Beautiful Man

Chapter 324 Global Carnival! People with dementia!

Steve hid in the pothole before the explosion and covered his head with a shield.

The intensity of the explosion was far beyond his expectations, the trait armor was severely damaged, and Steve passed out on the spot.

Being buried deeply by the soil, the oxygen in the air is gradually depleted.

Fortunately, the oxygen supply parts of the armor helmet are still working, otherwise he would have died due to lack of oxygen.

Although he was lucky enough to get his life back, his current situation is not optimistic.

The rescue team immediately sent him to the aerospace carrier for rescue.

Nick Fury personally came to the rescue room to inquire about the situation, but the doctor's preliminary results made his heart cold.

Steve was seriously injured and missed the best rescue time.

Even if rescue is carried out regardless of the cost, the best result is only a vegetative person.

Hearing the doctor's verdict, Nick Fury was a little hard to accept.

Steve Rogers is really ill-fated.

As a young man, he was often bullied because of his physical weakness. He finally joined the Super Soldier Project to become Captain America, but he fell into the Arctic glacier a few months later, and the dance meeting with his lover was sixty years late.

When he was reborn from the glacier, he encountered the clown organization that was in the limelight. Before enjoying the convenience of modern technology, he was severely injured and paralyzed by Alex, and his two lovers died because of him.

Later, he got Stark's help and stood up, but he was depressed all day and numbed himself with alcohol.

However, when the earth was in distress, he stood up bravely against the demons.

But this time, it ended up with a vegetative end.

How could this tragic life with twists and turns be a tragic word.

Nick Fury was unwilling to accept this result and asked quickly: "Is there no other way? You can take a little risk."

"Adventure..." The doctor thought for a moment and bit his scalp, "If he was injected with Hulk medicine, there might be a glimmer of hope."

Hulk medicine can quickly repair damaged tissues and strengthen cells. Even if the body is far stronger than ordinary people, this medicine is also risky.

In particular, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research on this medicine is still in the preliminary stage, and it is far less advanced than the clown organization.

But even the clown organization didn't know how many test bodies were sacrificed to get the 100 Hulk fighters.

Injecting Hulk medicine has a chance to be reborn, but the greater chance is that the soul will return to the west.

The most important thing is that Steve is too late to think and discuss.

Nick Fury asked: "You said there is a silver lining. How big is that hope?"

The doctor told the truth: "Less than one percent!"

Such a small hope is a bet on Steve's life.

"I agree! Go and prepare."

Nick Fury struggled for a long time, and finally agreed to inject Hulk with Steve.

As for the final result, it depends on his luck.


An agent ran over.

"what's up?"

"The search and rescue is other signs of life were found!"


Nick Fury's heart was struck by lightning.

Even though he was mentally prepared, when the agent pronounced the death sentence, he still couldn't accept it.

The war has been won, but some people cannot enjoy the joy.

Nick Fury stood there, silent for a long time, a long time!


The sun is rising and the sun is shining.

When the inhabitants of the earth woke up from their sleep, they found that the world had completely changed.

Aliens invade the earth!

New York becomes the main battlefield!

The death toll exceeds 100,000!

Oh my God!

Today is not April 1st!

This news host was so big last night!

But soon, live photos of New York began to go viral on the Internet.

Ugly corpses of aliens.

The ferocious wreck of the Long Worm battleship.

And, it looks like New York after a nuclear war.

The pictures were thrown directly on their faces, and even if they did not believe them, residents of various countries had to accept reality silently.

Since humans can observe the universe, the topic of aliens has been hyped up.

Before, the U.S. Air Force found traces of UFOs, and later the FBI found the bodies of aliens, and then a mysterious man was kidnapped by aliens for forced mating...

People on earth are always full of curiosity about their neighbors in the universe.

Now, this curiosity has finally been satisfied, because the earth finally ushered in the first batch of alien guests.

It's just that everyone did not expect that these alien visitors are invaders.

Their first gift to the earth was to destroy New York and kill hundreds of thousands of people on earth.

Those dreams of indulging in friendly development and mutual benefit with alien civilizations are completely shattered, and there is no scum left.

The people on earth began to panic again and began to worry.

Since there are other advanced civilizations in the universe, what if they want to invade the earth.

There is no solution to this problem, because backward will be beaten.

Fortunately, the US government has made a good start.

Despite the heavy price of sacrificing one hundred thousand soldiers and civilians, the first war between earth civilization and alien civilization was won.

The victory of the war can indeed shift internal contradictions.

For a while, all the angry youths who took to the streets to protest the government's inaction disappeared.

Instead, large numbers of people took to the streets, holding up slogans praising the country and the government.

The key to this victory was that it directly caused Americans’ national pride to completely burst, and many radicals also threatened to colonize aliens.

Of course, the federal government accepts it humbly.

The high-level government and military leaders headed by the president held a press conference to tell reporters the "unknown" secrets of the war.

To sum it up, it is a sentence: Our American science and technology universe is number one, and alien civilization is not worth mentioning.

There are senior leaders who endorsed it face to face, and Shi Lezhi's lower-level people directly climaxed.

The corpses of a hundred thousand people are still cold, and they have begun to party all day and night.

They are happy, and the leadership team headed by the president is also happy.

With this popularity and support, the general election will be stable tomorrow!


Washington, cemetery.

Sol, Tony, Banner, and Nick Fury gathered together, and there were several senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agents behind him.

As the greatest heroes of this war, there was no smile on their faces.

They were uniformly dressed in black, standing in front of a brand new tombstone.

Inscription on the tablet: Natasha Romanov.

There are no corpses in the tomb, only a few worn clothes.

After S.H.I.E.L.D. searched, the ground search and rescue team searched nearby for two days and nights, but only one molar was found.

After the pastor gave a speech, they went forward and presented bouquets, and then they just stood silently without saying a word.

After an unknown period of time, Banner broke down emotionally and left the cemetery with an expression of pain.

He was tempted twice, but his lover died tragically twice. These things hit him too hard.

Others woke up from memories.

Nick Fury didn't want to stay here sad, greeted Tony, and Sol went elsewhere to relax.

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