Beautiful Man

Chapter 361 Electroshock Therapy! Learn the truth!

About 100 kilometers west of the blast site, there is a dense forest off the beaten path, and deep in the forest there is an extremely large complex of buildings.

This is the secret base established by Tony Stark after the Battle of New York.

In order to prevent the Joker organization resurgence, or encounter a new crisis, Tony in the secret base mass production of guardian battle armor, research and development of new Mark battle armor, but also heavy recruitment of a large number of scientific personnel, covering all disciplines.

Here is Stark Industries, after Tony's another masterpiece.

In the early hours of the morning, the dawn has not yet shone on this land, the sky is still gray.

A steel battle armor fast flying, left and right metal arm each carrying a person.

Battle armor slowly landed on the airport tarmac, Tony informed the staff has been waiting here.

And standing in the forefront, it is Tony Stark's fiancée - Pebbles Potts.


"Miss Potts!"

Steve knew Pebbles and nodded to her in a hurry.

Pebbles said, "Tony told me all about you, come on in."


Steve walked, while looking back.

Bucky was firmly bound by the steel battle armor, untamed expression mixed with panic and confusion.

Walking from the tarmac into the interior of the building, they were guided by Pepper to the tech lab, where a group of doctors in white coats waited.

Bucky was forced into an iron chair, with sturdy locking cuffs holding his limbs and neck firmly in place.

Pebbles introduced to Steve: "These are top brain and psychiatric experts, and they were brought in by Tony to help you, so please don't have any worries."

"No." Steve nodded his head to several of the doctors.

After the polite words, one of the doctors said, "Captain, you may begin."

Steve moved a chair, sat across from Bucky, and asked, "Do you know me?"

Bucky said, "Yes. You are Steve Rogers, Captain America."

"And do you know who you are?"

At that, Bucky looked puzzled.

Because he also does not know who he is, he only knows that he is a winter soldier, his mission is to firmly obey the orders of his superiors.

Seeing the expression on Bucky's face, the uneasy speculation in Steve's heart finally came true.

Bucky was most likely controlled by Hydra.

Steve quickly recalled Bucky's past in his mind.

Suddenly remembered that he had been captured by Hydra in 1943.

At that time Dr. Sora was the chief scientist of Hydra, he must have done something to Bucky at that time.

Hydra has a similar 'super soldier' potion in its hands, which would explain why Bucky's strength has become so powerful and hasn't aged for decades.

Steve pondered for a long time and said in a gentle tone: "Your name is Bucky Barnes, born in 1917 with Indiana. You are my best brother, when I had nothing, only you were by my side ......"

Pepper Pepper solemnly, eyes kept glancing between the two men.

Oh my God, Captain America and he still have this layer of relationship!

However, Bucky and Steve did not notice the problem in the words.

Two people a sad, a doubt, are immersed in their own world.

Steve's tone is low, he and Bucky's past slowly.

But Bucky seems to really do not remember, from the beginning to the end of the face have little expression.

Seeing this, Steve disappointed lowered his head.

But at this time, Bucky suddenly said: "I seem to have some impression!"

At that, Steve stood up with wild joy.

Bucky frowned and said, "But it was just a vague feeling, I can't remember anything else."

It's good to have a feeling, there is hope!

Steve hurriedly looked to the group of scientists and asked, "Doctor, does he still have a chance in this condition?"

The white coat doctors got together and exchanged opinions in whispers.

After some time, someone came forward and said, "Considering that he has the experience of being captured, so we presume that this gentleman, should have been brainwashed, and there are a large number of similar cases recorded in the database."

"The means by which spy agencies brainwash and control captives and agents include hypnosis, harsh physical punishment, image or language training, microchip implantation, and many other methods."

Steve asked, "So which method was Bucky brainwashed by?"

The doctor replied, "This is not known yet, but no matter which method of brainwashing, there is a way to break."

Steve asked, "What method?"

The white coat wearing glasses put his hands in his pockets and laughed heatedly, "Electroshock therapy, or electrotherapy for short!"

Steve frowned, questioning whether this method can save Bucky or not.

Don't come to the memory did not recover, but people give electric stupid.


A few hours later, the sun was rising.

A helicopter bearing the logo of Stark Industries, slowly landed on the tarmac of the secret base against the rising sun.

Tony Stark stepped out of the plane, finishing his black suit, taking off his sunglasses and striding towards the front.

Pepper stood at the door to greet, and when she saw Tony, her face was suddenly filled with a happy smile.


Tony smiled and walked over.

The two hugged hard and then leaned in for a kiss, spreading dog food all over the place.

After making out, Tony and she walked into the base side by side and asked, "How's that friend of Steve's?"

Talking about business, Pebbles immediately put away his smile and said, "The man's name is Bucky Barnes, and the captain is a friend and comrade."

"The two have a very strong bond, and have fought side by side many times, born to die. However, Bucky fell off a high-speed train into a cliff during an operation. Steve thought he was dead, but to his surprise he was found by an evil organization called Hydra, and gave him brainwashing, installation of metal arms, injections to slow down the aging of the potion, to train him into a killing machine."

It turns out they were friends from life to death.

No wonder Steve met him with a soulful look, and almost killed by this friend's own hands.

Tony knew the relationship between the two, understood his unusual behavior and asked, "What did the doctor say? Is that Bucky still saved?"

Pebbles said: "The doctor is using electrotherapy to reboot his brain. The treatment has started more than an hour ago, I don't know when it will end."

As they spoke, the two came to the laboratory door.

Steve sat alone in a chair with a despondent and worried expression.

"You go and get busy, I'll take care of this place." Tony patted Peper's shoulder.

After Peper left, Tony slowly walked to Steve and sat down beside him, comforting him, "These doctors are the world's top brain experts, your friend will be fine."

Steve nodded silently and said, "Thank you, Tony."

"You're welcome." Tony said carelessly.

"I just officially learned of Nick Fury's death on the plane, so I hope you'll buck up now and tell me exactly what happened?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. is very powerful, the director was killed is not a trivial matter, which must involve other conspiracies.

Steve pondered for a moment and said, "Last night, Nick suddenly appeared in my home. We hadn't even had a few words before he was hit in the vitals with a sniper rifle by a mysterious killer from afar. I immediately called for help and the agent in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D. in New York, and together they took him to the hospital, but he eventually passed away from his injuries."

"The mystery killer?" Tony pointed to the door of the laboratory and said, "Is it the one lying inside, your friend?"

Steve frowned deeply.

Although he was tempted to say no, but can be at such a distance, and black light to hit Nick Fury's vitals, only Bucky has this level of sniper.

But Steve still argued: "It should be him! But Tony you should know that he was brainwashed by Hydra at the time, no self meaning ......"

"I understand, I understand." Tony and not a judge, lazy to argue with him about these: "You continue to say it."

Steve mistakenly thought he could really understand, the depressed mood suddenly relaxed a lot.

"After Nick Fury died, his boss, Alexander Pierce, came to the hospital. Asked me if Nick Fury had said anything to me before he died, or handed me anything."

"Although I said no, I immediately recalled the message Nick had left me. After that, I left the hospital to get rid of tracking and came to Banner's restaurant, it turned out that Nick Fury had anticipated his death and had hidden something in Banner's place."

Tony agreed: "Very smart decision, hidden in Banner's side, the gang did not dare to move. What did Nick leave you?"

Steve pulled something out of his pocket and said, "A communicator to contact the helpers, and an encrypted USB drive."

"A communicator?"

"Well. Nick Fury said the owner of the communicator is very strong and can call for support if he encounters trouble he can't solve. I suspect it's the same mysterious person who defeated Jason in the Battle of New York."

Steve told his suspicions to Tony.

Tony nodded noncommittally and asked, "What about the flash drive?"

"The flash drive was protected by the AI, and Banner couldn't crack it, but he used the anti-tracking program to find the AI's location."

Tony said, "That's the military base just now?"

"That's right. Not only is it a military base there, it's also where S.H.I.E.L.D. was first created, and I saw a picture of your father in it."

My father!

At that, Tony lowered his head into memory.

Steve was understanding, and after giving him a little time to buffer, continued.

"I came to the bottom of the munitions warehouse and found that the so-called artificial intelligence was actually Dr. Sora, a former Hydra scientist."

"He told me that S.H.I.E.L.D. had recruited many scientists after its establishment, many of whom were Hydra. They were like assholes, sucking up nutrients to grow themselves, and eventually slowly took control of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Many regional wars and crises are planned by Hydra, they also have cooperation with the Joker organization."

Hearing this news, Tony was really a bit surprised.

He originally thought that the essence of the matter, is that S.H.I.E.L.D. is hiding a traitor in Hydra, as long as the traitor will be found to clean him up.

But I did not expect the real situation is that Hydra put on the coat of S.H.I.E.L.D., in addition to the logo, three curved wing building is the headquarters of Hydra.

Tony sighed a long sigh, such an important intelligence organization by Hydra turtledove, Nick Fury, the director of the death is really not wrong ah.

"And then what?"

Steve said: "After S.H.I.E.L.D. launched a missile bombing base, I was forced to transform and fight them ......"

The details of the battle was carried over by him.

Tony such a bad character detriment, must not let him know that after I transformed, actually by a group of ordinary people rubbing on the ground.

Tony did not notice the omitted part, he curiously muttered to himself.

"What is the purpose of Hydra to master S.H.I.E.L.D.? Do they want to start World War III so as to dominate the world? That's simply not possible."

The military power of S.H.I.E.L.D. can easily destroy a medium-sized country, but as long as the five rogues are still around, it is not his brother's turn to speak.

Steve shook his head and said, "Their purpose, I am not sure for the time being. But Dr. Sora told me that Hydra has been secretly promoting the 'Insight Project', and in order to implement the plan smoothly, they did not hesitate to assassinate Nick Fury. I think as long as we can figure out the 'Insight Project', we will know their purpose."

"Project Insight?" Tony stroked the scruff at his chin, sorted out the information in his head and said, "According to you, Nick Fury's top boss, Alexander Pierce should be the head of Hydra."

Steve said: "I also suspect him, but there is no evidence."

Tony analyzed: "First: 'Project Insight' was his idea, and he was particularly interested in this project, and even convinced Nick Fury to ask me to come out and give advice on the engine of the air carrier."

"Second: Nick Fury had proposed to suspend the insight program, Alexander dead set against it, and even went so far as to abandon years of feelings and had a big fight with Nick."

"Third: the people who assassinated you at the military base, I have found out. It is S.H.I.E.L.D.'s special operations team, and the leader of this unit is Alexander, and the members were all promoted when he was the director."

"The above three points and your intelligence match, Alexander Pierce is definitely at the helm of Hydra."

Steve did not know all of this information before.

If what Tony said are correct, then Alexander is completely no way to clean up.

Steve asked, "What do we do now? Go straight to Alexander for a showdown?"

Tony smiled and shook his head, "His rank is too high than you and me, we can't take a shot at him without authorization from above. But we can find Alexander's men, not too high in rank, and equally not too low."

Steve nodded approvingly.

The level is too high, they agreed not qualified to question each other.

Too low level, and afraid of not being able to access the core of the 'Insight Project'.

"I know a person!" Tony suddenly smiled and said, "Sitwell, S.H.I.E.L.D. agent level six."

Steve recalled the name and the image of a bald man wearing glasses came to mind.

"I remember, I met him on a mission. Why did you choose him?"

Tony explained, "Before Nick Fury's body was cold, Alexander started a major purge. He put the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in charge of New York under control, and it was this Sitwell who took over his job."

Steve asked, "So when do we do it?"

Tony said: "It's not too late, go to New York now to arrest people!"

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