
Before Su Hao reacted, the door was kicked open. If Su Hao hadn't hid quickly, I'm afraid he would have been hit with blood in his mouth and nose.

The door is wide open. Chang Jun is wearing an apron. His left hand is facing the shovel and his right hand is holding a plate of egg fried rice. The co pilot is like a cook!

"Chang Jun! Long time no see." Su Hao smiled and saw Chang Jun staring angrily. Knowing that the situation was bad, he just ran away.

Just as Su Hao was about to leave, the rice plate in Chang Jun's right hand drew a beautiful arc in the air and directly covered Su Hao's face!

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. It's all acquaintances. They are very jealous!" Chang Jun pulled Su Hao into the villa with a furious face and a smile, and then quickly closed the door.

The loud bang made the security guard who greeted Su Hao look confused.

After entering the room, Chang Jun tied Su Hao up and threw him on the sofa in the living room!

"I'll wipe it! You son of a bitch are really good enough. He ran out to play for eight days and left me alone. I've been angry with birds these days. Just when you come back today, I'll take it out on you first."

Chang Jun crossed his legs and purposely took a chair and sat opposite Su Hao like an uncle.

Su Hao smiled bitterly and said, "man, what I did was a little unfair, but I did something very important when I went out. It's all a matter of human life!"

Big deal.

No matter how big a thing is, it can be more important than being a bodyguard for Princess Melissa.

If something happens to Princess Melissa, Su Hao will die ten times!

Chang Jun tilted his mouth and said angrily, "don't fool me. You don't know exactly what you say. Even the old man, let alone me."

Speaking of this, Chang Jun pointed to a guest room on the left of the first floor and said angrily, "it's not a matter of human life. What's the matter with the bronze tripod in that room? I don't fucking see it. No wonder you don't go back to the mercenary army. I'm afraid you've begun to sell cultural relics."

Bronze tripod!

Suddenly, Su Hao remembered that he and Gu Xiaobai went to Beigu mansion to buy traditional Chinese medicine a few days ago and bought a bronze tripod.

According to master Hua, only the bronze tripod can completely stimulate the medicinal properties of black jade meat Ganoderma lucidum.

Therefore, Su Hao took great pains to get such a giant from the antique market.

Su Hao originally intended to send the bronze tripod to the hospital, but on second thought, if he sent it to the hospital, he would have to transport it to the villa. It would be a waste of people and money to toss back and forth.

Simply, let the seller send it directly to Du Xinyu's villa!

But I don't want this bronze tripod to become the criminal evidence of Su Hao's going out to visit mountains and rivers.

Now Su Hao jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it!

"Listen to me, man. I really went to save people. Ouch, you really hit me. That's enough. If you hit me again, I'll turn my face. I wipe, NIMA still hits..."

In fact, Chang Jun only punched Su Hao symbolically in the chest. They are all friends of life and death. Although Su Hao has been wandering around these days, he is not very particular about it.

However, this does not affect their friendship.

They are all brothers who have passed their lives. Even bullets will block each other. Don't mention such a small thing.

A few minutes later, Chang Jun was angry and untied Su Hao. He looked dignified and talked to Su Hao about what had happened in the villa these days.

"Du Xinyu and Su Ruoshui are not at home most of the time these days. It is said that their company is in trouble and needs to be solved urgently. Princess Melissa is not in a good mood because she can't see you in the past two days. Especially today, there is a hunger strike Mingzhi." Chang Jun said in tears and laughter.

Hunger strike Mingzhi!

Where is NIMA?

Su Hao picked his eyelids and glanced suspiciously at Marissa's room on the second floor.

Since Melissa came back this time, Su Hao felt something wrong as soon as she met. This time, when hearing Chang Jun's story, Marissa yelled to see herself all day, Su Hao felt even more uneasy.

It can't be the princess who really depends on herself!


Su Hao suddenly remembered something. In the mall that day, in order to make those killers not recognize Marissa, he deliberately unveiled Princess Marissa.

But it is precisely this that has a problem!

In the customs of Saudi Arabia, unmarried women cannot be seen by others. The only person who can see the face under the veil is the lover of an unmarried woman.

Thinking of these, Su Haodeng was stunned and straightened up in a daze.

what the fuck!

The foreign girl must be on her own. Maybe she really needs to go back to Saudi Arabia with Marissa to be a shit son-in-law.

Thinking of these, Su Hao's body couldn't help sweating and shivering.

Seeing the expression on Su Hao's face is very unnatural, his eyes linger on Princess Melissa's room. Chang Jun could not help but come up to Su Hao with a bad smile and fanned the flames: "Even I can see that Princess Melissa is definitely interested in you. If I hadn't said it, you would have gone. It's much better to be a son-in-law in Shangsha state. You don't have to be nameless in China. When you travel, you'll be a big horse, wearing gold and silver. You can't forget our brothers who live and die!"

Chang Jun's sarcasm made Su Hao return to the real world from his wishful thinking.

I'm afraid it's really like what Chang Jun said. Melissa really means something to herself.

But Su Hao looked around and looked at himself. Except for his handsome appearance, he had nothing to praise.

As the saying goes, Gao is rich and handsome. At most, he is related to Gao Shuai. As for "rich", don't mention it.

When Su Hao was a child, all the money he earned was exploited by master Hua monk to raise his daughter-in-law.

As a result, Su Hao didn't have much concept of money when he grew up. He spent money and didn't earn money.

Although Su Hao usually likes money, it's just pretending to be cynical.

If Su Hao was born with a personality, I'm afraid he would be worth hundreds of millions now.

Moreover, even Gu Jun, President of the hospital, recruited a son-in-law, which was like sending Su Hao to the University for transformation.

If you are really unlucky to become the son-in-law of the kingdom of Sha, it is estimated that the next life is better than death!

Chang Jun nagged in Su Hao's ear, which annoyed Su Hao.

"Go and get out of my way. If you really become a son-in-law, the first thing is to let your boy serve me as a eunuch!" Su Hao glared at Chang Jun angrily and sat down thoughtfully!

It's the first time Su Hao has met such a difficult thing since he was a child!

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