Because Su Hao's body pores are everywhere, red blood continues to spill out. Master Hua has never seen this thorny problem. At this time, his already tight heart suddenly contracted, as if it had stopped beating at the moment.

The strong smell of blood filled the cold air in the ward, making people feel like vomiting.

But the situation is extremely urgent. No one can care about the dense smell of blood. Monk Hua is also flustered at the moment and can't help scratching his ears and cheeks. He also wanted to fish Su Hao out of the bronze tripod.

But the problem is, even if Su Hao is fished out of the bronze tripod. There will be no change in the face of the critical situation.

Because Su Hao has a strong reaction to this. The main reason is that Su Hao's body absorbs black jade meat Ganoderma lucidum.

The huge energy hidden in the black jade meat Ganoderma lucidum made Su Hao unable to absorb and digest all of it for a time. The violent energy can't be willingly absorbed by Su Hao.

The resulting rejection, this is the life gate!

The black jade meat Ganoderma lucidum in the bronze tripod has disappeared in the milky white liquid medicine. It seems that he has completely entered Su Hao's body.

I'm afraid at this time, the black jade meat Ganoderma lucidum has been integrated into Su Hao's body. Even if all treatment is stopped at this time, it is obviously impossible to stop Su Hao's rejection.

Monk Hua only speculated through his own imagination. But in fact, Su Hao in chaotic space fully understands the horror of black jade meat Ganoderma lucidum.

That magnificent energy like the vast ocean has a certain intelligence. When Su Hao felt that he wanted to swallow it, and Su Hao had the ability to restrain it, he took the initiative to rush into Su Hao's body.

But this definitely does not mean that the violent energy like a lion and a tiger gives in to Su Hao. But this energy wants to be released in Su Hao's body, and finally Shengsheng will tear Su Hao's rise and fall.

This is the most deadly point!

At this time, Su Hao's whole body was swollen and almost turned into a balloon. The handsome and masculine face with sharp edges and corners and a face like a knife cut looks like a big head son because of the continuous transmission of energy.

As for Su Hao's limbs and body, it is even more ugly. Now if a silver needle is inserted into Su Hao's stomach and pulled out quickly, Su Hao will be blown to the horizon like an air leaking balloon, and then become dry and shriveled.

"How inexhaustible is the black ball, how much energy is hidden?" even if it is facing a desperate situation, Su Hao still does not make complaints about the nature of Tucao.

Su Hao knew very well that if he could not tame this energy. Relying on their current strength, they will be scared by the rise in less than five minutes.

However, Su Hao, whose whole body is swollen now, looks like a fat man with four or five hundred pounds. Unable to act without saying, not even a trace of strength. Even if you want to fight this energy, you don't have the qualification.

"NIMA's! What a fuckin 'bad luck." Su Hao took a fierce Pooh and weakly stretched his limbs to keep himself floating as smoothly as possible. This is the only way to delay time now.

But when Su Hao gave up all resistance and completely relaxed. But unexpectedly, it was found that the energy originally filled everywhere in Su Hao's body seemed to decline consciously.

And from all parts of Su Hao's body, it continues to condense towards Su Hao's Dantian. Gradually, the tributary energy like a small snake stream gathered more and more. Finally, at Su Hao Dantian, a dark and elastic meat ball was formed.

Suddenly, when Su Hao stretched his neck and looked into the transparent body, the black meat mass. The surface of the meat ball vibrated for a while, and then issued a crisp, innocent and tender voice: "fun, really fun!"

In an instant, Su Hao petrified. His face turned pale for a moment. He stared at the meat ball in his Dantian, and his heart kept pouring out an unknown feeling.

Nima's, this meat ball can talk!

How does Su Hao feel? It seems to be similar to Nezha's birth experience in the romance of the gods.

They are elastic meat balls!

But Su Hao remembered that Nezha was also a meat ball with thousands of red rays and auspicious around him. Therefore, when Li Jing split the meat ball with a sword, a pink porcelain doll came out of it.

But the black meatball in Su Hao's stomach, what the hell is this!

If Su Hao really cuts down with a sword and gets a coal ball, it will be funny.

Wait, Su Hao suddenly raised his head and twitched coldly at the corners of his mouth. The black meatball is in his stomach. What's the situation?

Is it difficult? Is it difficult? Su Hao is about to have a baby.

Thinking of these, Su Hao could hardly cry or laugh. Su Hao's sexual orientation has always been very clear, male and female.

But now Su Hao is going to have a baby. What he gives birth to is still a black meat ball. If Su Hao opens his eyes, a beautiful white nurse, holding a black meatball, walks to Su Hao with a smile on his mouth and whispers, "Congratulations, gave birth to a coal ball."

Nima's! It is estimated that this matter will soon sweep the whole world and become the talk of everyone after dinner.

Su Hao even thought that one day the headlines would be like this.

"So and so man's black meatball in labor, is it a strange supernatural event or an alien heterosexual?"

Then, a large number of media reporters chased Su Hao and scrambled for interviews.

"Excuse me, are you sure you haven't had sex change surgery since you were born?"

"When you gave birth to a black meatball, what was your mood? Can you share it with us?"

"If this black meat ball is identified as an alien species, will you donate the meat ball to the relevant scientific research departments for the research of alien species? After all, maternal love, oh, it should be paternal love, which is great."

"Are you sure you haven't been kidnapped by aliens, or have personally joined some extreme cult organization?"

This reminds Su Hao of a sketch of the Spring Festival Gala a few years ago. It is mainly about a rural farmer's family. The rooster of this family felt that he was too tired to sing one day, so he decided to change his career to lay eggs full-time.

As a result, many media scrambled to interview, and finally came up with a widely circulated joke, that is, the rooster lays eggs, the rooster lays eggs, the fighter in the rooster, oh yeah!

Will someone ask Su Hao to shoot an advertisement at that time? Maybe the slogan will say so.

"We don't accept gifts this year. We accept black meat balls."

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