Beautiful Man

Chapter 195 Paris Riot! The army is dispatched! (Please subscribe!)

The lighter was thrown into the air with the flame hung on it and quickly fell to the ground. The gasoline on the ground was instantly ignited, and a cloud of blue flame ignited.

In the next second, the flame expanded to the surroundings at an alarming speed.

Plaza, fire truck, Notre Dame Cathedral, and surrounding buildings.

In just tens of seconds, everything was swallowed by the merciless flame.

The crowd who fled to the distance looked at the scene in front of them with a dull expression on their faces.

The ancient buildings that are more than 800 years old are just burnt!

The French people present felt a burst of heart-piercing pain in their hearts.

This is their history, this is their culture, this is their glory...that's it.

The smoky heat wave swept across, and it burned slightly on the skin.

Everyone recovered, quarrels and shouts resounded throughout the city.

Some people were heartbroken for the burning of Notre Dame Cathedral, and many people turned on their mobile phones with excitement, taking advantage of the heat.

The Internet has brought the world closer. In just a few minutes, the global media learned of the news and were shocked by it.

As the instigator, Franklin and the locomotive had a relaxed expression. They strolled to the side of the street and got into a car.

Across the window, the two looked back and admired their work again, and then started the car toward the Louvre.

At the same time, the police call of the French police was broken.

The operator just put down the phone for less than a second, and the phone rang again.

These people called the police for only one reason: a criminal suspected of a clown organization burned Notre Dame de Paris with gasoline.

The first time he heard this news, the operator thought it was a prank by a drunkard, and did not take it seriously.

But the alarm calls rang one after another, and the operator had to pay attention to it and reported the situation to the chief of police.

Soon, the police station's helicopter took off and hurried to Notre Dame de Paris.

As the helicopter approached Notre Dame de Paris, a cloud of flames ignited, and the dazzling light illuminates the entire city.

The police on the helicopter were completely dumbfounded. They immediately sent the information back to the police station, and the chief contacted Mr. President.

Notre Dame Cathedral was burned down by terrorists. This is a shame for the entire country and the entire nation.

Mr. President got furious when he got the news and immediately dispatched the French National Gendarmerie Special Service to arrest the criminals, and at the same time ordered all the fire engines in Paris to be dispatched to put out the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral.

A few minutes later, this elite special force called the "Man in Black" was dispatched and rushed to Notre Dame in Paris by helicopter.

But when Mr. President had a headache because of this, the chief of police brought another bad news.

A terrorist attack also occurred in the Michelin restaurant on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower.

"Damn the clown organization!" Mr. President, with a sullen expression, hit the desk with a punch.

As early as a few months ago, he was a big fan of the clown organization.

It's not that he yearns for crime in his heart, but that he understands that the enemy's enemy is a friend.

Because of the long-term activities of the clown organization, the political economy and culture of the United States declined rapidly in half a year.

The ambitious Mr. President is unwilling to be a vassal of the United States, so he supports any acts of sabotage against the United States with his hands and feet.

Of course, the condemnation on the bright side is still in place.

In fact, not only France, but all countries in the world that are bullied by the United States think so.

It’s just that Mr. President never expected that this clown organization would suddenly appear in France and burn Notre Dame de Paris, which has a history of more than 800 years.

"What the hell is the U.S. government doing? Even a terrorist organization can't figure it out, but it actually allowed them to gradually grow and develop."

Mr. President was furious, he contacted the commander of the men in black again and asked him to set up a team to go to the Eiffel Tower.

The burning of Notre Dame de Paris is already a shame. If anything happens to the Eiffel Tower, then he, the president, will resign.

However, what the poor Mr. President did not expect was that in addition to the above two places, the Louvre, another landmark in France, would also suffer.

Franklin drove to the glass pyramid square.

Compared with the morning, there are a lot fewer tourists in the square, because most people ran to watch the excitement.

The Louvre is closed, and only a few policemen are standing at the door, arguing about what is on the red cloud in the distance.

When they saw two people wearing clown masks coming, their brains went blank.

In the next second, a surge of anger ignited from the bottom of my heart.

After burning Notre Dame de Paris, and now we are going to burn the Louvre, your clown organization is too arrogant.

Whether it was tolerable or unbearable, the police hardly communicated, and subconsciously immediately took out a gun and prepared to shoot.

There is no court sentence for these miscellaneous things. Shooting them directly is the greatest kindness.

Looking at the policeman staring in front of him, Franklin said calmly, "Do it."


A gust of wind blew by her side and her cool hairstyle was completely ruined.

Franklin firmly stabilized the bottom plate. If he hadn't been prepared for it, he could have been knocked to the ground just now.


The sound of a locomotive came in my ears.

Looking up, the policemen in front of him had all fallen to the ground.

"Let's go!"

Relying on the memories of the morning, the two successfully arrived at the "Mona Lisa" exhibition hall.

Looking at the eternal smile on the wall, they crossed the guardrail and took off the painting.


The harsh sirens sounded, and a large number of policemen arrived upon hearing the news.

"Brother Xiaofu, hold tight, and I will solve these miscellaneous fish."

Franklin hugged the painting and nodded, "Well, be quicker."

"Do not worry!"

After speaking, the locomotive disappeared in place, and there was another scream in the distance.

Franklin walked slowly towards the exit, there were corpses all the way without meeting a living person.

Only magic can defeat magic.

In the same way, only superpowers can defeat superpowers!

Ordinary people who want to touch this inverse scale will end up miserably.


Tonight is just an ordinary night for many people, but it is destined to sleepless for the top of the French government.

Notre Dame de Paris, the Eiffel Tower one after another, and now even the Louvre also has terrorists.

This can't help but make people wonder, are the French intelligence agencies fishing every day at work?

The French president has a big head, but now is not the time to be held accountable. The top priority is to eliminate all terrorists in the city.

After another small team was drawn from the men in black, Mr. President had to declare a state of emergency.

All citizens must return home immediately, suspend all outdoor activities, and dispatch a large-scale army into Paris to clean up the city.

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