Seeing that the strange woman finally stopped, Qin Huan smiled coldly. He knew that shooting would solve the problem. He would have shot long ago.

Qin Huan hurried to the strange woman, teased Liang Meng lying on the ground and said, "you are a waste. An old man can't hold a woman."

Liang Meng was dragged out by a strange woman for more than 20 meters. Now he is a little dizzy. When he heard the ridicule of Captain Qin Huan, he couldn't help complaining and scolding: "your boy is still standing there and making sarcastic remarks. Open the handcuffs for me."

Speaking of this, Liang Mengyou severely punched the strange woman's calf and scolded angrily: "grandma, I'll go back to the police station later. I'll make you look good. Ouch, it hurts me."

But just after liang menggang said this, he couldn't help staring at the strange woman's knee. Although there was a clear single hole on the knee bone, there was no blood.

After a few seconds of hesitation, Liang mengning said again, "Qin Huan, why didn't this woman bleed?"

As soon as the words were heard, before Qin Huan could open the handcuffs for Liang Meng, the strange woman stood up again and walked directly towards the busy road in front of the door.

Seeing this scene, even Qin Huan, who was calm in the past, didn't know how to deal with it.

Seeing that Liang Meng was about to be dragged onto the road by a strange woman and crushed by the traffic, Su Hao no longer hesitated.

Blinking, I saw only a black phantom flash past all the plainclothes policemen. Before everyone reacted, Su Hao had already kicked the strange woman's head.

After the "bang" sound, the strange woman finally stopped. After shaking for a few seconds, she finally fell in the first half of the road.


It was destined to be an extraordinary night. When the strange woman fell to the ground, all the plainclothes policemen could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. As for Liang Meng, there was a sense of danger of disaster and escape.

After loosening the handcuffs, Liang Meng's attitude towards Su Hao was a 180 degree turn, and he couldn't help thanking Su Hao for his kindness.

Qin Huan also breathed a sigh of relief. He ordered people to transport the body back to the police station first.

Qin Huan was confused all the way. He didn't know how to write the action report.

Indeed, Su Hao ordered the arrest. Although he didn't wait for the person who met the strange woman, Su Hao said, "this woman is dead".

Qin Huan was already in distress and thought.

Qin Huan used to be a special forces soldier. He always scoffed at those strange forces.

But if what Su Hao said is really wrong, why did the strange woman not bleed after being shot, but also walk like normal.

This is simply impossible.

More importantly, the only possibility that the human body will not bleed after being shot is that the person has been dead for some time, so the blood in the body is still. In this way, even if it is shot, no blood will flow out.

Is it hard? This woman is really dead.

After arriving at the Public Security Bureau, Gao Han didn't get off work, but was waiting for Su Hao.

Seeing that everyone came back safely, Gao Han hung the stone in his heart and gradually sank down.

The harvest of this arrest was a handbag of dollars, but the drug "blissful" was not found!

Director Gao Han was slightly disappointed.

After a moment of silence, Gao Han did not ask Qin Huan and Liang Meng to make a simple action report. Instead, he led Su Hao to his room and locked the door of the room.

Turning around, Gao Han asked eagerly, "Su Hao, what is the situation of this operation?"

Su Hao sat weakly on the chair. He couldn't help rubbing his temples. He looked very tired.

"The person who carried the poison this time?" said here. Su Hao couldn't help shaking his head and said with a bitter smile: "no, it's not a person, but a dead body?"

dead body?

Su Hao's words made Gao Han, the director, confused in the rain and fog.

"Make it clear!"

Su Hao sneered and said, "someone is using dead bodies to carry poison. Now you understand."

Dead bodies carrying drugs?

Hearing this word, director Gao Han immediately thought that someone might have hidden drugs in the body. But if you really use dead bodies to transport drugs, how can you only bring back dead bodies and dollars, but you don't see the legendary drug "blissful".

Su Hao knows very well that according to the normal point of view, it is difficult to understand what he said.

Originally, in the real world, people are just matter in the universe. There is no soul at all, and of course there is no immortal.

Those things are just the products of human imagination.

But in fact, the world is mysterious, and many miracles are just covered up.

Just like ghosts and immortals imagined by the ancients, do they have no basis at all.

It is true that the level of Science in ancient times was limited, but there were also many people who could insight into the universe. In the eyes of these saints, the so-called gods in the world are monsters.

It's not!

The so-called devoid of privacy lies in the progress of scientific level. With the progress of science, human beings are also denying the divine support that once gave them hope.

Why with this?

The reason is that human beings are becoming more and more powerful, so they can no longer tolerate things stronger than human beings.

Therefore, we gradually deny the view of gods.

Su Hao took a deep breath and explained to director Gao Han: "director Gao, what I say next may be very illogical and common sense, but it is indeed a fact."

Speaking of this, Su Hao couldn't help pausing and continued: "what I said about using dead bodies to transport drugs is that someone is manipulating walking corpses to transport drugs. In other words, someone is using Qimen dunjia to manipulate corpses. Now you understand."

Su Hao's explanation was a head-on blow to Gao Han, which made him feel like being struck by lightning.

With a smile, Gao Han thought Su Hao was joking with him, but he didn't wait for him to refute and cross examine Su Hao. The door of the office was knocked. When Gao Han opened the door, he received an autopsy report handed over by a police officer.

"Director, the autopsy report has come out. The report shows that the woman has died for more than 72 hours. As for the cause of death, further investigation is needed."

Gao Han took over the autopsy report and turned a few pages. The application was dull in an instant.

After being stunned for a few minutes, Gao Han calmed down and asked solemnly, "Su Hao, it's hard not to realize the existence of the dead body transporting poison you said."

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