Since Lin Yi was inexplicably beaten, although he couldn't help crying in the hospital bed, when his mind was clear, he would still think about the context of the whole event.

From planning to personnel arrangement, Lin Yi felt seamless and there was no mistake at all.

But in the end, even if the people under brother sun don't know themselves, they don't have to be so cruel. They have to make themselves look miserable and have to lie in the hospital bed for a month.

Lin Yi, who couldn't understand it, finally couldn't help calling director Sun of Jinmen. The result can be imagined.

Sun Lishi, through the report of his subordinates, vaguely noticed that something seemed to be wrong. Just in time, Lin Yi called him, so they couldn't help but make a statement.

It turned out that Lin Yi and Sun Li had been fooled.

According to the three fools under director Sun, the appearance and shape of the people who beat them were almost the same as Su Hao, which made Lin Yi and director Sun suddenly realize that it was the man named Su Hao who was obstructing them from beginning to end.

At this time, Lin Yi was wearing white bandages all over his body and collapsed on the hospital bed. Sitting next to Lin Yi is Lin Yi's father, Lin Guodong.

Who is Lin Guodong? Maybe people outside the medical circle are very strange. After all, Lin Guodong is not a big star. He always appears in front of the media lens.

But for the domestic traditional Chinese medicine industry, the Lin family can be said to be a big man. He is also the chief physician of the imperial palace hospital. Although it is no longer a feudal dynasty, there are still some rules for the medical industry to recognize their ancestors and return to their ancestors.

Now the Lin family also controls one-third of the world in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. More than a dozen traditional Chinese Medicine pharmacies have been opened in the country.

Moreover, the Lin family still has many rare prescriptions in their hands. These prescriptions are used to diagnose and treat various difficult and miscellaneous diseases. The potential value of each prescription is self-evident.

Therefore, we can imagine the position of the Lin family in the pharmaceutical industry. Even Wang Qianyuan, the president of this private hospital, was once a student of the Lin family. Every time he saw Lin Guodong, he needed to call his senior brother respectfully.

"If it's really the ghost of lengtouqing'er called Su Hao, I can't spare him." after Lin Guodong heard his son Lin Yi's story, his green veins burst out and his face suddenly became angry, which is not consistent with his elegant temperament.

The old woman sitting on the other side had half a hundred hair, but she was kind-hearted. She also hung a string of Buddha beads on her wrist. She couldn't help comforting her: "forget it, forget it. The Bodhisattva said, take a step back and broaden the sea and sky. This time, let's bear it."

Lin Yi glanced at his mother bitterly and muttered, "Mom, why are you always a Bodhisattva? I'm still not your son. I didn't see that I was beaten like this. You let me continue to endure."

Although Lin Guodong's wife Wang Cuiping believes in Buddhism, she worships the Buddha and burns incense every day. But Lin Guodong doesn't believe in Buddhism. He is a man with a violent temper. He has been used to the situation all his life. His rebellious temper has no intention of converging his edge until now.

What's more, Lin Guodong couldn't bear to watch his baby son being beaten like this.

Yin vulture's face and pondered for a long time, Lin Guodong went out quietly and angrily came to the dean's office.

This time, Lin Guodong didn't give Wang Qianyuan any good face. He pushed the door directly and glanced at Wang Qianyuan with gloomy and arrogant eyes. Wang Qianyuan quickly jumped up from his seat and poured water for the eldest martial brother.

"Elder martial brother, why are you free?" Wang Qianyuan made a pot of good tea for Lin Guodong in fear. In fact, Wang Qianyuan knew better than anyone why Lin Guodong came. If his precious son Lin Yi had not been beaten, Lin Guodong would have condescended to come to him.

But when it's time to pretend to be stupid, you still have to pretend to be stupid.

If Wang Qianyuan tells the reason directly, it seems that he has a sin of taking care of Lin Yi.

Seeing this, Lin Guodong smiled darkly and said with profound sarcasm, "President Wang is really busy. If I don't take the initiative to visit you, I'm afraid you don't have time to meet me."

Lin Guodong's sentence has some deep meaning of asking questions, and Wang Qianyuan also heard the meaning of this sentence.

He mainly blamed himself for not investigating the matter well during Lin Yi's injury, let alone giving the Lin family an explanation.

Under Lin Yi's instigation, Lin Guodong learned that his son was beaten because it was related to a hospital doctor named Su Hao, which made Lin Guodong feel that Wang Qianyuan had some intention of appeasing traitors.

But for Wang Qianyuan, he can't hide from such a thorny problem, let alone let him try his best to investigate.

Since Lin Yi was arranged into the hospital by Lin Guodong, there has been a lot of trouble. Either flirting with a female nurse today or helping others, which is very attractive.

If these are small things, Lin Yi once caused medical accidents due to negligence several times, which are earth shaking events.

These things caused a storm all over the city and greatly damaged the reputation of private hospitals. If it hadn't been for Lin Guodong's face, Wang Qianyuan would have sent Lin Yi to prison in accordance with the law, rather than settle these for Lin Yi in private.

Now, Wang Qianyuan is really dumb to eat Coptis chinensis. He can't tell the pain.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Qianyuan said with a smile: "elder martial brother, master was so kind to me that I won't forget my roots in my life. But recently, I'm really busy with my business. I can't get away for a moment. As for what happened in the hospital, I don't know at all. It's almost handled by several vice presidents."

Wang Qianyuan directly dumped all the black pots to several vice presidents. He didn't dare to offend Lin Guodong.

Busy business, I can't get away for a moment!

Is that the reason.

"Hum! Qianyuan, I entrusted my son to you to train him well, but now. He has been badly beaten, or is the doctor in your hospital beating me in the face? This is beating you in the face." Lin Guodong scolded angrily: "I don't care. You must give me an explanation about this matter. If you can't handle it well, don't say that you are an apprentice from the Lin family. I'm not your senior brother and my father is not your master."

Hearing Lin Guodong's words, Wang Qianyuan suddenly burst into a cold sweat behind his back. The sweat was greasy and adhered to his clothes, and his face showed a bitter look!

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