Pretend to be a boyfriend!

When Tong Li put forward this cooperation condition, Su Hao couldn't help sweating. He looked at Tong Li suspiciously. He didn't want a woman who coveted her handsome face.

Is it difficult that she has other attempts!

"It's OK to pretend to be your boyfriend. But if it's too fake, your parents won't inevitably find out." Su Hao sat precariously, scratched his head with a silly smile and said, "otherwise, you're changing your conditions!"

Hearing this, Tong Li's Liu eyebrows stood up coldly, her eyes tilted and her pupils stared at Su Hao, and said angrily: "If you don't agree! But don't blame me for not reminding you that other lawyers don't understand the situation of the star company. Moreover, if you find other lawyers, it will inevitably lead to the leakage of internal data of the star company. Now the situation of the star company is not very good. It should be difficult. If the internal situation is spread to the outside, the situation will become more subtle."

Tong Li tuduzi usually reveals Su Hao's worries one by one. Let Su Hao not sweat. Facing Tong Li, the female lawyer, Su Hao really has no ability to parry.

Calm down!

Su Hao's face was tangled and reluctantly muttered, "tell me, what do you want?"

"What? I just want you to pretend to be my boyfriend. What a simple condition! Besides, I won't treat you badly. I'll also be your consultant and accept your consultation for free." Tong Li said lightly.

At this point, Su Hao can't afford to bargain. Tong Li has analyzed the interests very clearly just now.

But the only question Su Hao doesn't understand is why Tong Li wants to pretend to be his boyfriend.

"Wait! How do I feel like I'm walking into a trap step by step? I'm not familiar with you. Why do you let me be your boyfriend? It's hard not to achieve, because I'm rich and handsome!"

tall, rich and handsome?

Tong Li glanced at Su Hao coldly and snorted contemptuously: "hum! Don't be shameless. If I hadn't let my mother see your face just now, I wouldn't bother to let you be my boyfriend."

Tong Li didn't have much confidence in what she said!

Take a close look at Su Hao. With a height of more than one meter and a handsome and masculine appearance, he does have a somewhat tall, rich and handsome look.

But there is another important reason why Tong Li asked Su Hao to pretend to be her boyfriend. That is, there are not many heterosexual friends around Tong Li!

Tong Li always thinks she is a solitary animal, and she is quite arrogant. From primary school to high school, she is almost the first in the whole school, even in college.

It is the so-called high place is very cold. Because of her beauty and intelligence, Tong Li can rarely see the men around her.

As for her ex boyfriend, she broke through Tong Li's relationship because she was good enough.

It is precisely because there are not many heterosexual friends for Tong Li to choose, so Tong Li had to let Su Hao take on this arduous task.

Although she and Su Hao haven't met several times at all, and only met twice, the scenes were very embarrassing. Almost all Tong Li accidentally walked away, but she was just seen by Su Hao.

However, it is precisely because of these things that Tong Li believes that Su Hao is at least a person with good personal quality.

If ordinary strangers see themselves naked, it's strange that they have a big color heart.

It's funny that after su Hao saw him in the toilet for the first time, the boy's first reaction was nosebleed.

It's really funny!

Thinking of these embarrassing memories, Tong Li's white, jade carved cheeks were stained with two red clouds.

"Do you agree or disagree? Give me a happy word." Tong Li adjusted unnaturally, patted the table angrily and shouted loudly: "if you don't agree, please go out now. I don't welcome strangers here."

I'll wipe it!

Women are the same. They turn their faces faster than books.

Su Hao frowned, shrugged helplessly and said, "OK! But first of all, if your parents find me a fake, don't blame me and explain everything."

Seeing Su Hao's consent, Tong Li instantly recovered the little woman's state. She bared her tender white feet, gently pointed her toes, jumped to Su Hao, and said with a naive smile: "it's okay! Don't worry, I've figured out a complete strategy. When my parents come, you just have to play a few plays with me. When they leave, your task will be successfully completed."


Su Hao noticed that this seemed to be something in the words. What drama!

"Don't you just meet your parents? As for being so serious!" Su Hao shook his head and glanced at Tong Li!

At the moment, Tong Li is standing in front of the floor mirror, twisting her slender willow waist and enjoying her graceful figure.

"I can't deal with my parents when I meet them. I'm afraid you'll have to live here for a few days. Since it's acting, it's necessary to act more lifelike. What do you think?" Tong Li smiled in the mirror.


In Su Hao's mind, he seemed to be tossing the waves of the sea, which made him look stunned: "cohabitation! It's not very good. I'm not married now. If I live with you, how can I have a girlfriend in the future. Come on, I'd better find another lawyer."

With that, Su Hao directly stood up and walked towards the door.

Now Su Hao is really afraid. Listening to Tong Li, the two talents have seen two sides and will live together. Isn't this a joke.

If Tong Li gives him a seduction technique at night, Su Hao can't carry the temptation even if it's made of iron!

When the time comes, it's time to pretend and cook cooked rice. Even if he jumped into the Yellow River, he couldn't wash it.

Therefore, Su Hao thought it better to leave early. If you really fall into Tong Li's trap, even if you want to leave, it's impossible.

Seeing that Su Hao was really leaving, Tong Li stretched out her white, tender and slender lotus root arm, stood in front of Su Hao, pursed her ruddy little mouth, bared her little tiger teeth and said: "Come on, you think I really want to live with you. You sleep on the ground, I sleep in bed and sleep separately. When my parents leave, even if you don't want to go, I'll drive you away. Hum! Anyone who wants to chase Miss Ben can form a strengthened company, so you don't have to feel good about yourself."

After hesitating for a while, Su Hao said solemnly, "OK! I promise this cooperation condition, but you need to help me analyze the current situation of the star company, which is a very important thing."

As soon as Su Hao's voice fell, she heard Tong Li's mobile phone ringing.

Tong Li seemed to know who was calling, so she answered the phone and said directly, "Mom, what's the matter with you!"

"Lily! Don't you have a boyfriend? It's a big wedding. I've booked a plane ticket with your father. I'm estimated to arrive at 4 p.m. you remember to pick us up!"

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