After asking Mayor Zhang Guifa, Su Hao and Liang Meng got up to leave.

Now it can be basically concluded that Molina's disappearance is definitely not that simple, and she is very likely to have died.

But the question now is, where on earth is the body? Even if Johnson killed Molina, in such a bustling and farting Town, the whole town will hear it.

If Johnson killed Molina, it would be almost difficult to hide the body.

In addition, Mayor Zhang Guifa also said that Johnson had never left the town during this period of time. Therefore, the speculation of transferring Molina's body can not stand scrutiny.

If you ask, you won't get any valuable clues. Liang Meng and Su Hao exchanged greetings with the mayor, then got up and walked to the door.

But just then, Mayor Zhang Guifa suddenly stopped Liang Meng. After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice: "officer Liang, I seem to remember that half a month ago, several villagers complained to me that Johnson always used a wood crusher at three or four o'clock, which was very disturbing to the people. I don't know if this matter is of any value."

Wood crusher!

The town is surrounded by mountains on three sides. The mountains are covered with pine trees up to tens of meters. Relying on the pine trees in the mountains, the villagers in the town are still relatively rich.

Therefore, the wood crusher is not a rare thing in this small town!

But it's strange to get up at three or four o'clock to break wood. Could it be that Johnson worked so hard and got up early in the morning.

Su Hao and Liang Meng didn't care much about it, so they hurried out of the mayor's office.

They were busy and didn't bother to eat. This is the case. Once you are busy, you can't even drink a mouthful of water.

But the process of handling the case is very enjoyable, especially Liang Meng! Now Liang Meng's reverence for Su Hao seems to have reached an unprecedented level.

He is familiar with the five element strange door and dunjia, and his fighting skills are super first-class. But also has a clear detective thinking.

No wonder director Gao Han has to be respectful to Su Hao. He has real skills.

They were sitting in a small restaurant in the town and were going to have a light meal. Liang Meng eagerly poured Su Hao tea while asking Su Hao what new views and ideas he had on the case.

Speaking of this, Su Hao frowned and kept recalling the words of mayor Zhang Guifa in his mind.

Thinking for a long time, Su Hao shook his head stiffly. "In the absence of practical evidence, all speculation is just hypothesis. But even hypothesis will provide us with some ideas."

After that, Su Hao spread out his hands and analyzed the clues related to the case in detail.

"From the mayor's mouth, we can basically know that Johnson's reputation in the town is not very good. In other words, he is not decent. In addition, his extramarital affair has been known by his wife, the most serious result is bound to lead to divorce. If Johnson really killed Molina, at least he has motive."

Liang mengmo rubbed his chin and seemed to be thinking about Su Hao's words. After meditating for a moment, Liang Meng came up to Su Hao and whispered: "But even if Johnson killed Molina, where is the body? If it was hidden at home or buried in the town, it would be eye-catching. But it has been more than half a month since Molina disappeared. If Molina's parents hadn't called the police, I'm afraid Molina's disappearance has not been known. Moreover, it's summer now, whether it's hidden at home or buried in the soil , there will be a strong stench. But it's strange that the people in the town don't notice these signs! "

Liang Meng's doubts are still very reasonable.

Generally, the dead body will rot in three days under the temperature of 20 or 30 degrees in summer. In 15 days, the body has been highly rotten. Even if the body is found, it is difficult to identify Molina herself.

The residential houses in the town are not far apart. If Johnson moved the body, it should be seen by others.

After all, moving human bodies still requires a lot of camouflage.

The train of thought was completely broken here. At this time, the landlady of the small restaurant brought two bowls of brown and yellow tea.

"Often, this tea is made by soaking in our freshwater lake. It's very delicious. You can't drink it anywhere else!" the landlady is very simple and reserved.

Freshwater lake!

When Liang Meng heard that there was a freshwater lake in the town, he immediately became interested. He drank a cup of tea and smashed it. It seemed that he was tasting the taste of tea.

But Su Hao, sitting beside Liang Meng, looked at the tea and seemed to be in some deep thought.

Tea, lake water!

Body, hiding place!

Suddenly, an aurora flashed in Su Hao's mind, like a sky thunder hooking the ground fire, which shocked Su Hao's body.

If the buried corpse is soil, the stench after corruption may spread for tens of meters. It will inevitably attract the attention of the villagers.

Johnson used to be an agent of a certain country. He has high IQ and careful thinking, which are unmatched by ordinary people.

Su Hao instantly assumed that he was a murderer. After killing Molina, she will not choose to dump the body or bury it on the spot.

The best way is to destroy the corpse.

Once the police can't find the body, even if they have certain clues, they may not be able to sue themselves.

As for the destruction of corpses, dismemberment is the most common. But if the body is cut into pieces, if it is discarded at will, if the villagers recognize it as human bones, it is bound to provoke an uproar.

Hiding the body in water is the best hiding place.

Because there are generally no people or animals in the water to turn over, that is, small fish and shrimp in the water eat the body.

In this way, the body can disappear as soon as possible.

More importantly, water can counteract part of the smell of corpse decay.

If the corpse is divided into small pieces and put into the water, let alone the smell of decay, it is estimated that the residue of the corpse will be consumed by the organisms in the water in a short time.

Suddenly, Su Hao inadvertently thought of it. If Johnson was really dismembered, what would he use.

The size of the body segmentation is crucial to the development of the whole case.


Mayor Zhang Guifa seems to have said that Johnson used to play with the wood crusher at three or four o'clock for a few days.

If you crush the human body with a large wood crusher, you can't find anything.

too bad!

Su Hao slapped the table, shook the porcelain bowl on the solid wood table, and splashed a lot of water!

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