Beautiful Man

Chapter 336 The head that appeared at the party!

Bright room.

Jason sat alone in front of the window, staring at the scenery outside.

But looking closely at his eyes, he found that his attention was completely off the scenery.

He naturally opened his right hand, and a beam of yellow fluid energy wandered between his five fingers, like a spirit.

I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting, the door of the room suddenly opens!

Jason raised his mouth slightly.

In Saka, Valkyrie is the only one who can come in without knocking.

"All ready!"

"Well, let's go!"

Jason took the yellow energy back into his body, stood up and walked out the door.


The two were speechless all the way, and took the elevator to Gao Tianzun's palace.

Inside and outside the palace crowded with people, brightly dressed men and women can be seen everywhere, and the empty hall is full of tables, chairs and delicate dishes.

Today is Gao Tianzun’s birthday, and celebrities from all walks of life in the city will attend parties to celebrate his birthday.

Jason and Valkyrie stepped into the palace through security checks.

Gao Tianzun was wearing a bright yellow robe and holding a wine glass to chat with the people who came to the party.

Seeing his happy smile, he is obviously in a good mood today.

"Hey! See who's here!" His eyes cast away, and he immediately rushed out of the crowd: "My champion fighter, I am very happy to have you come to my party."

Jason smiled and handed a gift: "Grand Master, I wish you a happy birthday! It is my honor to be able to attend your birthday party."

The attendant took the gift, and Gao Tianzun smiled and said, "Have fun today, but remember not to get too drunk. We will be on tour later."

The so-called tour is to drive a high heavenly spacecraft around Sakar for a week, during which a large number of fireworks will be burned, so that the global residents will feel the birthday atmosphere.

He has participated in this kind of boring matter twice.

Jason nodded and agreed, then took Valkyrie to the corner and looked around, eating and drinking.

Before long, a charming lady came over with a wine glass.

"Hey! Strong Mr. Champion, can I have the honor to have a drink with you?"

Jason raised his glass: "Of course."

The two laughed and clinked their glasses gently, and then drank all the drinks in the glasses.

"I wish you a happy playing!"

Before leaving, the lady cast a wink meaningfully.

Valkyrie looked at it coldly, and said sarcastically: "You have become more and more hungry lately. She is old enough to be your grandmother."

Jason put down his wine glass and said, "I only found out when I arrived in an alien. As long as my body does not get old, age is not a hindrance. Just like you, you are almost 3,000 years old, and you seem to be in your twenties."

Valkyrie curled his lips and reluctantly agreed:

"I haven't seen this lady with a big butt, how did you meet?"

Jason smiled and recalled: "I met her on her sister’s 180th birthday. She drank too much wine and was walking in the garden that day. I happened to meet it when I was convenient, and then...hehe, she will. The tricks are really eye-opening for me, and I am much more comfortable than you."

"Haha!" Valkyrie rolled his eyes speechlessly, not interested in listening to his story.


Relying on the title of the strongest champion fighter in the arena, many celebrities come over to talk to Jason to toast.

Jason also refused to come. When it got dark, he had already filled three bottles of spirits.

The lively dinner is about to enter the second half, and ordinary celebrities have already got up to leave.

The so-called second half is Gao Tianzun's global tour. Those who are fortunate enough to participate are the closest people around him, as well as the dignitaries from all over the world.

The original bustling hall was mostly empty, and Jason was too embarrassed to sit in the corner, got up and chose a position near the main seat.

Gao Tianzun drank a lot of wine, but his expression didn't change at all.

He sat at the main table excitedly, summoned the army generals to come in, and asked him to immediately arrange the tour.

In addition to Gao Tianzun’s spacecraft for the global tour, the military also has to arrange a certain number of spacecraft.

This is not to worry that Gao Tianzun is in danger, but that Gao Tianzun's spacecraft cannot carry so many people.

After the general nodded in agreement, he immediately left the palace.


The party continued, Gao Tianzun turned his gaze to Jason: "My champion fighter, are you having fun tonight?"

Jason hypocritically said: "Very happy!"

Pooh!Not even a dancing girl, happy ass!

"Just be happy! Join the tour later, you continue to be with me..."


The two were saying this when suddenly there was an explosion outside.

Immediately afterwards, shouts and fighting sounded one after another.

"what happened?"

"What's the sound outside?"

"Where did the explosion happen?"

The complexions of the dignitaries changed instantly, and they stood up and looked out.

Gao Tianzun was also at a loss at this moment: "What happened?"

"Grandmaster, I'll go and see!" Jason left his seat and ran outside the palace.

A few minutes later, he rushed back all the way, panicking and said: "Grandmaster! The fighters in the arena have a collective rebellion!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of noise in the palace, and the dignitaries who were pampered in daily life suddenly panicked.

Gao Tianzun opened his mouth in surprise: "What?"

How could those slaves rebel?

What about the guards who take care of them?

Where are all dead?

Just when everyone was at a loss, the general responsible for arranging the spaceship rushed into the palace regardless of etiquette:

"Grandmaster! Those slaves have broken through the defense and entered the building!"

Hearing this, Gao Tianzun said loudly: "Quick! Send out the army and suppress them all! All the insurgents are killed!"

The general looked ugly and desperately said: "Most of the soldiers in the army have also joined the rebel army!"


This remark immediately detonated the audience.

The order in the palace was out of control in an instant, and dignitaries rushed out the door, wanting to take a spaceship to leave before the rebels invaded.

Gao Tianzun patted the table angrily, and roared: "Trash! It's a bunch of timid trash!"

Jason stood in front of him, liquid energy emerged from his body:

"Grandmaster, please rest assured! As long as I am here, these rebels shouldn't worry about it."

"And me!" Valkyrie kicked over the table and chairs and stood beside Jason.

"Good! Good!" Gao Tianzun finally showed a relieved expression on his face:

"See the truth in adversity! I can rest assured that you are there at the critical moment. But..."

The expression on his face suddenly changed, and his gentle aura became sharp.

He was like a weak and panicked old man just now, and now he is more like a decisive emperor!

"Today is my birthday! It should have been my happiest day!"

"But those things that don't know how to live or die, dare to stir my interest this day!"

"Damn! Damn!"

"Today, I want them to see the anger of my Gao Tianzun!"

Jason said worriedly: "Grandmaster, leave those rebels to us. I'm worried about your power..."

Gao Tianzun snorted coldly and interrupted: "Jason! Don't underestimate me! Use what you said during the championship three years ago."

"When did I show my strength in front of you!"

"Haha, this sentence is finally said, it is really domineering."

"This..." Jason hesitated.

"Stop talking, all back behind me!"




After a while, the sound of the laser gun appeared outside the door.


The screams of the palace guards were endless.

Then there was a loud bang, the electric iron gate was blown open by a laser cannon, and a group of rebels composed of fighters and soldiers attacked the palace.

They filled the palace hall with their weapons and shouted: "Kill the tyrant! Kill the tyrant! Kill the tyrant!"

Gao Tianzun sat at the main table, behind which stood Jason and Valkyrie.

He straightened his collar, stood up and walked to the front, and said angrily: "I won't ask about those damn slaves. You guys were originally my soldiers. Why did you join them against me? How did I treat you badly? Well?"

A soldier in armor stood up and said: "You really have not treated us badly! But your tyrannical and moody personality, a little bit uncomfortable with you, will be sent to the arena to die. We have had enough of such fearful days. Up!"

"Because of this?" Gao Tianzun asked.

Someone took the lead, and the rest of the soldiers spoke.

"Why are you incompetent old man sitting in this position?"

"We don't want a bad old man to be the ruler!"

"Yes! We should take this position!"


"Oh, it turns out that you are coveting the throne behind me!" Gao Tianzun was full of disdain after learning the reason:

"Then do you know, why I, an incompetent, bad old man, can rule Saka for so many years?"

The people in the hall looked at each other, no one could answer this question.

To be honest, they are also very curious.

Historical data records that Sakha has existed for hundreds of millions of years, and Gao Tianzun has been firmly on the throne.

After such a long time, no one stood up against him?

There is a gossip that Sakar star once had a rebellion, but Gao Tianzun suppressed it alone.

But this news was nonsense to them.

What is the power of a bad old man to suppress a rebellion!

This must be because he deliberately rewritten history so as to stabilize his rule.

Besides, all this happened thousands of years ago.

Even if Gao Tianzun was once superb, he couldn't hide the fact that he was a bad old man now.

Everyone has no answer, and Gao Tianzun does not intend to answer directly.

I opened my arms and said indifferently: "This question, use your life to answer it."

"Pretend to be! Watch me hack you to death!"

A fighter rushed out of the crowd, raised a gem-encrusted axe and struck Gao Tianzun's head.

Gao Tianzun stood there and didn't dodge. When the axe was about to fall, he suddenly grabbed the fighter's wrist.

The axe stopped in midair immediately, unable to get in even an inch.

The fighter struggled hard, but in vain.

"I seem to remember you." Gao Tianzun looked at him seriously: "The person who has the most hope to become a champion fighter in the arena seems to have won 93. What a pity, it is a pity."

"Go to hell! Tyrant!" The fighter gave up struggling and took out a sharp short blade from behind his waist to pierce his heart.


The short blade broke immediately, but Gao Tianzun was unscathed.

The fighter's eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief.

Gao Tianzun raised his hand and hit his forehead, and the fighter's body burst into pieces.

This scene deeply shocked the rebel army.Stunned for a moment, someone exclaimed: "Hurry up... shoot!"

Someone echoed: "Yes! Everyone rushed forward, I don't believe I can't kill him!"

The rebel army launched a general offensive aggressively, all attacks were directed at Gao Tianzun.

There are lasers, lightning, flames, sword energy...

But Gao Tianzun did nothing, opened his arms to take all these attacks.

What was surprising was that there were no scars on his whole body, and no matter what kind of attack method could cause him damage.

"You stupid guys! Let me tell you." Gao Tianzun laughed triumphantly.

"My body is immune to all physical attacks! Not to mention your painless and itchy attacks, even if you smash a star on my face, I can still be unharmed."

After hearing this sentence, the rebel army really panicked.

What's the point of trying to kill someone who can't die at all!

Some people stopped the attack in despair, while others turned around and prepared to escape.


Gao Tianzun appeared outside the door in a flash, waved his hand and killed several rebels: "No one wants to escape!"

After speaking, he took off his robe and rushed into the flock like a tiger.

In addition to his almost immortal physique, Gao Tianzun's speed and strength are also extremely amazing.

I saw him flashing back and forth in the crowd, as long as the person hit by the punches and feet turned into a pool of ground meat.

Jason watched this scene with enthusiasm, and the fighting spirit in his heart was difficult to suppress, and he said loudly: "Grandmaster! I will help you too!"

After speaking, he teleported into the crowd, and followed him to the murder!

"Hahaha, good! Let me compete with you, a champion fighter, and see who kills more people!" Gao Tianzun was bloodied and laughed wildly.


That's great!

Killing is really a refreshing thing!

From this perspective, today’s birthday party is also great.

Gao Tianzun blocked the door without letting anyone escape, while Jason went all the way from near the main table to the door.

The rebel army was completely desperate, and the two killing gods shot together, and their only fate was death.

Just when the two of them got together and prepared to fight side by side.

Jason suddenly stretched out his palm and pressed it on Gao Tianzun's chest.


Gao Tianzun was shocked!

But before he could react, a burst of yellow energy penetrated into his body.

The expression on his face instantly stiffened, and Gao Tianzun had lost control of his body.

This scene happened too suddenly!

What happened to Jason?

Why would you attack Gao Tianzun?

What is even more chilling is that the surrounding insurgents kept silent about the unexpected event, and stepped aside to make room.

This uniform execution makes people suspect that everything that happened before was acting.

Valkyrie rushed to the two of them, holding the Valkyrie Dragon Tooth Sword in his hand.

The hall that was originally chaotic and noisy is now terribly quiet.

Jason closed his eyes and frowned.

Gao Tianzun's expression was dull, his thoughts wandering.

The two seemed to be fighting fiercely in an unknown field.


After a stalemate, Gao Tianzun's eyes suddenly turned black, and he raised his head and screamed in pain.

Jason was already sweating on his forehead, and roared: "Do it!"

Before he could finish his words, Valkyrie waved the Dragon Tooth Sword and cut off Gao Tianzun's neck!


A heavy head fell to the ground!

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