"Chief, are you kidding me that you asked me to obey the order of Su hao?" Qin Huan said with a straight face and a sarcastic tone.

Qin Huan couldn't contain his anger when he heard that Gao Han asked him to follow Su Hao on a mission and needed to obey Su Hao's arrangement. But Qin Huan did not dare to roar in front of Gao Han. The only thing Qin Huan admired in the Public Security Bureau was Gao Han.

Gao Han smiled and said with a light smile, "I know you are unconvinced, but I can tell you clearly that Su Hao is not as simple as you think."


Who can't brag? I'm afraid no one in the whole public security bureau can brag about Liang Meng.

But when it comes to real skills, Liang Meng has to submit to Qin Huan.

"Director, why do you want to be arrogant and lose your momentum?" Qin Huan complained endlessly. "I didn't solve the case without Su Hao before. It's a mule or a horse. You need to slip to know. If he wants me to be soft, he must show me his true skills."

Seeing this scene, deputy Liang Mengshan smiled and immediately acted as a peacemaker.

"Director, please calm down and have some tea." Liang Meng flattered and smiled, and respectfully brought the tea cup to Gao Han.

Gao Han has been on duty for several years. After graduating from Liang Meng and Qin Huan police academy, he was assigned to Gao Han. Therefore, Liang Meng knows his old boss's temper and temperament very well.

He usually looks gentle and polite to everyone. But if he gets angry, Gao Han's temper is not covered.

Liang Meng also remembered that when he first executed his duty, a new member of the squad was stabbed by a suspect.

Well, it's common to get injured while on duty. However, the new member of the team was only in his early twenties. In the past, everyone regarded him as a little brother in the police force.

And the new player was stabbed into the spleen with a dagger, causing serious injury. After director Gao Han learned about it, Gao Han burst into flames.

First, after the iron gate of the interrogation room was opened and opened, the police suspect would not be hurt by the second words. He would directly stab the suspect in the police. If he were not a Liang man and a man died, he would be paralyzed in the wheelchair for the rest of his life.

That was the first time director Gao Han was angry, and that time, all the police officers couldn't help but be moved by it.

Fearing that Qin Huan would contradict director Gao Han and make Gao Han angry, Liang Mengcheng apologized for Qin Huan.

"Director, Captain Qin Huan is just unconvinced for a while. Don't care too much. I obey your arrangement, or I'll do it myself. As for captain Qin Huan, I'm responsible for other tasks."

Gao Han glanced at Liang Meng coldly. He was so frightened that Liang Meng stopped talking and sat aside in silence.

At this time, the atmosphere in the room was a little tense, embarrassing, and even somewhat depressed. Naturally, Qin Huan and Liang Meng dared not say another word against their old boss, so they had to keep silent to protest.

After half a ring, Gao Han beat the mahogany table with his fingers and said in a low voice: "do you think this is going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables? It allows you to be picky. This is a task, and it is also a very important task."

Although the knock on the table was not light or heavy, Qin Huan and Liang Meng were stunned.

"It makes sense to let you obey Su Hao's arrangement. Qin Huan, don't be unconvinced. If you let you practice alone with Su Hao, I'm afraid even ten of you may not be su Hao's opponent."

Director Gao Han's ridicule made Qin Huan look up angrily and stare at Gao Han for a few seconds.

But Qin Huan was a subordinate after all. No matter how brave he was, he didn't dare to challenge Gao Han again.

A few seconds later, Qin Huan looked like a discouraged ball and lowered his head again.

"OK, that's it. When Su Hao comes, you'll follow him out to perform the task. If you let me know that you two prick hair and don't obey Su Hao's arrangement, I can't spare you two."


"Dong Dong Dong..."

"Please come in!"

Su Hao's figure flashed and came in through the crack in the door.

Seeing Su Hao, Gao Han's anger turned into a smile and warmly asked Su Hao to sit down.

"Director Gao, I don't think it's weird. After I entered the police station today, everyone looked at me as if they were a little angry." Su Hao didn't understand the reason, so he wanted to ask director Gao if he had done something wrong and offended these people.

Hearing this, Gaohan immediately understood what was going on.

Qin Huan must have started complaining again after he went out. Qin Huan is now the captain of the operation Department, and many people have followed Qin Huan out to perform tasks in the whole public security bureau.

So naturally, Qin Huan began to complain.

Gao Han smiled bitterly. Now he wanted to call Qin Huan over and scold him. But Su Hao was right in front of him, and Gao Han naturally couldn't pick out the truth.

"You are too sensitive!" Gao Han immediately changed the subject and said, "tell me what you plan to do today and what you think about this case."

Su Hao nodded, and then Gao Han said, "I think after this night, you must have made a very detailed investigation on the female corpse. If you can, I'd like to see your investigation data."

Gao Han got up, went to his desk and handed the report to Su Hao.

Su Hao looked through the report, frowning from time to time and rubbing his chin from time to time, as if he were making some assumptions.

The deceased woman, Chen Fang, lived near Causeway Bay and had an 86 year old grandmother at home. I work as a salesperson and my salary is not high or low.

This information is irrelevant.

But when Su Hao saw that Chen Fang had a boyfriend, a fitness coach named Tony. Su Hao couldn't help but put down his report.

He closed his eyes slightly and went over the report in detail in his mind.

The report shows that Chen Fang has disappeared since last week. Even her colleagues can't find her and can't get through the phone.

But Chen Fang's boyfriend Tony is like a person who has nothing to do, which is really a doubt.

After meditating for a few minutes, Su Hao suddenly opened Junlang's eyes, stared at Gao Han and said, "first investigate the fitness coach named Tony."

"Tony?" Gao Han didn't understand what Su Hao meant, so he said his own opinion: "we had planned to check all the suspicious people around Chen Fang, first from her colleagues. It is said that she didn't have a good relationship with her colleagues."

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