Before carrying out this latent mission, the old man had warned Su haoqian. Warned Su Hao not to make a high profile and not to make trouble at Kyoto University.

But on the first day of Su Hao's visit to Kyoto University, many young students have been eyeing him, and he was also searched by human flesh in the post bar of Kyoto University.

Even if Su Hao doesn't want to be famous, it's very difficult.

But the problem is, from beginning to end, Su Hao wants to be a low-key man. But the high instructor always makes trouble for Su Hao and makes it difficult for Su Hao. Even if Su Hao wants to clamp his tail, it is impossible.

Is it difficult for Su Hao to be his third grandson and let the high instructor play with him!

It's better to kill Su Hao with one knife. Su Hao is not that kind of bullied character. Don't say it's just a lieutenant platoon leader. Even if the commander-in-chief of the military region bullies Su Hao, Su Hao dares to fight him.

Grandma, the person who bullies me has not been born in this life.

Thinking of this, Su Hao no longer blamed Feng Bo for his practice. As Feng Bo said, big trees attract wind. Anyway, he has been watched by others.

Sooner or later, they will be harassed by those flower crazy girls!

While the three of Su Hao were fighting in their bedroom, in a hidden garden of Kyoto University, in the heavy night, they could see the scene clearly only with the help of the bright and dazzling stadium, just like the searchlight in the day.

At this time, the three platoons of the reconnaissance company stood upright. In front of the three platoon commanders were company commander Wang Shizhong of the reconnaissance company and guard Xiao Liu.

Even during military training, the habits of the reconnaissance company have not changed. It is stipulated to report the completion of a day's task to the superior at 8 p.m., which has been an unchanging rule of reconnaissance for a long time.

Summer night is quiet and beautiful. The boundless night sky contains the essence of the whole universe and the mystery of life philosophy.

Just like countless pearl like stars, they are dotted and inlaid on the huge black curtain of the sky. Blinking, they are like bright water eyes.

The surrounding air is cool and fresh. Most animals fall into a deep sleep as night comes.

But there are also many nocturnal insects and birds that play melodiously and sing low from time to time.

Continuous, silky frogs chirp, and "quack, quack," quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.

The hazy mist from the pool in the distance, as thin as a gauze, gradually spread out. The murmuring sound of water, refreshing, makes the mechanical monotonous life gradually settle down. Suddenly, a faint fragrance of lotus came.

Such beautiful scenery is rare in such a prosperous metropolis as Kyoto. But in Kyoto University, it is very common.

Wang Shizhong's mood today is not much different from the beautiful environment tonight. He doesn't have the airs of a company commander, but he seems to be a big brother talking to his little brother. While talking and laughing, the momentum of not being angry and self threatening was extremely profound.

"Hahaha ~! A platoon leader, don't drill into the pile of female students all day. I know you don't have a target, but you can't steal female students with your eyes all day. By the way, tell your squad leaders to be serious and learn from the third platoon leader Xiao Gao. Look at the people's team. It doesn't need to be poor in the ordinary army."

A platoon leader was exposed, scratched his head and smiled with ashamed eyebrows and drooping eyes.

"Second platoon leader, you didn't say that some of the students you brought are in good health. Ask them if they are willing to serve the country. If so, get me the troops. Good steel should be used on the blade. There is no harm in being a soldier and honing it."

The second platoon leader nodded and said seriously, "ensure to complete the task!"

After commenting on the two platoon commanders, company commander Wang Shizhong turned his eyes to the third platoon commander with an indifferent face.

"Xiao Gao, I know you're in a bad mood. What's the matter? I'm a little discouraged after being defeated by a fledgling college student several times. This is not the style of my reconnaissance company. You should cheer me up and remember that we are soldiers. We may be defeated, but we will never be defeated."

After listening to the words encouraged by company commander Wang Shizhong, Xiao Gao, the three platoon commander who was a little frustrated, immediately cheered up.

But company commander Wang Shizhong turned around and said with a smile: "Xiao Gao, you know, I'm a soldier maniac. I don't want to miss those good seedlings at all. You must show me that college student Su Hao. He must come to my investigation company to become a soldier. I'm determined to win. However, during the military training period, you must give me a good temper, as long as you don't frustrate his spirit, kill or maim him, No matter what happens, I'll take it for you. "

At the mention of Su Hao, little Gordon, the third platoon leader, wilted again and drooped his weak head.

He has had bad luck since he met the college student named Su Hao. Take tonight for example, the boy broke 50 sandbags in front of more than 100 people.

He also gave himself an excuse to say that the sandbags were of poor quality. This made the three platoon leaders Xiaogao, even if it was like punishing Su Hao, there was no reason.

Su Hao said that he deliberately damaged public property, but if the boy bites and says that the sandbags are of poor quality, will he have to check each sandbag carefully.

After taking a deep breath, the third platoon leader Xiao Gao said sullenly, "company commander, I can't defeat Su Hao's spirit."

The third platoon leader's words made the other two platoon leaders burst out a burst of laughter. After all, Su Hao Ran thirty kilometers in forty-two minutes. Then he broke all fifty sandbags.

This matter is not only in the freshmen, but also in the squad leaders and platoon leaders who serve as instructors.

A five-year veteran, Youzi, is also the platoon leader of the reconnaissance company, but he has been planted in the hands of a freshman again and again, which has never been heard of before.

The first platoon leader and the second platoon leader were very lucky that they had good luck. Fortunately, they didn't meet this college student named Su Hao, otherwise they would lose face and lose their dignity in front of the freshmen.

Company commander Wang Shizhong grinned, pointed to the third platoon commander and said, "I knew your boy was angry."

Then Wang Shizhong glanced coldly at the first platoon leader and the second platoon leader. He scolded coldly, "don't laugh, you two little rabbits. If you meet this Su Hao, it's estimated that it's not as high as the third platoon leader."

"Xiao Gao, don't be angry. Soldiers take obedience as their bounden duty. Su Hao is born a soldier. We must let him take up the gun and defend the motherland. Compared with this, your so-called face is insignificant."

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