Su Hao, who suddenly woke up, stood naked in front of the crowd. He was red all over and seemed to have been roasted by the fire. Moreover, Su Hao's breathing also seemed unusually rapid.

Those eyes like wolves and tigers were fixed on Irene's beautiful body. There was a wild sense of aggression in her eyes, as if she was going to tear all the clothes on Irene by virtue of her Soul-catching eyes.

Because Su Hao has been practicing hard since he was a child, his body has long been different from ordinary people.

If it is an ordinary aphrodisiac or a small amount of aphrodisiac, it will not have much impact on Su Hao's body.

But I don't know who got thousands of knives. He instilled a very large amount of aphrodisiac with very strong effect into Su Hao's body.

Monk Hua is a romantic veteran all his life. I'm familiar with aphrodisiacs.

Su Hao's aphrodisiac is probably the most violent aphrodisiac the old man has ever seen. If Su Hao doesn't solve the sexual desire problem in time, it won't be long before the aphrodisiac will accelerate Su Hao's heartbeat and make it soar to the limit.

Su Hao will also become bleeding from his seven orifices and itching all over his body. If the desire is burning, it is unbearable.

But Su Hao hasn't said a word since he woke up. It's not that Su Hao doesn't want to talk, but that he must condense all his true Qi and perseverance to resist the manic lust in his body!

Seeing Su Hao's strange behavior, he stared at himself without even blinking his eyes. This made Irene, who had been crying like a pear blossom with spring rain, immediately stopped choking and asked carefully, "Su Hao, are you okay?"

With that, Irene was about to break away from the old man's help and ran to Su Hao to see if Su Hao was completely recovered and safe.

But as soon as Irene took a step forward, she was dragged back by the old man.

Although the old man doesn't know anything about traditional Chinese medicine, his keen perception can't be underestimated.

Su Hao's behavior today is too abnormal!

Originally, Su Hao was sober. It should be a happy thing for everyone. But Su Hao hasn't said a word since he woke up.

Those eyes, which were as big as brass bells, seemed to be staring at prey and locked on Irene.

There was a strange atmosphere in the air, which made the old man calm down quickly. He can't let Irene get close to Su Hao now. What if Su Hao really loses his memory, or he will send a goat horn wind and hurt Irene.

After holding Irene's shoulder, the old man carefully dragged the flower monk to his side. When he was about to ask a question, he was fiercely rejected by the flower monk.

"Is there someone who first injected Su Hao with a lot of aphrodisiac?" monk Hua's attitude was very rough. He pulled his neck like dead tree bark and roared at the old man.

Monk Hua knew very well that Su Hao's aphrodisiac could not be restrained only by Su Hao's perseverance.

If not in the short term, let Su Hao release his violent lust. The result Su Hao faces is at least insanity and loss of mind. If it is serious, it will bleed from the seven orifices and hurt life.

This makes monk Hua how to keep calm and rational!

Monk Hua shouted at him in a muddle headed way. The old man didn't understand, and there was a evil fire in his heart.


These days, except that the three of them have contacted Su Hao. Su Hao's care is all run by the sifan team.

The sifan team will report Su Hao's physical condition every day. The old man looked very carefully. The sifan team didn't give Su Hao any aphrodisiac at all.


What the hell is going on.

"I can guarantee my honor and personality. No one injects Su Hao with any aphrodisiac. Su Hao's care has always been taken care of by Qin Yifeng, the captain of the sifan team. She won't inject Su Hao with any aphrodisiac without permission."

Speaking of this, the old man couldn't help asking, "what is an aphrodisiac?"

"In ancient terms, it is the harmony of yin and Yang. In modern terms, it is the chemical substances that make animals enter estrus ahead of time."

The old man nodded suddenly. It seemed that Zian said that he had understood what the so-called aphrodisiac was.

After a few seconds, the old man jumped angrily. How could su Hao have such a thing as aphrodisiac in his body? This matter has to be traced to the end.

Seeing monk Hua's dignified face, the old man also felt that it should not be as simple as he thought.

"Now what's the situation with Su hao? I'll call the members of the fourth team right away and give Su Hao a comprehensive treatment and thorough investigation." the old man doesn't know what impact the aphrodisiac in Su Hao will have on Su Hao.

In the old man's opinion, just call the members of the fourth team and give Su Hao treatment. A small aphrodisiac should not be a problem.

But as soon as the old man's voice fell, monk Hua broke up a basin of cold water.

"Even if you gather all the members of the CIA, it's useless. The aphrodisiac in Su Hao's body is too overbearing. The only way is to let a girl combine Yin and Yang with Su Hao, so as to slowly release the aphrodisiac in Su Hao's body. Otherwise, it will make su Hao lose his mind and become a psychopath. It will endanger Su Hao's life."

In the view of monk Hua, sex between men and women is not something that must be avoided. If his daughter Du Xinyu is here, if Du Xinyu is willing, monk Hua will offer Du Xinyu immediately.

But now Du Xinyu is not around! Where to find the right girl for Su Hao.

Who is willing to do this in the whole headquarters base. For a time, monk Hua was really helpless.

Glancing back and forth at the white corner of his eye, monk Hua suddenly saw two bright and translucent slender legs, which was very Soul-catching.

Looking up along those thighs, monk Hua suddenly thought of an Irene in the ward?

Just right, the little girl also likes Su Hao very much. Irene wouldn't refuse if she was honest.

Just as the flower monk's two-color squint eyes kept paying attention to Irene, his vision was suddenly blocked by the old man's body.

The old man and monk Hua have been friends for many years. It can be said that in this world, except for the wives of monk Hua, the old man knows him best.

Often the flower monk looks in his eyes, and the old man can interpret the thoughts in the flower monk's heart.

Now, monk Hua fixed his eyes on Irene. His purpose is very obvious. He wants Irene to go to bed with Su Hao!

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