Prepare food and wine!

I'm going to sing a Hongmen banquet.

Well, even if it's a Hongmen banquet today, I have to break in today. At the beginning, didn't Mr. Guan also rush to the Hongmen banquet prepared by Lu Su and instead sing a single song to the meeting.

Not to mention anything else, even for Murong XINGRAN, Su Hao wants to go in and have a look.

After a slight pause, Su Hao strode into the Taoist temple.

After climbing the bluestone steps of 9981, he pushed open the black wood door of the porch. The aroma of incense came from the front, refreshing.

Taoist temples are different from temples!

Although both of them burn incense, the Taoist temple pays attention to the cultivation of Qingxiu, the perception of heaven and earth, and the integration of Zhou law and heaven.

What Buddhism pays attention to is the bitter Zen, the silence of the mind, the destruction of the environment, and the transcendence from itself to achieve the positive results, so as to enter the paradise.

According to Lao Tzu's experience of going west to Hangu pass and turning Hu into a Buddha, some people make up nonsense and say that Buddhism originates from Taoism and Taoism is the ancestor.

But these are nonsense. Obviously, I don't understand anything. I have to splice two unrelated things together.

It is true that Taoism originated hundreds of years earlier than Buddhism. It does not mean that Taoism is the ancestor of Buddhism.

To tell you the truth, the time when Buddhism was introduced and developed was about the turn of the Han Dynasty, that is, the period of Emperor Han and Ming Dynasty.

At the beginning, when Buddhism was introduced, it was also called futu religion by the Han Dynasty.

According to later archaeological discoveries, when Buddhism was introduced, Buddhist statues were also introduced. The original Buddha statues do not want to be today's Buddha statues. They are compassionate and half open. They are also divided into male and female Buddha statues.

But in fact, when Buddhism was just introduced. Buddha statues are still quite terrible, and almost all of them are male Buddha statues.

It's just a blend of nearly a thousand years, which makes the Buddha begin to integrate Chinese elements!

According to ancient documents, Buddhist statues and Buddhist art were introduced earlier. Through the absorption, integration and creation of folk craftsmen and artists, today's Buddhist art form has been formed.

From this point of view, Buddhism and Taoism are irrelevant religious beliefs.

Entering the Taoist temple, the houses built with green wood and tile roofs around still look very simple.

In the center of the courtyard, there is a bronze tripod weighing thousands of kilograms. Years of wind and rain have polished the surface of the bronze tripod! Inside the bronze tripod, there are three sandalwood with big mouth of tea bowl, curling up three dust clouds!

Su Hao's eyes focused on the chrysanthemum on the copper tripod, which symbolized the nine chrysanthemums school.

After a little stunned, Su Hao didn't hesitate and walked towards the open double doors in front of him.

"Mr. Su, we met once. I remember that Mr. Su tracked me down that day by using the skill of Qimen dunjia. He also drank a cup of green tea in my cold house. I don't know if Mr. Su still has an impression!"

When Su haogang entered the spacious room, he saw a statue carved out of white marble.

Normal Taoist temples are generally dedicated to the three Qing and four emperors and nine Yao Xingjun. The worst is to worship the word heaven and earth.

But in the Taoist temple of this family, the gods enshrined are not difficult, female or female. She has a woman's figure, but there are two moustaches on her face.


Could it be that there were human demons thousands of years ago.

Now Su Hao fully understands it. No wonder the black sand clan is a group of cold-blooded animals. Is the envelope so difficult? It's strange that the female statue is not insane.

"Remember, remember! You didn't bribe me a lot of money at the beginning. I didn't see how much money it was, even if it was confiscated." Su Hao is not retarded. It was just what happened half a month ago. How can su Hao not remember.

As soon as the voice fell, Su Hao sat on the red sandalwood seat. The hot food in front of me, but these meals are vegetarian!

When he saw that there were vegetables in front of him, Su Hao suddenly had some doubts. Even the Taoist temple can eat meat. But when I came here today, the people of the black sand clan even got themselves a table of vegetarian dishes.

Grandma, why are these miscellaneous fur human demons so small!

"Yah! I didn't say you black sand people are too stingy. I also said you wanted to invite me to dinner. After a long time, I invited me to eat a table of vegetarian dishes. Grandma's, although I'm a pig, I'm definitely not a vegetarian animal." Su Hao picked up bamboo chopsticks and didn't care whether poison was added to the dishes!

I have to say that although these dishes are vegetarian, they are very delicious. It seems to be more delicious than the dishes made by Su Hao.

While Su Hao was tasting the dishes, a faint smell of cherry blossoms came from behind Su Hao.

Immediately, the white fairy skirt and clothes carried a smell of cherry blossoms. In front of Su Hao, he sat opposite Su Hao.

"Mr. Su is really a hero among people! I remember two ancient poems in your country that life is a hero and death is a ghost hero. I think Mr. Su is such a hero with strong iron bones."

Slowly, Su Hao raised his head and planned to see the sinister female warlock clearly. But when Su Hao's eyes fixed on the female warlock's face, the woman's face was covered with a layer of white yarn, which made people unable to see her face clearly.

Life is a hero, and death is a ghost!

Su Hao has never regarded himself as a hero with strong bones. He feels more like a local ruffian.

After a Yin measured smile, Su Hao said impatiently, "come on, don't flatter me. I'm not a hero, at most I'm a bear. You don't think I can come today, but I'm not here to be a big one. To tell you the truth, I'm so scared that my legs swing."

"The word bear doesn't touch Mr. Su at all. Being willing to do everything for a woman shows that Mr. Su is a person who values love and righteousness. Mr. Su, if possible, I can make friends with you on behalf of the black sand family." lily sways her soul stirring posture, and the white Fairy skirt on her body is fluttering.

make friends!

After NIMA cheated me, she began to play the Huairou policy. Still make friends. Do you call them friends?

It's either a threat or a set. If it hadn't been for fear of chiyoko and Lily working together and Murong XINGRAN's safety problem, Su Hao would have beaten her.

After thinking about it, we still have to get Murong XINGRAN out first. If something happens to Murong XINGRAN, Su Hao's life is in vain.

After a moment of reaction, Su Hao immediately thought of an idea. With a smile of Yin measurement, Su Hao decided to get Murong XINGRAN out now. It's best to protect it by the people in the headquarters base, so that Su Hao can rest assured!

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