"The president looks nice. What did he tell you?" Gu Xiaobai saw Su Hao come out and nervously approached him.

Su Hao shouted impatiently, "you chicken woman, why are you so gossip!"

Gu Xiaobai is unwilling to show weakness. He is still obsessed with Su Hao and asks Su Hao to tell president Kinmen about his conversation.

Finally, under Gu Xiaobai's coercion and inducement, Su Haocai reluctantly said it.

"He said he would let me be his personal doctor and give me 50 million a year!"

Fifty million.

What is this concept? The annual income of the hospital may not be 50 million. But Su Hao only needs to be a private doctor for Ding Qing and can easily earn 50 million.

People die compared to people, goods throw compared to goods!

Besides, the president of Kinmen is protected by bodyguards when he goes in and out. He can't be injured every day. He needs Su Hao's treatment.

It's a pie in the sky to think of such a job.

According to Gu Xiaobai's understanding of Su Hao, the boy can grind a penny into powder to spend. I will promise Ding Qing to be his personal doctor.

Gu Xiaobai rubbed his hands and asked eagerly, "did you promise president Kinmen? I said, your boy will not give up this chance to make money."

Hearing this, Su Hao's face became gloomy for a moment.

Women are indeed short-sighted, with typical long hair and short insight.

Gu Xiaobai's insight into people is still far inferior to Su Hao.

First, although the president of Kinmen talks and smiles, his expression is warm. But Su Hao can clearly feel that Ding Qing is far from as simple as it looks.

According to the information given to him by Gao Han, director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Ding Qing, relying on her own strength, quickly changed an organization with a Mafia background into a large enterprise in a few short years, and almost all the projects operated by this enterprise can monopolize huge wealth in a short time.

For example, the construction industry, the stock industry, and the entertainment industry.

Being able to control such a huge enterprise and deal with it in an orderly manner makes the enterprise develop at a high speed. It is enough to prove that Ding Qing is not simple.

If Jinmen hadn't forced a fierce fight against the north gate this time and wanted to bring the north gate under its banner, it is estimated that Ding Qing would not have been calculated by the north gate and seriously injured.

Rao is so. After Ding Qing completely recovers this time, the north gate will also be accepted by Jinmen! From then on, the title of north gate may disappear in the world.

Moreover, although Ding Qing is ostensibly polite to Su Hao, he still wants Su Hao to be his personal doctor.

But Ding Qing's invitation is not sincere, but has many exploratory elements!

Admittedly, Su Hao was really moved by his annual salary of $50 million. But the condition was to join Kinmen, which made Su Hao alert immediately.

After su Hao refused Ding Qing, Ding Qing didn't even have a symbolic retention. This has shown Ding Qing's heart!

Ding Qing deliberately let Su Hao be his private doctor. I'm afraid the most important thing is to test whether Su Hao has anything to do with beidamen or the police station.

If Su Hao agrees today and takes office happily. The final result may be very miserable. I'm afraid if you don't get the money, you'll even have a problem getting out of the body.

After thinking for a long time, Su Hao still didn't intend to tell Gu Xiaobai about Jinmen. After meditating for a moment, he just reminded: "Xiaobai, you should draw a clear line with the Golden Gate in the future. Don't have too much contact with them. It's only good for you, not bad!"

After that, Su Hao walked towards the dean's office

That afternoon, everyone in Kinmen left the hospital with Ding Qing who had recovered. The hospital has returned to its former state, and all temporarily resigned nurses and doctors have returned to their respective jobs.

Even Gu Jun, the old Dean, came to the hospital in person without hesitation.

At this time, the doctors of the whole hospital surrounded Su Hao and happily celebrated that the hospital was saved by Su Hao!

"Dr. Su, how did you save president Kinmen? Tell us about it and let us improve our medical skills."

"Dr. Su, when will you marry Dr. Gu Xiaobai? I'm waiting for your wedding wine. You must tell me at that time."

"Dr. Su, you are Hua Tuo alive. I have examined president Kinmen's condition, and there is no hope of treatment at all. But it has only been a few days. Not only have you survived, but you have fully recovered in such a short time. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, I wouldn't believe it."

Everyone's faces were filled with excited expressions, bustling and noisy pushing and shoving each other.

Su Hao was squeezed in the middle and looked around with shy eyebrows and drooping eyes, but he didn't see Gu Xiaobai and President Gu Jun.

After hesitating for a moment, Su Hao shouted in the air, "everyone be quiet and listen to me."

After everyone calmed down, Su Hao pushed aside the crowd, walked to the front of the crowd and shouted: "doctors and nurses, thank you very much for staying in the hospital when it was in crisis. Personally, on behalf of President Gu Jun and the hospital, I would like to thank you."

Speaking of this, Su Hao bowed to the crowd! After a pause, Su Hao continued: "However, I'm a practical person. Saying thank you without any proof is actually no different from taking off my pants and farting. This time, Kinmen will pay the hospital 10 million more. I think the president will agree to distribute the 10 million to each head equally according to the head. This money is the reward for you to stick to the hospital all the time!"

As soon as Su Hao's voice fell, there was an earth shaking Carnival and applause outside the hospital.

For a moment, the applause like a strong wind and waves swept away. Even Gu Jun sitting in the dean's office heard the earth shaking applause.

Gu Jun stood up slowly from his seat with gray hair and walked to the French window.

Those sharp and hale eyes stared at Su Hao's back. After pondering for a while, they smiled and said, "now Su Hao's popularity in the hospital, even the dean is ashamed. It seems that it's time to give the hospital to him!"

After saying that, Gu Jun turned his head and stared at the slim Gu Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, do you think he is qualified for this position now!"

Gu Xiaobai understands his father Gu Jun's intention very much. He wants to pass on the position of president to Su Hao. A large part of the reason is because of Gu Xiaobai.

After all, in Gu Jun's eyes, Gu Xiaobai is Su Hao's fiancee.

If Su Hao is given the position of president, Su Hao's future will be bright!

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