Beautiful Man

Chapter 198 The power of the whole country, search for suspects!

Tens of seconds after Ivan lost his vision, Tony had already put on the steel armor and successfully transformed into the superhero Iron Man.

A highly technological loading process, with a red gold matching titanium alloy battle armor and an ice-cold mask with golden light.

The guests who had not had time to squeeze into the elevator screamed with excitement, especially the single ladies in Paris.

"Iron Man, come on!"

"Iron Man! Get rid of this rubbish!"

"Tony! I love you!"

Sharp sopranos one after another, showing Tony the fanatical side of French romance.

Pepper was dissatisfied and cursed in a low voice: "Bi Chi!"

Hapi stood by and pretended not to hear anything.

Ivan rubbed his eyes, looked at Tony and sneered: " don't deserve to wear this dress."

Tony just now is just an ordinary person without the power to bind a chicken, and can only let Ivan's cynicism.

But after putting on the steel armor, he is the superhero Iron Man, and the increase in self-confidence is not a little bit.

Hearing this, Tony snorted coldly: "I only have one question, how did you know that I was in Paris?"

Ivan squeezed the whip and sneered: "You are a rich man who travels by private jet. As long as you spend some money on the black market, you can get your flight record."

Tony suddenly realized, "Thank you! Next time, I will take a civil aviation plane."

"Next time? No next time!"

Ivan roared savagely, and then rushed up, slamming his whip.

"Sir, be careful!" Jarvis reminded, marking the trajectory of the whip and giving dodge suggestions.

Tony followed the advice and moved his upper body slightly to the right.

The whip brushed a few centimeters from him and threw it to the ground.


After the loud noise, a black trace appeared on the ground.

Tony glanced at it, disdainful in his heart.

this one?

Tony and Jason have fought for several rounds, and the firepower of both sides is very fierce, and the place where they fought will eventually become a ruin.

Tony really didn't see the level of lethality in front of him, and didn't know who gave Ivan the courage to assassinate him.

Tony is not interested in playing cat-and-mouse games, he raises his arm and sprays out an electromagnetic pulse wave.

Ivan raised his arm and quickly used another long whip to defend.


The fragile whip broke, and the electromagnetic pulse hit the Ark reactor on Ivan's chest.


With a muffled sound, Ivan was instantly knocked out more than ten meters away and hit the wall hard.

The Ark Reactor, which was the core of the energy supply, was also blown out and fell to the ground.

Tony stepped forward and picked up the reactor.


"Good sir."

The two had a good heart, and Jarvis immediately showed the three-dimensional picture of the reactor.

Tony took a look at the key parameters, and then smashed the reactor forcefully with disdain.

To him now, the reactor made by Ivan is as simple as a children's toy and has no reference value.

Ivan leaned on the wall and climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

He suffered a heavy blow to his chest and abdomen, and he spouted a mouthful of blood with a wild smile, and cursed: "Tony! lose..."

Tony didn't know, so he shook his head and said, "Insane!"

After speaking, he raised his arm again and sprayed out an electromagnetic pulse, which completely knocked Ivan out.

After the restaurant was quiet for a while, it immediately became noisy.

"Oh! Thank you Iron Man!"

"Tony, you are the best!"

The battle is over and they are safe.

The ladies behind them clapped their palms excitedly, and then rushed over to surround Tony, reaching out to stroke the cold steel armor.

"Oh, so hard!"

"Tony, can this thing fly?"

"Mr. Stark, can the armor be sold to me?"

Tony was overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the French.

Even if the beautiful lady is so close to him, there are several meanings for those brawny men rubbing against him.

At this time, the elevator door opened again.

A small team of French special forces is long overdue.

Feeling the atmosphere in the restaurant comparable to the concert scene, these soldiers suddenly felt a little confused.

Didn’t it mean that terrorists appeared in the restaurant?

Could it be that the bastard is calling the fake police?

Seeing the army arrived, Tony was relieved immediately and waved: "Hey, are the terrorists here?"

The soldiers looked up and looked at each other suddenly.

This is Iron Man?

The team leader stepped forward to ask what happened.

Tony and the people around him explained it to him verbally.

After understanding the details of the matter, the captain immediately thanked Tony, and then ordered his men to take Ivan away.

Before leaving, the captain contacted Mr. President and conveyed the President's invitation to Tony.

There was a terrorist attack during the date, and Tony and Pepper were not in the mood to go shopping.

Hapi drove the car to the exit of the Eiffel Tower, and the two drove back to the Four Seasons Hotel in Paris.


Paris tonight was shrouded in fire all night.

Even if the president mobilized all the fire trucks in Paris, the fire at Notre Dame de Paris still burned for ten hours.

By the time it got bright, there was only an empty shell of this 800-year-old building, which fell fragile at the touch of a touch, and a large number of precious cultural relics were also burned in the fire.

The disaster last night did not stop there. The Louvre was stolen and the treasure of the town hall "Mona Lisa" was stolen. The whole country was shocked.

In addition, terrorist attacks also occurred on the Eiffel Tower.

Even though I happened to meet Iron Man eating dinner and smoothly deal with the terrorists, it still caused dozens of casualties.

The sky in Paris is covered with dark clouds, and it seems that even God is mourning for the disaster of last night.

Countless people of Paris spontaneously took to the streets and presented flowers to Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre and the victims in this incident to express their inner memory and regret.

The deep sadness aroused intense anger.

When the clown organization was making waves in the United States, France, from the government to the people, clapped and cheered, and even thought it was God punishing the United States.

According to calculations by French economists, the clown organization causes losses to the United States as much as trillions of dollars each year.

He clings to the United States like a cancer, destroying the country's political, economic and cultural. As long as the clown organization can persist for ten years, the behemoth of the United States will be dragged down by it.

The most important thing is that neither the private sector nor the government has a special medicine to eliminate the clown organization.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend. Therefore, the clown organization has a very good reputation in other countries, and it is even called the hero of the anti-American war, and the leader of the country who loves the limelight wants to award Jason a medal.

However, what governments all over the world did not expect is that the clown organization is too arrogant.

In two-line combat, it is a big taboo for military strategists to face the enemy before and after. The heads of state have proven this to the world decades ago.

But the clown organization does not believe in evil. They not only angered the US government, but even extended their black hands to France.

Only by personal experience can you empathize.

The evil behavior of the clown organization completely woke up the stupid French people.

They felt the pain equal to that of the American people and began to hate the clown organization from the bottom of their hearts.

A large number of rebels against clown organizations began to appear on the Internet, and street signs blaming clown organizations appeared on the streets, and many people even ran to the government building to protest, hoping that the government would arrest these thugs in the shortest possible time.

Opposing the clown organization for a while became the political correctness of France.

The anger of the people has burned across the country, and the pressure on the French president and law enforcement agencies has doubled.

In order to catch the prisoners and stabilize the presidential throne.

Mr. President immediately ordered the airport station and terminal to be sealed off, and all personnel entering and exiting must be checked carefully.

The law enforcement department is responsible for cleaning the scene and carefully checking the clues left at the crime scene.

The immigration management department is responsible for reviewing the list of all persons entering the country within half a month, especially black people.

It is not that the French government discriminates against blacks, but based on the images taken by the onlookers, the two attackers are blacks.

After a series of orders were issued, the state machinery began to operate at high speed, and law enforcement agencies could be seen everywhere in the streets.

These people are experts in various fields, and the energy they generate when they unite is amazing.

As soon as it was getting light, a thick document was delivered to the desk of the French president.

Mr. President opened the document, which was densely printed with the entry photos and passports of more than 100 blacks.

The subordinate reminded: "Mr. President, these are the people who still have suspicions after investigation, but the two people on the last page are the most suspicious."

The president turned to the last page, and it turned out to be a picture of Franklin and the locomotive.

Without waiting for the president to inquire, his subordinate immediately explained: "The two of them entered the country yesterday morning, and they also hired an international student as a tour guide."

"Generally, tourists entering the country will first have a jet lag to rest in the hotel, but soon after entering the country, they went to the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral."

"Through access to surveillance video, they found that they have no interest in history and cultural relics. They just glanced around in a hurry. And they did not take photos and upload them to Facebook to show off, which is inconsistent with the behavior of most tourists. "

The president frowned: "These are not evidences."

The subordinates continued: "After investigation, the attacker rushed to the suburbs by stealing an Audi. The theft was only a five-minute drive from the Four Seasons Hotel where they stayed, and a walk of less than half an hour."

"A single clue cannot explain the problem, but if these clues are linked together, the two of them are very suspicious."

The President asked: "What are you going to do?"

The subordinates solemnly said: "First arrest the foreign student tour guide to understand the situation, and then go directly to the hotel for questioning on the grounds of investigating the immigrants, and obtain surveillance video to ask the staff. As long as we can prove that they left the hotel during the incident, we will Decided to arrest and interrogate."

"After all, the attackers are members of the clown organization, and they will not leave too many traces. It is almost impossible to achieve conclusive evidence, so... special measures must be taken in special times."

The president understood what he meant by the special period, and immediately nodded in agreement with the action.

"Okay! Just do it!"

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