Beautiful Man

Chapter 320 - The Bald and Incurable Supreme Venerable!

Jason became alert, his expression becoming heavy.

Through the small test just now, he understood that he had encountered an unprecedentedly strong enemy.

It was even possible that ...... was even stronger than him!

He didn't speak, just stood quietly observing his opponent.

And that mysterious person didn't attack rashly, but instead focused on busying herself with the matter at hand.

She stretched out her slender, white right hand and gently rotated it, and a green light suddenly emitted from her chest.

Then, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

Saul, who had been shot through the heart and had cooled off, actually opened his eyes.

"Is this your superpower?" Hallie inquired.

"No, that's impossible! My powers don't have the power to bring the dead back to life." Belmord shook his head in denial.

Jason heard their conversation and said to himself, "That means she's not using her powers."

Saul, who had come back from the dead, stood up from the floor in a daze.

The bloody hole in his chest was gone, and the serious wounds Jason had left behind were all healed.

"Thank you ...... please ......"

Guessing that it was the mysterious man in front of him who had saved him, Saul's tone became incredibly respectful, and he even used honorific words.

You know that in the entire universe, only his father Odin could enjoy this treatment.

"Saul Odinson, you will know my identity later."

The mystic was reluctant to reveal his identity, but judging by the voice he spoke it should be a woman.

"In accordance with your wishes." Grumpy Dang Thor, offered the Mystic the highest courtesy of Asgard.

The Mystic nodded in satisfaction, then extended his right hand and drew a symbol in the air.

With a flip of his palm, the Cosmic Cube appeared in the palm of his hand.

"What your brother has done, you will be the one to handle. The Tesseract is also to be taken back to Asgard by you and given to Odin, the Earthlings are not qualified or capable of using it properly for the time being."

Saul stretched out his hands and received the Cosmic Cube respectfully.

He had come to Earth this time, and Odin had sent it at great expense of vast dark energy.

And this was only a one-way ticket, and he would need the power of the Cosmic Cube to get home.

Thor put the Cosmic Cube away, then gave Jason an angry look and flew away waving Thor's hammer.

He was going to finish the job the Mysterons had given him, clean up the mess Loki had left behind himself, and then bring him home for Odin's trial.

"Slow down, we'll play again next time." Jason didn't stop him, instead waving provocatively at him.

"Okay. Thor and Loki are done with their problems, it's time to deal with you next."

The Mystic turned his body and scanned the crowd before him with eyes hidden in his cloak.

Jason looked at her dead in the eye and shouted out, "Playing God in a cloak at night. Who the hell are you? Why did you save Saul?"

Her conversation and actions with Saul had a clear relationship of respect and inferiority in it, so it was definitely not Saul's guard.

Still not wanting to reveal her identity, the mystic shook her head slightly and said, "Sorry, I'm not at liberty to reveal my identity. As for why I saved Saul's life to clean up the mess for you, it's because I don't want Earth to get involved in a cosmic war."

Carefully examining this statement, it was revealed that the mystic spoke with a tremendous tone.

Opening and closing his mouth as if he was an Earth human, as if he owned the Earth.

Jason continued, "Then why are you bothering me? I can remember what I just said."

The mysterious man lifted his feet and walked forward, his pace unhurried, "I'm bothering you because your actions have seriously affected the safety of Earth."

Jason's mouth curled up with a smug expression, "Oh, so I'm that powerful, I didn't know you didn't tell me."

The mystic quipped, "Of course you're powerful. Daring to kill the son of Odin, the Lord of the Gods, not many people in the universe have that kind of courage and strength."

This was taken as a compliment to Jason's ears.

But the mysterious man's tone turned serious: "But do you know that if Thor dies on Earth, then the Lord of the Gods, Odin, will do so?"

She asked herself, "I'm sure you know! Odin will lead the Asgardian army to invade Earth to avenge his son! You're the culprit, of course you deserve to die, but the innocent creatures on Earth are implicated in your suffering."

Jason suddenly realized, "After all, it's still you who is cowardly. I didn't expect that the supreme mage who is the guardian god of Earth would be afraid of Odin."

The mystic stopped and asked in a surprised tone, "You actually know my identity!"

Jason spoke in a sarcastic tone, "You speak in a tone full of superiority, opening and closing your mouth to the rise and fall of all mankind. Add to that your special ability to save Saul's life, and I don't think there's a number two like that on Earth, except for the Supreme Mage."

The Mystic guessed, "Loki told you that?"

Jason nodded and admitted, "Loki said that he started the invasion war at his behest to help the master behind him test you to see if you were still guarding the Earth."

Mystique asked, "The purpose of the man behind the curtain testing me?"

"Because of it!" Jason pointed to the chest.

"Oh ......" it dawned on Mystic, "Now that you've figured out who I am, there's no point in continuing to hide it."

She lifted her hand and slowly lowered the hood of her cloak.

Jason and his cohorts behind him focused their eyes over.

A bald head that could reflect moonlight, ordinary features of the Caucasian race, distinctly female features ......

After seeing the Supreme Venerable's true face, the disappointment of several of them was written on their faces.

The Supreme Mage in their minds, the male should be as handsome and domineering as Jason, and the female should be as noble and majestic as Belmode.

But the one in front of him is neither noble nor majestic, and most importantly, he is still bald.

Hey, illusion shattered!

"Dare I ask the mage's name?"


"So Venerable Ancient One, are you considered bald as a teenager or bald as an old man?" Jason mouths the sarcasm.

Judging by her face she was no more than around forty years old, but Loki said that the Supreme Mage had lived for a thousand years.

If it wasn't the descendants who inherited the name, this should be the power of longevity from magic.

But if magic can make people live for thousands of years, why can't it cure baldness?

Venerable Ancient One smiled a 'genial' smile, not wanting to answer the question.

"Never mind, I won't ask then, that question does hurt my pride." Jason was a mouthy bitch, and added another stab.

"Back to the topic at hand, what exactly does your old man want with me? If it's just a matter of saving Saul's life and stopping his father's revenge, it's done and you can go home and sleep. I'm going back to bed with my two wives as well, staying up all night is balding."

The Ancient One Venerable reached out his hand to stop him, "What happened to Saul was only in passing, in fact I'm here mostly because of you?"

Jason's face didn't know whether to smile or mourn, "What an honor, you found me, and then what ...... is not going to take me as a disciple."

The Ancient One Venerable laughed lightly and said, "I'm sorry, but my disciple has already been chosen. And whether it's talent or virtue, you don't have the qualifications to be my disciple."

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