He endured the calm for a while and took a step back into the vast sky.

Although everyone knew how to speak, it wasn't easy for them to do so.

It was a good thing that Su Hao's heart was huge, so he was already used to being scolded by the little boss of the prison, Qiangzi.

Right now, Su Hao hoped that Su Fei could quickly make that call, so that she could get out early.

If he continued to stay here for a few more days, based on Su Hao's temper, he would definitely cause people to die.

But then he thought, why did Su Fei want to help him?

Back then, Su Hao had only thought of the first reason, that he was a good person. However, the second reason was a complete fabrication.

Now that he thought about it, Su Hao felt that his words were a little inappropriate.

Su Hao's face was sullen, he helplessly looked out the window at the sky. If there really was no other way, then the only thing left for him was to escape.

Although Su Hao would be able to live a peaceful life after he escaped. However, it was likely that he would only be able to retire and participate in Mercenary Unit for the rest of his life.

If they were to retreat, the police naturally wouldn't be able to find Su Hao and go participate in the Mercenary Unit. With this protective umbrella, even if the police found out, they wouldn't dare to go to Mercenary Unit to capture him.

After thinking about it, the light in Su Hao's eyes quickly dimmed.

Could it be that his entire life would be like this?

He slept for the entire night and finally managed to survive until lunch the next day. The guard pushed the cart and distributed the luncheon food to every room.

Each of them had three nests and a bowl of green vegetable bean curd soup.

It was extremely light.

Towards such a meal, Su Hao had already mentally prepared himself. After all, going to prison wasn't as important as going out for a trip. He could eat whatever he wanted.

To an adult male, three nests was like half a meal to him. Although it wouldn't starve to death, it wouldn't let you eat your fill.

The prison had plans for the prison!

If only the prisoners could eat their fill. These guys might be able to do something.

Sometimes, being energetic was a bad thing, especially in the boring life of the prison.

So if I let you eat half of your fill, you won't dare to move around too much. He could only stay in the prison and quietly pass through it.

But just as Su Hao was about to go get his own bed and the tofu vegetable soup, Qiangzi actually took all of Su Hao's share for himself.

"You are a newcomer with too much oil and water in your stomach. You need a shave. If one suddenly ate these plain foods, one's stomach would be ruined. So I ate it for you. Just endure for two to three days. Once the oil in your stomach is gone, you can eat. "

If they wanted to snatch the food, they had to do it quickly. What was the point of making up such a big group of five? Could it be that after stealing his food, he still had some gratitude.

Su Hao could not take it anymore.

The little leader of this prison had advanced his methods by an inch.

The oldest man in the prison couldn't believe his eyes: "Brother Qiang, you should just give him a beating. It's not easy to go to prison!"

Qiangzi glared at the old man angrily, and scolded: "Screw you, old man, how dare you meddle in other people's business. Are you full these few days? I can see that giving you two nest heads in a single meal is a bit unbearable for you. "Well, from tomorrow onwards, your weight will be reduced by one head."

Qiangzi had just finished speaking, when the small fries started to jeer.

"That's right. At such a young age, living is just a waste of food. You can just pack up and quickly die."

"I see that every meal has more than one nest. He can just drink some soup. This tofu green vegetable soup is the most nutritious. "

"Let me have the old man's head. I'm growing now, so I can't eat enough for six heads in a row."

"Fuck you! You're almost eighty!" "It's still growing. Go and stay, the old man's nest is mine."

"Alright, alright, alright, this old man's nest is for you. "That newbie idiot, in the future, you will deduct two heads from each of his meals. That should be fine, right?"

Su Hao's silver teeth chattered as he slowly stood up. He casually slapped over the bowl of soup in Qiangzi's hands.

"Your skin is starting to itch again!" Qiangzi was obviously not satisfied with Su Hao's offending actions, and immediately shouted in anger.

Su Hao's face tensed up, and said: "Can I ask, why do you think you can eat five or six heads, while I can't eat any of them?"


Qiangzi looked around at the few small fries around him with a mocking gaze, then stared at Su Hao, raised his fist and threatened Su Hao: "Remember, based on this."

Seeing this, Su Hao did not know whether to laugh or cry.

There was not a single callus on his fist. It was clear that Qiangzi had not even practiced boxing before. He only bullied others based on his bravery and ruthlessness.

Sneering, Su Hao said: "I understand, you mean whoever's fist is bigger can eat, right?!"

Qiangzi said coldly: "That's right, let's see who has the fist."

Su Hao casually kicked away the metal bowl on the ground, and called out to Qiangzi: "That's enough, don't eat anymore. Let's see whose fist we can compare! "

Heh! This was the first time someone dared to issue a challenge to Qiangzi.

"Newcomer, are you really serious?" "Fine, if I don't execute the family rules today, you brat, you really wouldn't know how many eyes Prince Ma would open."

As soon as Qiangzi finished speaking, he suddenly stood up and rushed towards Su Hao with messy footsteps.

Su Hao did not dodge. When Qiangzi's fist struck towards Su Hao's face. Su Hao suddenly punched.

Qiangzi had already lost the ability to strike again. This punch from Su Hao was extremely ingenious, not only did it prevent Qiangzi from staying in the hospital, it also allowed him to suffer greatly in the next three months.

Seeing Qiangzi paralyzed on the ground, with pain coming out from his mouth, Su Hao turned around to look at his remaining underlings, and bellowed: "All of you go at him together, what are you waiting for."

The underlings looked at each other. They never would have thought that the newcomer who was willing to be bullied yesterday was actually an expert in kung fu.

To be able to send a person flying with a single punch, this power was simply too terrifying.

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