Beautiful Man

Chapter 369 Captain America: Hail Hydra!

"Hydra secretly took control of S.H.I.E.L.D. and wanted to use the 'Insight Project' to launch three sky carriers into the air and destroy all the enemies that stood in their way, a plan that was simply heartless."

"However, God bless the United States of America, their actions were discovered by the former director Nick Fury, but on the same night, Hydra brutally killed the brave warrior."

"It is good that before his death, Director Nick gave the important secrets he knew in advance to Captain America Steve Rogers."

"This legendary hero of World War II, defying the odds, teamed up with Iron Man Tony Stark, defeated his pursuers, found the secret of Hydra, and then laid out the amazing truth to me."

"What happened next is as you can see. When Hydra saw that things were falling apart and wanted to dog it, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers cooperated with the military and together they eliminated the Hydra members hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Finally succeeded in destroying three sky carriers and saved the lives of tens of millions of people."


To be president in a pretty country, speech and eloquence is a must-have course.

In a passionate tone, Mr. President elaborated what happened to the more than three hundred reporters in the conference hall.

His speech was so climactic and suspenseful that it was more exciting than the ancient teahouse storytelling.

Everyone was captivated by the story, and the large venue was first silent, then whispering, and finally the whole venue was in an uproar.

Those sharp-tongued reporters and hosts, after listening to the shocking news, all could not speak, and could only reveal the 'Oh Buy Karma' expression bag.

I can't help it, the news is too amazing, and I didn't expect to be involved in the decades-old - ****.

The launch party was uploaded to the internet by several bloggers.

At first, only a million people watched, but as Mr. President gradually threw out the explosive news, the number of viewers increased exponentially, and now the number of online viewers has exceeded hundreds of millions.

The reporters on the stage were in an uproar, completely losing their composure as media professionals.

Mr. President smiled, satisfied with the effect of his speech.

"Everyone, please be quiet first, the following will be the second part of the conference, I will personally for two heroes, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, awarded the 'Medal of Courage'."

The words just fell, Steve and Tony came out from the background.

In order to today's medal activities, the two went to the best tailor store in New York, expedited custom-made an expensive suit.

Facing hundreds of cameras, Steve's pace was a bit restrained, and his face was stiff.

But these small scenes, for Tony is a home run.

Just see him with a smile on his face, reaching out to the cameras everywhere to say hello.

This natural sense of the camera, enough to make countless Hollywood actors sweat.

"Captain, don't be nervous, just follow me!"

"I'm not nervous, just a little too much breakfast, my stomach is a little bloated."

Tony harrumphed, too lazy to expose his lies.

The two walked slowly up to the lectern, and a White House official came over holding a box.

The president himself opened the box, which contained two 'Medals of Courage', representing the highest honor in the nation.

Mr. President took off a medal and walked up to Tony and shook his hand.

"Mr. Stark, thank you for all you've done for this country."

"Mr. President, it is my honor."

The two men exchanged a few words of courtesy and Mr. President placed the medal on Tony's suit chest.

After the wearing was completed, Stark stepped aside and Steve came to the front.

Mr. President picked up another medal and said, "Captain, it's an honor to honor you."

Steve did not know how to respond, so he stood firmly with his feet together and gave a serious military salute to the president and the audience.

Mr. President was pleased with his witty response and similarly placed the medal on his chest.

The president then stood in the middle and reached out to put his arm around the backs of the two men.

The three men faced the cameras and smiled professionally.

Click, click, click!

The media frantically pressed the shutter of their cameras to record this precious moment.

The audience applauded, more than 300 journalists stood up and applauded for the two heroes on stage.

Stanfield put down his notebook and also stood up after him.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a treacherous smile.

Steve Rogers!

Today is another high moment in your life.

But at the same time, it will also be the beginning of the lowest point of your life.

Stanfield frowned slightly, a powerful telepathic communication drilled into Steve's brain with a speed close to light.

Compared with those miscellaneous agents like paper mache mental power, Steve's mental power is several times stronger.

But converted into time, it is the difference between 1 millisecond and 10 milliseconds.

Stanfield's telepathy, with devastating force, crushed Steve's mental power and successfully entered his brain to control him.


The applause was still enthusiastic, but the reporters standing in the front row noticed.

The smile on 'Steve's' face, no longer as stiff as just now, became a few ...... treacherous.

'Steve' suddenly clenched his fist, his thick arm muscles tensed.

He swung his arm violently and smashed in Tony Stark's chest.

A bang!

Tony was smashed out more than ten meters away, and fainted on the spot.

"Sir! Sir!"

Jarvis' voice came out of the invisible headset.

Seeing Tony seriously injured and fainted, Jarvis immediately activated the battle armor.

Far away from the Stark base, a set of nano battle armor launched, and then flew to Washington at a speed of Mach 4.


The launch site, the enthusiastic applause instantly stopped, everyone was stunned open mouth.

"Captain! What are you ......"

Before Mr. President could finish, 'Steve' stepped forward, reached out and snapped his hand around his neck, then lifted him up slowly.


The brains of all the reporters in the room went blank.

What's wrong with Steve?

He's crazy!

However, to make them even crazier, 'Steve' slowly turned around and, speaking into the microphone on the lectern, said loudly.

"Long live Hydra!"


Another heavy blast.

More than 300 reporters on the scene, hundreds of millions of viewers in front of the computer, all in a state of dumbfounded.

What an international joke!

Steve Rogers is actually Hydra!

But if so, why would Nick Fury give him the secrets?

Steve after getting the secret, why not immediately destroy?

Instead, he had to team up with Tony to dig out the secret and tell Mr. President?

Is there any secret involved in this?

This question, there may never be an answer.

'Steve' thick arm force, Mr. President's neck click was snapped.

Then like throwing garbage, the body was flung into the crowd.

The press conference was a complete mess!

These journalists still had many questions, but at this moment, they could not care less about anything.

Run for your life! Run for your life!

This was the only thing on everyone's mind.


At this time, the ear-piercing sound of gunfire rang out.

The White House guards came over like a tidal wave, raising their pistols and firing wildly at Steve.

Steve' pushed down the lectern to avoid, and then immediately transformed into 'Hulk'!

Those bullets hit the skin of the 'Hulk', without exception, all were bounced away.

After doing all this, Stanfield smiled faintly and turned to follow the surging crowd to leave the launch site.


Tony Stark was lying on the lawn, facing the blue sky.

The sound of fierce gunfire woke him up, and he slowly got up, but his chest was a sharp pain, as if the bones had been broken.

He struggled to look up, only to see the large venue empty.

The body of Mr. President, just lying on the lawn.

In the distance, 'Steve' transformed into Hulk, hissing and chasing after the White House guards, with bloodied bodies all along the way.

"Shit! What's happening!"

"How did the venue turn out like this!"

"Captain, what's wrong with him?"


The huge influx of information, Tony's cpu directly full of heat, lost the ability to think.

He walked quickly to the president's corpse, first felt the pulse, and then turned his eyelids.

"It's over! It's hopeless!"

Tony's head throbbed, things had gotten completely out of hand.

Even as a genius, he did not know what to do.

But ...... at least to restrain the beast that had lost its mind in front of him.

The nano battle armor flew over at Mach 4 speed and began to slow down when it was less than a kilometer away from Tony.


The battle armor hit him in the back and nanoparticles quickly covered his whole body.

The White House was already a river of blood, and 'Steve' was ready to run into the street to kill people after brutally killing hundreds of guards.

Just then, a missile flew towards him.

'Steve' was quick-eyed and reached out to hold the missile in his hands.


In the next second, 'Steve' was blown out tens of meters away.

This missile, although small in size, but not the military commonly used junk goods, but the flagship product of the Stark Group.

Tony in battle armor suspended in mid-air, roared: "Captain! Wake up! What's wrong with you?"


Steve stood up and growled at him angrily.

Just as he was about to attack, his brain suddenly cleared.

Steve regained his senses and slowly lowered his arms.

Looking at the blood and corpses all over the ground, his whole body was dumbfounded.

"What the hell is wrong with this ......?"

Seeing this, Tony breathed a sigh of relief, put away the battle armor arsenal, and asked, "Captain! Don't you remember anything?"

Steve shook his head and said, "I just remember that we were on the lectern, and then it seems that I was hit in the head, and what followed, I don't remember."

"What the hell happened here? Why did it turn into this? Why did I turn into Hulk?"

Steve threw out three questions in a row.

Tony hesitated for a few seconds before finally deciding to tell him the truth.

"You suddenly had a fit on the lectern and punched me off! My chest still hurts to this day, and every time I breathe a throbbing pain."

Steve frowned, "I'm sorry! Are you okay?"

"Not that I'm okay, but you then killed Mr. President!"


"It's not over yet, then you transformed into Hulk and smashed hundreds of guards in the White House, all of them into meat pies."


After hearing these words, Steve's face was full of disbelief.

He shook his head frantically and said, "No, it's definitely not me! Tony, you have to believe me!"

Tony sighed and said, "What's the use of me believing you, the key is for others to believe you!"

"This conference was broadcast live worldwide, with over hundreds of millions of people watching online. In other words, you killed the President of the United States in front of hundreds of millions of people around the world!"

"I don't need to say much, you should also know the consequences of this matter!"

Steve certainly knew what this meant.

He covered his swollen and painful brain, frowned tightly, and said painfully, "How could this happen! How could this happen!"

Tony looked at him like this, and his mood was as heavy as a titanic mountain.

Suddenly, a flash of light in his mind, surprised: "I know! Captain, do you remember the agent in the suburban apartment? The way you just committed the disease, and he is practically identical."

Steve stared with both eyes and immediately remembered.

He said with a shocked expression: "You mean, the real murderer is Stan Phil, who used his superpowers to control me."

Tony nodded: "At present, it seems that only this one possibility! I just can't figure out how Stan Phil, who is wanted nationwide, managed to fool the security guards and get past the security check to the launch site."

Steve thought about it and said, "Maybe, he didn't even enter the venue! Didn't we deduce before, his superpower is available over long distances."

At the words, Tony dawned on him.

Steve's matter, has seriously interfered with his judgment, such a simple problem can not figure out.

"Sir! Fifty kilometers away, there is the appearance of a large number of military aircraft and steel battle armor!"

At this time, Jarvis's voice came.

Tony said in a hurry: "Forget about Stanfield for now, or think about yourself. The military fighter jets and steel battle armor have already moved out."

Hearing that, Steve indifferent, a long sigh, said: "No matter what the reason, Mr. President and these guards are killed by me. I'd better turn myself in first, and then you conduct an investigation outside and try to find out the truth!"

The corpses all over the ground tormented Steve's conscience, and after doing these things, he really had no face to escape.

At that moment, Tony swooped down and smashed Steve's face with a heavy punch, sending him flying out.


"Don't you forget, our opponent is the top cadre of the Joker organization! I alone can't defeat him! What you should do now is to escape first, and then find a way to catch Stanfield and clear your name."

Yeah, tying your hands now is not intended to be the same as throwing yourself into the net.

Once Stanfield set himself up again with his superpowers, there would really be no turning back!

Steve ate a punch, and his head gradually clear.

"Are you ready?" Tony asked.

Steve nodded, storing up a crouch, jumping out of the White House range with force.

Tony urged the battle armor, followed him closely and kept attacking with the palm cannon.

In order not to reveal the location of the base, the two escape in the opposite direction of the Stark base.

By the time the fighter jets and steel battle armor arrived at the White House, Steve and Tony, who were fleeing with all their might, had already left the range of Washington.

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