The thick black fog condensed in the air and finally turned into dozens of sharp blades. The blade is sharp and indestructible. The tip of the knife licks blood and hunts ferociously. After being suspended in midair for a period of time, dozens of sharp blades and crazy knives went straight towards Langya.

"Whoosh whoosh" the sharp edge crazy knife condensed by the black fog cuts through the sky and pierces the thick trunk branches blocking in front. All objects contaminated with the sharp edge crazy knife are easily corroded.

At the deep pupil, the inverted image is clearer and clearer. Dozens of sharp bladed crazy knives seem to form a ferocious devil pattern in mid air, which makes people shiver immediately after seeing it.

With a move of the slender arm, the wide white sleeved robe waved the Xumi mirror while whistling the constant wind.

Langya was not in the slightest panic. When he raised his hands and feet, he inevitably gave people a feeling of elegance and elegance.

In addition, Langya was born with a scholarly spirit. Even when Langya fought back, he didn't feel any bloody murderous spirit at all.

From the blue sky, the warm golden sunshine shines on Xumi mirror through the dark green branches.

For a time, the mirror was as quiet as water. It was golden, dazzling and painful.

At the moment of contact with the Xumi mirror, dozens of black sharp blade crazy knives not only did not corrode the Xumi mirror, but they were like a stone sinking into the sea. After making a "coo coo" sound, they all disappeared into the bright mirror of the Xumi mirror.

Xiu Jie's combat experience is very old ~!

Just now, when he competed with Langya by using his power, he felt that Langya's strength was not lower than himself. And looking at Langya's unhurried state, it seems that his real strength is still vaguely above himself.

In the face of this situation, Xiu Jie would not be foolish enough to directly swing his arm and go up to do it. That's the style of the flat headed honey badger. Otherwise, how can we call the honey badger "indifferent to life and death and do it if you don't accept it?".

When the strength of both sides is equal, and even the strength of the other side is obviously superior to itself. It is necessary to make preliminary explorations, and the most important point of making exploratory attacks is to take a long distance.

The long-range attack can not only see the other party's combat mode, but also easily know what weapons the other party uses.

With rich combat experience, Xiujie was still able to deal with the situation when he was at a disadvantage.

But when the black fog turned into dozens of sharp blades and crazy knives, they were absorbed by an ordinary mirror, which really made Xiujie's heart a small wave.

The Ming nationality has occupied the souls of the nine secluded places since ancient times. In the human world, the Ming nationality's territory is called Fengdu City, which is the so-called hell hall.

Thanks to the unique conditions, almost all the people of the Hades will control the dead and drive them for their own use.

After a long time of cultivation with the dead soul, a very strong corrosive gas will emerge in the body. Spirit of the dead ~!

In fact, the "spirit of the dead" is not the corrosion of contaminated objects. To be exact, it should be the death and decay!

Human beings die and age. All because there is the spirit of the dead in the depths of the soul in the body! However, the content of ghost Qi in human body is very low.

It can only ensure that human beings gradually move towards death and aging at a certain speed.

While refining their souls, the people of the Hades are bound to absorb the spirit of the dead. Because the system of the Hades can naturally resist the spirit of the dead, they will not be greatly affected when they absorb a large amount of the spirit of the dead.

The spirit of the dead can accelerate the decay speed of all objects and make them die quickly. But today, I met the bright ancient mirror into the water. It was like a stone sinking into the sea. They all directly disappeared into the ancient mirror, and I didn't see the ancient mirror corroded at all.

Just as Xiu Jie was eyeing the ancient mirror in Langya's hand with vigilance. Langya slowly raised the ancient mirror and aimed it at Xiujie.

Suddenly, there was a wave of microwave ripples on the surface of the ancient mirror, just like the mirror of Xumi mirror, which was like a deep pool of still water.

For a moment, Xiujie stretched his neck and looked at Langya's strange behavior suspiciously. Xumi mirror's bright mirror turned black in vain. For a moment, a thick fog gas, like a volcanic eruption, turned into a strong round gas column and sprayed rapidly towards Xiujie.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss"

The towering ancient trees blocked in front of the spirit of the dead are like the blade cutting tofu. They are directly corrupted by the spirit of the dead and disappear without a trace.

While the spirit of the dead shot rapidly, it condensed into countless sharp blades and crazy knives in the air. Only this time, the blades and blades pointed to Xiu Jie.

Langya's Xumi mirror just returns the Qi of death, together with dozens of crazy blades condensed and formed, in the original way.

Langya could not control the Qi of death.

The air of death, which was not controlled by anyone, began to spread among the forests. Where the gas passes, the black soil becomes yellow gravel, and the lush trees are directly decomposed into a pinch of dust by the gas of death.

Countless plants and herbs lose most of their vitality at the moment of contact with the Qi of death. It consists of full, tender green and water filled rhizomes. Become withered, yellow and shriveled, as if after the autumn frost season ~!

Langya also had no time to take into account the diffusion of the gas of death. Even Langya was afraid of the strange gas. He was afraid that his body would be accidentally contaminated in the process of fighting.

At that time, the black gas, like tarsal maggots, will gradually decay their arms.

With the slow diffusion of the gas of death, the scope of the spread is gradually expanded, so that the gas of death is gradually diluted in the air. The color of the thick black gas began to fade, and the decay rate was diluted with the gas of death, and finally slowed down.

The Xumi mirror in Langya's hand was also abnormal. After absorbing the breath of death, the mirror, which was originally scattered with dazzling white light and surrounded by peaceful white fog, began to shake and "buzz".

It seems that through this action, Langya wants to tell the user that he has been greatly affected after absorbing the Qi of death.

Suddenly, the white light of Xumi mirror turned into a column of light and rushed straight into the sky, which was no weaker than the golden sunshine nine days away.

The white light column breaks through the sky, that is, in a second or two. Bright and dazzling mirror, gradually dim down, it seems that some have fallen down.

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