Belmode touched the child's head and asked, "Is this name nice?"

Jason nodded and smiled: "It sounds good."

Even though he said so, there was a magical BGM in his mind!


After having a child, Jason's life was completely disrupted.

He took as few tasks as possible, assigned unimportant tasks to his party members, and returned to his family to stay with his wife and children all day.

This life has lasted for nearly four months.

During this time, the clown organization has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The first is the scale of the organization. Thanks to the promotion and publicity of the clown community, more and more people believe in clowns.

Today, all cities in the United States have established clown branches, with members ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand.

These divisions are managed and trained by past members from the headquarters, allowing them to grow from a miscellaneous army to a regular army to perform more difficult tasks.

The second change is the change of the same party.

The previous situation was a swarm of the party in New York.

Although this improved the combat effectiveness of the headquarters, it severely restricted the ability of the comrades in the party and also affected the progress of earning villains.

As a result, Jason sent all his accomplices except Halle and Belmode to other places and let them manage large areas.

Stanfield in Washington!

There is a locomotive in Los Angeles!

Chloe is in San Francisco!

Houston has John Wick in charge!

Franklin is in charge of Detroit!

Atlanta has David in charge!

The effect of this move is very impressive. After having superpowers to join the party, these cities have entered a period of rapid development.

The clown community has become very active. Every day, many people want to join in and become peripheral or even full members. The monthly villain value contributed by these cities is also rising.

The third change is Jason himself.

First, let’s talk about abilities. In seven months, he had already mastered the level of energy absorption to the point of proficiency, and his combat power had been greatly improved compared to when he had just acquired the ability.

The second is the change of the system.

The system hasn't done anything during this period of time, but unified the rules for recruiting fellow party members into a task-recruitment style, without forcing both sides to instill memories.

During this time, Jason's money and income were also very amazing.

The black market business in New York quickly expanded to the surrounding area. Within a few months, it took over the black market business in three states, and brought all the gangsters in these states to shore.

At the same time, the business of the Clown Armor is getting better and better.

Since the first batch of battle armors were released, various countries and organizations have conducted actual combat tests on battle armors.

The Joker's armor that was adjusted by Chloe has won unanimous praise from all customers, and some countries even want to independently imitate the clown's armor.

However, after a period of research, this unrealistic fantasy was finally abandoned.

How difficult is it to imitate the Joker's armor?

Assuming that you have a full set of drawings, you must first prepare the titanium alloy material for making the armor.

This material is far more difficult to manufacture than aviation materials, and only dozens of countries in the world have mastered this technology.

Secondly, after the materials are manufactured, it is necessary to assemble the armor, which involves precision machining technology.

This technology can meet the standard, and the world is only the United States, Japan, Germany and other established industrial powers.

Then, when the armor is assembled, it is necessary to install microprocessors, sensors, helmet displays, flight stabilizers, electromagnetic pulse transmitters and other equipment inside the armor. Only the United States can independently manufacture these devices.

Finally, and the most critical part, you need a miniature Ark reactor to power the armor.

This technology is an exclusive patent of Stark Industries, and this one has no other branches. As long as Tony Stark is not thinking about it, it is impossible to transfer this technology.

Let alone other countries, not even the US government, Stark Industries is still counting on the Ark Reactor to make a fortune.

The imitation is impossible, and Stark Industry’s technology cannot be bought. They can only buy the Joker’s armor from Jason.

As the War Armor was so popular, Jason naturally didn't want to watch the banknotes flow away. He doubled the factory's production capacity in the second month.

In order to sell more, Jason launched a buy ten get one free sales routine. In order to make it affordable to poor countries without money, he also made a cheap version of the armor.

Although its performance is not as good as the regular version of the armor, but the price is only one-third of the regular version, for countries in war zones, this price is very fragrant.

In seven months, Jason’s net profit from the sale of the Joker’s armor was as high as 50 billion U.S. dollars, and the black market revenue in several states near New York also exceeded the tens of billions of dollars.

The most important thing is that all these money flows into Jason's pocket without paying a penny of tax.

As for the prestigious IRS, even if Jason announced his property and address, they would dare not come to collect taxes.

With a personal value of 60 billion U.S. dollars, Jason became the world's richest man.

This made him happy for a long time after two decades of hardship.

The only upset is that no newspaper wants to put Jason on the cover of the magazine.

Although US$60 billion is an astronomical figure, Jason didn’t cover it up because there are so many places to spend money.

The clown organization has raised a bunch of brothers who can fight and kill, so they have to pay them.

People put their heads on their waistbands to work, and their lives are at risk anytime and anywhere. A monthly salary of $100,000 is not too much.

There are more than 10,000 official members of the clown organization, and the salary alone will cost one billion yuan a month, which does not include the salary of the peripheral members.

In addition, there is the golden swallowing behemoth of the Great Evil System.

Last month, Jason upgraded all his party’s superpowers to Level 3, spending a total of 42.5 billion US dollars.

Now Jason has only three melons and two dates left when he flips through his pockets. The cleanliness is comparable to that of the Moonlight Clan in his previous life.

Although distressed, the money was very worthwhile because they brought Jason a great deal of benefit.

In just seven months, Jason's system level skyrocketed by 18 levels, only one step away from the four-dimensional 150-point prerequisite required for super power level three.

The most important thing is that Jason worked hard for the first three months and stayed at home for the next four months.

If Jason, who made his living from robbery on the street more than ten years ago, belonged to a proletarian, he became a working class the moment he stepped into the gang.

When he was a big boss under Jinhe, he was regarded as a middle class. He betrayed Jin and went out to work alone and belonged to an entrepreneur. Now Jason has finally become a butterfly and has become a real capitalist.

If you don’t have to do anything while lying in bed every day, your assets will grow rapidly like bacteria multiply. This is called capitalism!

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