As the door opened with a blow from the ice giant, a biting cold wind with many ice crystals and snowflakes blew in the living room, which hurt faintly.

Su Hao didn't think of avoiding at all. Years of combat experience made Su Hao very clear that in the face of such a strong opponent, running away was almost a luxury. For the time being, it was the only thing he could do, that is, try to hold the opponent in front of him, give Murong XINGRAN to run away and strive for the maximum time.

At this time, Su Hao sat precariously in the center of the living room, facing the sofa at the door. Once the iron blue giant appeared, the whole may be covered with ice and frost. Even on the potted flowers placed in the corner of the living room, it has become a snow sculpture wrapped in silver, which is somewhat natural aesthetic and artistic.

Su Haoliang's bright starlike eyes and the scarlet eyes of the ice giant looked at each other at this moment.

One side is the burning pupil like watching fire, and the other is the cold scarlet eye. The line of sight was anxious in mid air, and in the center of the line of sight docking, it seemed to burst out a plausible spark.

The temperature is falling rapidly, but the atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger. The depth of Su Hao's eyes could not hide his violent and eager fighting spirit.

But Su Hao tried his best to be patient and restrained his inner rage, so as not to be uncontrollable and take the lead.

His eyes narrowed slightly. Su Hao's heart was like the waves of the sea.

It is still unknown whether it is an enemy or a friend. More importantly, there is a mysterious and powerful force that has never appeared.

Therefore, Su Hao will not choose to fight with the iron green giant in front of him for the time being. So as not to make wedding clothes for others.

In the whole process of staring at Su Hao and the ice giant, Su Hao even figured out his next opponent.

If the two mysterious forces can kill each other, the situation will greatly change Su Hao!

Therefore, the first thing to do now is to delay for as long as you can.

After taking a breath of air-conditioning, Su Hao tried his best to relax his body. He said gently to the giant in front of him: "I'm very interested in your identity. I don't know if you're interested. Talk to me first!"

After hesitating for a long time, the ice giant slowly moved the huge head, and the corners of his eyes without eyebrows were slightly lifted up, as if thinking about the meaning of human speech in front of him.

After half a ring, the ice giant whispered in a voice as deep as a lion and Tiger: "miracle Xuanmen... Give it to me."

Miracle door?

Wait, what is this miracle Xuanmen.

If you infer from the literal meaning, this miraculous Xuanmen should be a channel.

But he didn't have any "miracles in the mysterious door". Su Hao was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to answer this guy with a strange accent!

Now the conversation is at an impasse, which is the last scene Su Hao wants to see. Although there is no obstacle to their communication, they are not on the same circuit after all.

If you meet a guy with a hot temper, well, if you can't say three words, just reach out and say hello, won't Su Hao's wishful thinking all come to naught.

Su Hao asked tentatively, "I know the mysterious door of miracles, but it's not on me. Don't think about it. How important the mysterious door of miracles is. How can I have it?"

Su Hao started the model of gossiping. Anyway, his mouth is long on him. He will talk nonsense as he wants.

When you really can't, you're doing it.

Although this practice makes Su Hao a little angry, it is a helpless move.

At present, the brain circuit of the ice giant is relatively slow, and Su Hao's speech speed is very fast, which makes the ice giant react for a long time before he can fully understand what Su Hao said.

But the slow response doesn't mean that the ice giant is a silly roe deer. When Su Hao said that the "miracle Xuanmen" was not on him, the ice giant still hesitated with confused blood eyes, as if looking at whether Su Hao's words were reliable.

After the "bang" sound, the objects three meters around the ice giant were wrapped together by a fierce white cold and turned into exquisite ice sculptures.

At the same time, the ice giant stamped hard with his bare iron blue feet. Under the huge vibration, the originally frozen object began to spread cracks visible to the naked eye from the inside of the ice sculpture.

The crack was like a glass mirror. First it made a few "clicks, clicks, clicks", and then it made a dull "bang", and then it turned into small pieces of ice on the ground.

The simple and rude behavior is undoubtedly demonstrating to Su Hao. It seems to be warning Su Hao that if he keeps talking nonsense, the end will be almost the same as the ground full of ice fragments.

Su Hao was stunned by the brutal attack of the ice giant just now.

In Su Hao's past combat power, the most powerful is the monster of the wolf head man.

However, according to the combat power, the ice giant in front of us can definitely kill the monster of the Werewolf in an instant.

At the beginning, Su Hao fought with a wolf headed monster for a long time, and even suffered a heavy injury.

Which is more important, which is higher, which is lower, in contrast, immediate results.

Su Hao took a cold breath that stabbed his lungs. Now he was really afraid of the ice giant in front of him.

At present, we can't do it directly.

If you fight hard, Su Hao's chances of winning can only account for one. Since you can't fight hard, you have to think about wisdom.

Through the contact just now, the cunning Su Hao vaguely found that the brain circuit of the ice giant seemed to rotate very slowly.

If you can make good use of this, you can give yourself the greatest chance of survival.

Moreover, Su Hao holds the mysterious ancient map that the old man needs. Although Su Hao defies the orders of the old man, but by virtue of Su Hao's understanding of the master, he will never abandon himself.

As long as you stick to it, there must be hope for survival!

When he finished, Su Hao pretended to make a vow and said, "what I said is true. The miraculous door is really no longer in my hands. I'm just a busboy. But I know where the miraculous door is. If you give me some time, maybe I can help you find it."

After hearing Su Hao's words, the ice giant reacted for a long time. It seemed that he chose to believe Su Hao. With his huge body, he walked towards Su Hao with broad steps!

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