Beautiful Man

Chapter 359: Shocking Secret! The US team is transformed!

On the outskirts of New York, Steve drove a stolen Ford pickup into the highway and galloped towards New Jersey.

His destination is the abandoned military base in New Jersey-Camp Caspian

Steve was very impressed with this place.

A few decades ago, he was a skinny boy in Brooklyn, and later signed up to join the army and received special training for enlistment.

And this Caspian camp was where he participated in the special training.

But in his memory, it was just an ordinary military training camp. Why did it have something to do with SHIELD?

He is a little worried, can this operation really find the answer he wants?


When the clock pointed to the early hours of the next day, Steve finally arrived at Camp Lehigh.

Not surprisingly, this training camp has long since been abandoned, and the iron sign that says “No Approach” has rusted, and the camp is full of weeds.Steve got out of the car, broke the chain with his shield and pushed the door in.

It hasn't been seen for decades. There have been some changes here and in his memory, but most of the places have not changed.

Steve wandered around the camp, and when he walked to the training ground, he seemed to hear the instructor's roar again.

He seemed to see a thin boy wearing a large military uniform, falling at the end of the line, holding a rifle and a helmet, struggling hard.

Went around the camp and found nothing except some memories.

Just when Steve was at a loss, he focused on the newly built munitions warehouse in front of him.

Military regulations stipulate that the storage of military supplies is prohibited within 500 meters of the camp, and this building is covered in the wrong place.

There must be demons when things go out of the ordinary, and Steve did the same and broke through the door of the munitions depot.


As soon as I walked in, the long tube bulbs lighted up one after another, and the entire quarters warehouse was like daylight.

But when Steve cast his gaze on the wall at the end of the warehouse, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

There is a badge painted on the wall-the badge of SHIELD!

Steve suddenly realized.

Why did Banner's tracking program track down an abandoned training camp?

Because this is where SHIELD was originally established.

Steve quickly found the iron proof to prove his conjecture.

On the wall on the right side of the warehouse, there are photos of the founder of SHIELD.

There is Tony’s father Howard Stark, and Steve’s beloved Peggy Carter.

Seeing things and feelings and seeing Peggy's photos, Steve was filled with melancholy and regret.

He forced himself to turn his head, clear up his mess, and turn his attention back.

The base has been abandoned, and all the documents and materials in the warehouse have been removed.

But after careful searching, Steve still found a hidden elevator hidden behind the locker.

It's a pity that the damn elevator requires a password. Steve tried several times without success.

He had to talk about the shield and smash the elevator, revealing the bottomless elevator shaft.

Steve found a few strong ropes, connected the ropes together, then tied one end to the pillar, and finally lowered it all the way to the ground.

Unexpectedly, the small munitions warehouse had more than a dozen floors of underground buildings, and a few ropes were almost not long enough to connect together.

Steve stood at the door of the lowest room, and the electric armored door, which was 20 centimeters thick, slowly opened.

He walked into the room, and there was a huge old-fashioned computer in front of him, with a main screen and two secondary screens.

The room is small in size and densely surrounded by hundreds of servers from the last century.

Steve walked up to the computer screen with a look of confusion, and a thick dust covered the table. It was obvious that no one had been here for a long time.

In addition to one large, two small and three screens on the table, there is also a USB port.

Steve took out the USB flash drive, aligned it with the interface and inserted it according to the method Banner taught him.


After a few seconds, the hundreds of dusty servers started running at the same time.

At the same time, the big screen in front of me showed a line: Do you want to start the system?

Steve hesitated for a moment, typed'yes' on the keyboard, then took a closer look and pressed the Enter key.

The roar of the computer team suddenly sounded, and the display screen was quickly refreshed, revealing a dim face.

The camera on the big screen was pointed at Steve, and a man's cunning voice came from the speaker: "Steve Rogers, born in 1918!"

Steve frowned and asked curiously, "Is this a video?"

"This is not a video! Captain, I am no longer the man you caught in jail in 1945."

The secondary screen on the right lights up, showing a picture of imprisonment.

The owner of the photo is a bald man with glasses and cunning eyes.

Seeing this face, Steve's spirit suddenly became tense.

This man is called Anim Sola, a German scientist.

And the object of his allegiance is Steve's mortal enemy, the leader of the ***'s evil science unit Hydra-Red Skull!

Steve suppressed his panic and asked, "You should have been dead for many years."

Sora said: "Look around you, I am more energetic than ever."

"In 1972, I was diagnosed with cancer. Science can no longer save my body, but my mind is worth saving and preserving. They are stored in a 200 square meter database, which means that you are standing in my In the brain."

Steve asked, "How did you get here?"

Sora explained: "I was invited to the paperclip operation after World War II."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has recruited many German scientists with strategic value. They think I can help their cause. It is true, but I also helped my own cause."

"Hydra and Red Skulls died together, but if one head is cut off, two new ones will grow. With the establishment of S.H.I.E.L.D., new hydras are also growing, and we are parasitic inside SHIELD. Parasites."

"For the past 70 years, Hydra has been secretly contributing to crises around the world and benefiting from wars. Among them, the clown organization is still in its infancy."

Unexpectedly, the clown organization still has contact with Hydra!

Steve couldn't help but said, "Did S.H.I.E.L.D. not find out and stop you?"

The picture on the secondary screen changed and became the headline of an old newspaper.

Howard Stark and his wife were accidentally killed in a car accident.

The next photo is the latest internal information of SHIELD: Nick Fury, death.

Sola triumphantly said: "They did find out, but accidents always happen."

"Hydra has created an extremely chaotic world, and humans finally understand that they need to sacrifice freedom to gain security. Once our evolutionary process is completed, a new world order will be born!"

A demo animation of the "Insight Project" planned by SHIELD for many years appeared on the secondary screen.

"We won, captain! Your survival and death value are the same, both are equal to zero!"

Hearing that, Steve was furious and smashed the computer screen with a fist, and as a result, the dark face appeared on the secondary screen.

"Like I said, I gave up my rotten body."

Steve asked again: "What is in the USB flash drive?"

Sola said: "The'Insight Plan' needs insight. I wrote an algorithm."

"What kind of algorithm? What is it for?"

"The answer to this question is very attractive, but unfortunately, I can't tell a dead person the answer."

As soon as the voice fell, the heavy iron door of the room began to close.

Steve threw the shield fiercely, trying to get the shield stuck in the middle to prevent the iron door from closing.

However, he was still half a beat, the shield slammed on the iron gate and was bounced back.

Sora proudly said: "S.H.I.E.L.D. launched a short-range ballistic missile here. I'm sorry, but I have been delaying time."

Steve was shocked and quickly started looking for a hiding place.

"Accept your fate, it's actually a better result."

Steve ignored his nonsense and frantically looked around the room.

Finally, he found an underground drainage channel, immediately opened the protective fence, jumped in and retracted in the corner, and then blocked his body with a shield.

Just finished all this, the missile strikes!

With a loud bang, the entire building was completely blown up.

From the outside, this quarters warehouse seemed to have been hollowed out from below, and the surrounding ground was sunken in.

The huge stones fell like raindrops, and the hot flames and violent shock waves destroyed everything here.


A dozen military helicopters hovered over the training camp.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. special team descended from the helicopter, armed with automatic rifles and surrounded the ruins.

When Steve activated the system, Sora passed the information here back to SHIELD.

Alexander immediately understood Nick Fury's back hand, he immediately dispatched a special team to New Jersey, and at the same time launched a short-range ballistic missile.

The special team dispersed, and the players clenched their rifles, looking nervous.

Because all of them know that even if hit by a ballistic missile, Steve will not die because he is...


Suddenly, there was a roar of wild beasts in the ruins, and the buried stones trembled slightly.

"Be careful! He is coming out!"

Someone yelled, and all the special forces members pulled off the insurance and stepped back slightly.


There was another loud noise, and a large number of rocks suddenly flew out of the ruins and hit the distance.

The special forces were shocked!

Just when they were in shock, a giant beast leaped out of the ruins.

The giant beast is more than two meters tall, has a hideous face, red skin, and muscular muscles. Holding the vibrating shield in his left hand, he only wore a pair of underwear.


In the Battle of New York three years ago, Steve overloaded the Ark reactor and exploded, almost playing himself to death.

After being rescued by S.H.I.E.L.D., because he missed the best treatment time, the surgeon judged that he would be a vegetative for the rest of his life.

At a critical juncture, Nick Fury decisively decided to inject him with the'Hulk Gene Medicine', even if the chance of success was slim.

Unexpectedly, Steve was really fate, or his body was different from ordinary people.

After the injection, he not only survived, but also gained the ability to transform.

What makes Banner even more envious of the qualitative separation is that Steve did not appear a second personality in the process.

In other words, he can perfectly grasp the power after transformation.

As if the red behemoth in the disaster movie appeared in front of them, even if the special forces were mentally prepared, they were still taken aback.

But soon, the on-site commander calmly ordered: "Shoot!"

The special forces team reacted and raised their rifle and fired at Steve.

Da da da!

Characteristic large-caliber bullets poured crazily on him.

Steve was in pain all over, grinning.

He roared and slammed the boulder beside him.

The stone is very light at first, and the weight of a few hundred jin seems to be only a few hundred grams in his hand.

Steve was overjoyed and kept picking up rocks and smashing them continuously.

The boulders are not only numerous, but also extremely fast. As long as the special forces are hit, they are directly smashed into a mass of flesh.

The miserable death of his teammates broke the tight defensive formation.

Many team members were frightened and thought of running away.

It's not that our army doesn't work hard, but the opponent has a Gundam.

Upon seeing this, the commander ordered a retreat and said loudly: "Launch smoke bombs to cover the retreat. Our task is to contain him, not fight him!"

Bang bang bang!

In the distance, the helicopter fired hypnotic smoke bombs and landed around Steve.


The smoke bomb released a large amount of white gas, completely covering the entire camp, becoming white like a dense fog.

These smoke bombs were secretly researched by S.H.I.E.L.D. and used to deal with the Hulk Legion of the clown organization.

The gas contains special chemicals. After all the "Hulk" smells, the muscles will become sore and weak.

The effect of the smoke bomb was amazing. After ten seconds, Steve's offensive slowed down.

At this time, he didn't care about attacking the special forces, and immediately covered his mouth and nose, trying to escape from this area.

It's a pity that the special team won't let him get what they want. They put on gas masks and replaced them with new magazines and shot Steve frantically.

Helicopters fired rockets to support, and some people even fired tracers into his eyes.

Poor Steve is full of force, but his fists are hard to beat by four hands, and he is completely restrained by the special forces.

Gradually, Steve's actions became slower and slower, and finally he knelt on the ground and panted.

The commander sat on the helicopter in the distance to observe with the telescope, and then excitedly said: "Keep the firepower! He is dead!"

Upon hearing this, the special forces team members were ecstatic.

What shit "Hulk" power, turned out to be so vulnerable.

Steve knelt on one knee, pulling his head together, the anger slowly building up in his eyes.

Since he gained the power of'Hulk', the clown organization has evaporated from the world, and Steve can't find a place to use it, and this power has been hidden.

Even this time, he has transformed twice in total.

To play Hulk's strength, you need the power of anger, but Steve's nature is kind, and he is not suitable for injecting Hulk potions.

But just like this, being pressed and beaten by the special forces, the clay figurines also have a three-point anger.

As the anger in his eyes accumulates more and more, Steve realizes that the lost power begins to recover quickly!


Suddenly, he lifted his knees and kicked the ground hard with his legs, and the whole figure rose from the ground like a rocket, landing heavily outside the camp.

Without the attack of smoke bombs, his power skyrocketed again, and the angry Steve was finally about to fight back!

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