Although Su Hao successfully sneaked into Kyoto University and began to play the role of a student, the old man at the headquarters base did not take it lightly. On the contrary, the old man was deeply disturbed because the development of the situation was too smooth and the surface was too calm.

There are already four of the six miracle doors in the real world. Due to human activities for thousands of years, the seals on the miracle doors have been destroyed.

According to the investigation results of the old man, during World War II alone, the seals of at least two miracles were broken because of human aircraft and cannons. This time, alien races are ready to move and covet the human world.

Although there are still two miracles, the seal of Xuanmen has not been broken until now. But no one knows whether the remaining two miracles will be destroyed again because of human greed and ignorance.

The old man dare not take this risk, because he knows that behind the risk, what matters is whether the whole human world and human race can continue to reproduce.

Therefore, in order to complete the policy, the old man called the captain of the jiufan team of the headquarters base to the office!

At this time, a man with a long face and beard was breathing, and his whole body was filled with a strong pungent smell of wine.

The white feather coat belonging to the captain was loosely draped on his shoulders by a man with a beard. His eyes were dull, and he seemed to be very impatient with the sudden call of the old man.

After pondering for a long time, the bearded man yawned again and said vaguely to the old man, "old man, why are you calling me in a hurry? Is it difficult to buy me a drink?"

This is the captain of the jiufan team. His name is Bai Zizi. A man is like his name, so is his character. He likes a free life very much. Always hide in the bushes and branches to drink when training team members!

Bai Zizi not only likes wine, but also has a great hobby. That's a woman!

Almost all the female members of the jiufan team were touched by Bai Zizi. To this end, Bai Zizi is a real hooligan and pervert in the eyes of the female members of the jiufan team.

But Bai Zizi is fooling around, but he doesn't dare to fool around to the members of other teams. Bai Zizi still has some self-knowledge. Once the members of other teams are involved, it is a crime to play hooligans, which may lead to friction between the two teams, which is very disadvantageous for the CIA to cooperate with each other in performing tasks.

Therefore, the Bohemian Bai Ziyou finally found a better pastime besides touching a woman's ass, that is, reading pornographic books.

Perhaps he has read countless yellow books, so Bai Zizi's requirements for yellow books are almost picky!

Those nonsense are pornographic books of obscene words and cheap words. Bai Ziyou is dismissive to browse.

For the yellow book, Bai Zizi's requirement is that it must be very true. Those yellow books that roll their sheets every day and every day and every day when they see people. Bai Zizi will throw them away after reading them. He will also greet the author's ancestors for 18 generations.

The most shameful thing is that Bai Zizi shamelessly insults the author. Why should he write yellow books.

Often, when the vice captain of the jiufan team hears the captain's curse, he will give freedom a big white eye. Then he sarcastically said, "don't look at what you can do. Since you read it, don't blame others for their bad writing."

Due to Bai Zizi's dissolute character and his always secretly touching the buttocks of those female players, Bai Zizi has no dignified image in the jiufan team.

Maybe Bai Ziyou's special hobby ruined him, or Bai Ziyou's easygoing temperament. Even if the members of the jiufan team sneer at him, he won't care too much, which makes Bai Ziyou always get along with the members of the jiufan team.

If you pass through twelve teams from one team, one team can always make a loud laugh, mixed with the coquettish and angry tone of the female team members. You don't have to guess. It must be the ninth team.

But Bai Ziyou's lecherous is lecherous. He boasts that he is a man of integrity. That's a woman with a husband. She can't touch her ass. The girl who is interested in the person in her heart can't touch her ass. A girl with a strong temper and a fire can't touch her ass.

In other words, the girls who touch their hips freely are basically single, lively and not small hearted.

In Bai Ziyou's opinion, the buttocks of the three girls above are not soft, warped and elastic at all, that is the tiger's buttocks. Once touched, not only can't enjoy the thrill of hunting beauty, I'm afraid it will be chased all over the world.

In Bai Zizi's opinion, the gain is not worth the loss!

Also, although Bai Zizi reads pornographic books, he is also very picky. But he never watched those love action movies. Bai Zihe had his own unique ideas about sex between men and women.

In Bai Zizi's view, sex is very noble and pure. Men and women who love each other, reveal their bodies and integrate themselves into each other's physical and spiritual world, which is the real harmony and the greatest pleasure.

As for those men and women who make love action films, they almost have no emotional foundation. The excitement they show is pretended. This thing is insulting the pure term of sex!

Therefore, Bai Zizi will never allow himself to see those things that have sex with men and women.

But in other people's opinion, Bai Ziyou's ideas are to take off his pants and fart. It's unnecessary.

This is like a black crow into a coal ball. Even if you bleach it all over, it can't become a holy white dove.

Although the jiufan team, and even the members of the whole CIA, feel that Bai Zihe is an out of tune and unreliable color ruffian.

But in the eyes of the old man with unique vision, Bai Zizi is a man with deep city government and strategic vision.

He didn't want to be as cunning as silver soul, the captain of the second team, nor as stubborn and headstrong as the captain of the fifth team.

It's just that there are some small problems in life and character. If you can temper it well, you will definitely be a handsome talent in the future.

Even in the old man's heart, he had acquiesced in the position of commander-in-chief. After he stepped down, he handed over jiufan team leader Bai Zizi.

But the idea belongs to the idea. Specifically, we should see Bai Ziyou's performance!

The old man kept his back to Bai Ziyou in silence. After a long time, he asked in a low voice, "Ziyou, it's calm. Don't you think it's strange?"

calm and tranquil!

The old man didn't mean the sunny weather outside. But the current situation. Since the alien race failed to seize the ancient map of the mysterious gate of miracles, there has been no big action. This is the deep meaning of calm!

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