In the void, Su Hao, who had just solidified, floated in the air. This is an extraordinary and wonderful feeling, like a person, as if at the moment of life and death, the soul has drifted away from the body, but there is still consciousness.

Su Hao is now facing this state.

The energy storm as high as 100 feet, like the terrible waves of Optimus, slapped Su Hao. What roared in advance was a violent storm, blowing Su Hao out of the sky.

The violent and crazy storm almost broke up Su Hao, a virtual cloud like fog.

If Su Hao's consciousness was not as firm as steel, perhaps the only trace of consciousness at the moment would disappear in the twinkling of an eye.

However, the greatest advantage of maintaining this state similar to the soul is that you can't feel the slightest pain.

After the raging storm swept away. In mid air, I have turned countless somersaults, and I don't know how far I floated. After a long time. Su Hao gradually stabilized his figure.

At this time, Su Hao raised his transparent and ethereal palm and couldn't help asking himself: "what am I? Where is this? Should I be dead?"

Looking up and around, there is a confused space. There is no sun and moon, day and night.

The surrounding chaos is unbearable, as if Pangu lived in the giant egg when he opened the world.

I can't feel the pain, and the environment is like this. This made Su Hao think that he must be dead.

Maybe this is hell!

Su Hao has never seen hell, let alone experienced it before. But looking around at the chaotic environment, he was convinced that this was hell.

He was dead and sent to hell. If it were someone else, I'm afraid I would have been scared to cry.

But Su Hao is very calm, which makes people feel terrible. He stared at his illusory body without expression. After half a ring, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a self mocking smile.

Su Hao wants to enlighten and comfort himself with ah q's spiritual victory method. But he thought carefully and found that he had nothing to comfort.

Life is no joy, death is no pain ~!

This is the dogma Su Hao has always believed in. He really can't find out what he still yearns for in the real world.

Is it Du Xinyu, the daughter-in-law who hasn't passed the door. Or the flower monk master who lives in the mountain, Su Hao hasn't had time to be filial.

Or has been integrated into the vast sea of people and disappeared, leaving only a beautiful night for himself and taking away Su Ruoshui, the little virgin he has cherished for 18 years.

Su Hao thought hard for a while. Rao thought it was a pity. But if you are already dead, you don't have to create those troubles for yourself.

The only thing that makes Su Hao feel dissatisfied is that he was sent to hell. And there was no ghost around, which was going to suffocate Su Hao alive.

When he was a child, Su Hao hid in a temple on the mountain and read many scriptures that were shelved by monk Hua.

The Buddhist Scripture says that after death, if people commit sins during their lifetime, they will be sent to hell and suffer from reincarnation.

The more serious the crime is, the more layers will be driven into hell. Su Hao blinked and looked around at himself.

I can't help feeling suspicious. I'm afraid this should be the 19th layer of hell. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have no wronged soul or fierce ghost.

Su Hao is not the kind of person who can afford it and can't put it down. Even Su Hao belongs to the most heartless person. As long as someone keeps company with him, Su Hao will feel that he is not the worst.

But now there is not even a living creature around. This result is undoubtedly telling Su Hao that he is the worst one.

Su Hao couldn't help but resent it, so that Su Hao was filled with righteous indignation.

Grandma, take me to hell, let's go to hell. At least you have to find yourself a company.

That's good. There's not even an ant. This place is really a fucking bird that doesn't shit.

Su Hao wandered back and forth angrily for a while, suddenly stopped his body shape, frowned tightly, made a thoughtful expression, and seemed to find something wrong.

No, no matter how, Su Hao should not fall into the 19th hell.

After su Hao's careful deliberation, Su Hao felt that when he was alive, he had done a lot of trouble, but he also did a lot of good things.

For example, after helping grandma cross the road and picking up the money, she took the initiative to put it into her trouser pocket in order not to let others make mistakes. Su Hao has done more than hundreds of such good things.

Even if Su Hao once killed many enemies on the battlefield, he should not be reduced to this point.

Think of Hitler, think of Mussolini. Which one doesn't kill tens of millions of people. If we want to say that the crime is extremely evil, they are the real leaders.

As for Su Hao, although on the battlefield, there should be a hundred and eighty thousand enemy troops who died in his hands.

But by comparison, even the change of those big men is not as good as that. Even if they were sent to the 19th floor of hell together, at least they should be able to see them.

After shaking his head for a long time, Su Hao still felt that it was very unfair for God to treat himself like this.

He killed the enemy on the battlefield in order to hurt fewer people. He deserves to be rewarded.

Even if he went to heaven to be a gate keeper and a floor sweeper, the most important thing was to be a bi Mawen and feed the horses honestly, Su Hao would be happy.

Now it's better to arrange such a place for yourself. It's really bad news for good people, bad news for good people!

Su Hao couldn't help feeling dejected, like a stray dog without a bone, drooping his head and sighing.

"Hoo Hoo"

Hearing the roaring hurricane in the distance, I looked up and saw that the giant waves up to 100 feet had appeared not far away under the control of a black meat ball.

Good guy ~!

The gust of wind just now almost didn't kill himself. If the giant waves beat down, Su Hao would simply be photographed on the beach.

No, there's no fucking beach here.

After the huge waves beat down, the huge destructive power of destroying the sky and earth could squeeze Su Hao into powder in the blink of an eye.

Thinking of this, Su Hao's illusory eyes were deep, leaving only endless despair and a giggle of self mockery.

Su Hao didn't know how much evil he had done. He should be punished like this. It's enough to choke when people die, and they have to break their souls.

Grandma, this is just trying to kill him!

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