Entering the isolated ward, Su Hao finally met the legendary president of Shengtian group, Murong Longcheng.

The erosion of the disease makes the old man look even more haggard. His face is sallow and wrinkled, just like the pine bark that has been shaking in the wind and rain for many years.

Moreover, there are many age spots on that weathered old face. It seems that Murong Longcheng should be at least 634 years old.

At the moment, various advanced medical facilities in the ward are used in Murong Longcheng. It seems that Murong seal did spend a lot of effort to treat his father.

But in Su Hao's opinion, Murong seal did so. I'm afraid the more important reason is that once Murong Longcheng dies, it is bound to cause a sharp decline in the stock value of Murong enterprises, which will lead to the loss of more than 10 billion yuan for the whole Shengtian group.

Compared with the loss of tens of billions, spending these small money on medical treatment seems very insignificant.

Calmly, Su Hao is beside Murong dragon city. Now the old man has fallen into a deep coma. Relying on today's medical equipment, he can survive. However, Su Hao could still feel it from the old man's frown. I'm afraid the old man didn't want to live under the condition of suffering from illness just one second before he fell asleep.

But now even if he wants to die, I'm afraid he can't do it.

Holding his breath and concentration, Su Hao slowly refined the real Qi in the Dantian, followed his two fingers to feel the pulse, and penetrated into Murong Dragon City, as if he wanted to be a small snake and a wisp of green silk. Under the control of Su Hao, he constantly reflected the disease in Murong Dragon City in Su Hao's mind.


A clear venation diagram emerged in front of Su Hao.

Half an hour later, Su Hao stopped his hand, frowned and walked out of the ward.

Seeing Su Hao coming out at a loss, Murong Zhang hurried forward and asked, "Mr. Su, how's my father's condition? Do you think there's still hope?"

As soon as Su Hao wanted to open his mouth to answer, Lin Yi's sharp sarcasm sounded in his ear.

"I haven't heard that traditional Chinese medicine can touch the patient's condition clearly. If traditional Chinese medicine is so magical, why do you need instruments and Western medicine." Lin Yi, a family of Western medicine, has been influenced by traditional Chinese medicine since childhood. In Lin Yi's opinion, western medicine is strictly prohibited from accurate medical means. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine is just a theory of strange forces and gods.

In fact, Lin Yi's view is that of most western medicine. Even Mr. Lu Xun, a great contemporary writer, once criticized traditional Chinese medicine for mistaking people's names.

At the beginning, Mr. Lu Xun's father had a stomachache. Mr. Lu Xun went to the traditional Chinese medicine store to buy medicine. As a result, those quack doctors even gave Lu Xun several broken drum skins, and called it by its name. They said that the reason why the stomach was swollen and painful was because there was no broken drum. As long as they took these broken drum skins, they could be safe and sound

Since then, Mr. Lu Xun despised traditional Chinese medicine.

However, traditional Chinese medicine has a history of more than 5000 years. Traditional Chinese medicine, which evolved from Shennong's taste of hundreds of herbs, has been gradually improved in the development history of thousands of years.

It's just to discredit the quacks of future generations.

In the face of Lin Yi's ridicule, Su Hao didn't fight back angrily. In Su Hao's opinion, the more you resist Lin Yi, the more happy he is.

Because resistance is not only an expression of anger, but also a symbol of incompetence. A truly capable person, who cares about you.

"At present, your father's situation is not optimistic. His lymphatic system and immune system are basically paralyzed. If the medical instruments here are not very modern and the isolation effect is good, I don't think your father will live to this day." Su Hao truthfully told the situation of Murong dragon city.

Lin Yi said coldly with a smile, "there are all these medical reports. You can't say something that doesn't exist."


Su Hao shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "according to the weak pulse in Mr. Murong's Yang and Yin veins, I guess Mr. Murong Longcheng must have taken a lot of drugs to stimulate the growth of immune cells before he was hospitalized."

Although Su Hao's voice is not big, it is really shocking. Because the hospital did not dare to do all kinds of tests for Murong Longcheng in view of its extremely weak body!

Therefore, even the hospital is not aware of Murong Longcheng's excessive use of drugs.

But Su Hao can know clearly only by feeling his pulse. How can this not be praised.

Murong Zhang looked excited. His shining eyes radiated two rays of light. He focused on Su Hao. After staring at him for a long time, he couldn't help but exclaim: "a miracle doctor, he is really a miracle doctor in the world. Mr. Su, it seems that it's a wise choice for me to invite you."

Speaking of this, Murong Zhuang suddenly realized and hurriedly added: "yes, my father has been ill since he was old, so he took drugs to stimulate immune cells in the body. This kind of drugs is abundant in a foreign pharmaceutical company and the cost is extremely expensive. Therefore, it is extremely uncommon even in foreign countries."

Extremely expensive!

The Murong family and the leaders of Shengtian enterprise all think it's expensive. Then this drug may be really expensive.

However, Su Hao is not concerned about this matter, but that Murong Longcheng has reached the opposite point after taking an overdose of drugs.

Traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine believe in different ideas.

For traditional Chinese medicine, it is important to study the state of heaven and man, conform to the Qi of heaven and earth, and use medicine with stone to regulate.

Although this treatment is safe, it is very slow.

Compared with traditional Chinese medicine, the method of Western medicine is very overbearing and fast, but it hurts the foundation of the human body.

Murong Longcheng made this mistake.

Due to his excessive use of irritant drugs, the antibody in his body is increasing, which leads to the increasing number and dosage of drugs.

So that one day, the antibodies in the body suddenly resisted, not only rejected the drugs, but also began to devour the immune cells.

This makes Murong Longcheng's condition more serious and unbearable than expected.

Rubbing his chin, Su Hao slowly sat on the gold sofa in the living room. In the face of this gene type of disease, Su Hao is really a little aimless. He doesn't know where to start.

Thinking for a while, Su Hao said quietly, "I can't guarantee whether I can save your father now. But what I can say now is that I'm only 10% sure. If boss Murong thinks 10% is not enough, I can only stop."

Speaking of this, Su Hao's eyes were awe inspiring and added: "after all, I'm just a mortal, not an immortal!"

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