One is the CIA captain who protects the human world, and the other is the law protector of the Pluto who regards human beings as grass mustard.

After a brief contact, the doubts in the hearts of both sides finally dissipated slowly and were filled with an arrogant sense of war.

The originally tense atmosphere was tense like a bow and arrow in an instant, as if an inevitable war was about to be ready to go.

For Xiu Jie, he knows the situation at this moment. The man opposite who is slightly thin and pale is definitely the most difficult to deal with in this group.

What surprised Xiujie was how human beings had the power comparable to the nine families.

This incident reminded Xiu Jie of a coup in haotianjie many years ago.

Nine days away, there are eight emperors and one emperor in haotianjie. The so-called eight emperors are the royal families of the eight families. As for the first emperor, he is the supreme god of the divine family who commands the eight families, known as the divine emperor.

Many years ago, the last supreme of the protoss, the God Emperor. It's a whimsical idea

Anyone can see that the purpose of the divine emperor's move is nothing more than to protect mankind. Because once human beings become the tenth race, they will be under the jurisdiction and protection of the Protoss.

In other words, it can be on an equal footing with the other eight ethnic groups.

This matter caused an uproar in the Haotian world. All the eight families under the God Emperor dare to be angry but dare not speak. After all, even if all the forces of the other eight races are coordinated, they may not be able to fight the Protoss.

Within the protoss, the practice of the divine emperor was also boycotted by the high-level Protoss elders. Coincidentally, at this time, a coup took place within the Protoss.

The elder brother of the last God Emperor, united with the elders of the protoss who resisted the new deal, first controlled the army. If the divine emperor had the ambition of foresight at this time, he could leave the protoss territory first, settle the side, and then summon the other eight tribes to escort and destroy the rebels.

This may still be a great chance to turn over!

However, the last God Emperor, mindful of brotherhood, gave up the Jedi's chance to survive. Finally, with the help of the elders of the clan, the last God Emperor was forced to hang himself.

As for the decision to make mankind the tenth race in heaven, it has been stranded since then.

Thinking of this, the Dharma protector and Jie of the Ming family couldn't help admiring the eyes of the last God Emperor. Although this has harmed the interests of the nine ethnic groups. But the development of Terrans is really advancing by leaps and bounds!

Five or six thousand years ago, human beings still lived a life of drinking blood and animal skin. However, with the continuous progress of the wheel of history, mankind has not only mastered advanced science and technology, but also achieved a level comparable to the nine ethnic groups in the excavation of its own potential.

Thinking carefully, I am afraid that if we are giving human beings room for continued development, sooner or later, even if the Pluto wants to control the whole human world and occupy the territory of the human world, it will become extremely difficult.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss"

Xiujie couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. The standard triangular eyes of Yin vultures were like a king cobra who saw the enemy and was alert all over. The deep part of the eyes is not only full of hostility, but also full of an inexplicable sense of trembling and uneasiness.

After the confrontation between the two sides for a long time, Xiu Jie's big hand explored. His strong body bowed down and picked up Su Hao, who had fallen into a coma and his face was beaten into flesh and blood.

"It seems that you are also coming for him. I really didn't expect that the things planned by our Hades were disturbed by a group of humans." Xiujie waved to the left and threw Su Hao to Xiuyou like a toy.

Inadvertently, Xiujie glanced at Xiuyou with cold and serious eyes, which seemed to tell Xiuyou that once he started, he would leave with Su Hao first.

Xiuyou is not stupid. The task given by the Emperor himself is related to the rejuvenation and future of the whole Ming family. Naturally, he didn't dare to be careless. He nervously carried Su Hao on his shoulder!

Xiu Jie's eyes were white and his black pupils were erratic. He glanced at Langya and others, the captain of the Shifan team with deep meaning. It seemed to remind Xiu you to be ready to escape at any time.

The situation at the scene became even more tense after Xiujie made a series of small moves. Even vice captain Ling Yin and Liu Mo held their breath for a moment, trying to avoid letting their breathing movements affect their perception and attention.

Captain Langya seemed to be aware of the atmosphere of war. It was like sulfur and gunpowder smoke. While he was on full alert, he warned loudly: "I advise you to give up all resistance. You will not be allowed to leave today anyway."

As soon as the voice fell, the situation on the scene changed in vain. The fuse, which was ready to go, was ignited with two dark and strange iron chains in the palms of the Dharma protector Xiujie of the black sand family.

While the soul devouring chain was sacrificed, thousands of faces attached to the black and shiny iron chain were either happy or angry or sad, or crazy laughter, or roaring up to the sky, or crying.

For a time, it was like a group of demons dancing together in the courtyard of this Taoist temple.

The black and viscous gas suddenly burst out from Xiujie's body, splashed and spewed around, and smashed the red brick walls around the Taoist temple in an instant. But at the moment when the broken stones were thrown into the air, they were wrapped up again by the thick black fog.

"Hiss, hiss!" countless red bricks and broken tiles, while wrapped in the black fog, have been slowly eroded, rapidly turned into a white fog and dispersed in the air.

The soul devouring chain was sacrificed, and Xiu Jie did not reserve his power and released all his power towards Langya and others.

Although the Majesty was invisible and untouchable, when Xiujie's majesty surged out, the green stone bricks on the ground that had not been eroded by the black fog seemed to be crushed into powder by an inexplicable pressure in the void, and collapsed one after another, forming a gap more than one meter deep on the ground.

The goal of the gap is directed at Langya three.

The breaking of bluestone bricks raised a burst of dust, mixed with the sound of "crackling". It seems to shake like a mountain collapse, and it seems to be the sound of pots and pans, which makes people think that the end of the world seems to be at this moment.

Langya's body did not move, and he was as calm as Mount Tai, which temporarily relieved Lingyin and Liu Mo, who were already a little flustered.

His sharp eyes, like hawks and falcons, stared at the gap created by the threat

Gradually spread over the center.

At that seemingly nonexistent intermediary point, the next second, there was an earth shaking noise, and the earth shook back and forth at this time. Along the explosion point, cracks like tortoise text began to spread around!

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