After thinking for a long time, Su Hao didn't draw a specific conclusion. Calmly, Su Hao couldn't help pacing into the bedroom.

In the pool of blood in the bedroom, there are three human bodies with body temperature, two adult bodies and one body, a young girl between the ages of three and five!

Almost all the injured parts were neck. Blood was gurgling outward along the wounds of several round holes in their necks.

Judging from the amount of bleeding on the ground, it is not difficult to find that all three died because of excessive blood loss.

Sucking human blood, the whole animal world, except for some kind of vampire bats, the rest are vampires.

But how can this have something to do with vampires!

Do vampires really exist?

Suha became more and more confused. The terrible picture in front of him made suhao feel pity.

Even three or four-year-old children are not spared. This is simply not an outrageous thing that human beings can do.

He couldn't bear to watch it. Su Hao turned and left his bedroom. After returning to the living room, Su Hao didn't worry about the blood everywhere. When he rushed to the battlefield with a gun, he saw too many scenes than bloody.

In the past, half of his comrades in arms who lived with him day and night were gone. His white brain mixed with scarlet blood was hung on his shoulder

Compared with that tragic scene, the blood on the ground is insignificant.

Su Hao moved a chair and sat down calmly. In front of him, the thorny problem is not whether the goods bared their tusks are vampires or zombies.

But how to clean up the mess now!

If you pick up the phone and call the police now, Su Hao, as the first person to witness the scene, is bound to be taken to the police station for record investigation.

But what worries Su Hao is that he also killed this humanoid creature with a knife in the whole process.

According to domestic law, ordinary citizens do not have the power to enforce the law. In other words, even self-defense cannot be excessive.

If the ordinary citizen, in the process of justifiable defense, leads to the accidental death of the criminal suspect, the latter is the indemnity.

Some people have ridiculed on the Internet. The most obvious difference between domestic life and foreign life is.

If you are robbed and beaten abroad, as long as you are hard at it, you can beat each other and cry. Even his mother doesn't know him.

And the law absolutely supports your act of self-defense.

Originally, it's called a man to let someone rob or beat him without even farting.

Once there was a foreign news report that two desperate robbers rushed into a store with a knife. They were trying to steal some money.

Maybe the two robbers didn't look at the Yellow calendar when they went out, or maybe they were evil and God intended to punish them.

It happened that among the shop assistants, there was a male clerk who had been infatuated with Jeet kune do since childhood. As a result, three times and five times were divided into two. The male clerk first took the white blade with empty hands and succeeded in taking the sharp weapon. The male clerk gave the two robbers a good fight. As a result, both of them were disabled.

But the court found the male clerk innocent!

But if this happened at home, it would be another matter.

In domestic life, if you are unlucky to be robbed, even if you have kung fu, you should honestly raise your hands and wait for the robber to finish the robbery. If you are a girl, you can pat your ass and call the police at the police station after posing for the robber to be lucky!

Then the Public Security Bureau will come forward and file a case for investigation.

At this point, I have to admire the efficiency of the domestic police, which is absolutely, quite slow.

When you went to the police, the Public Security Bureau patted your chest and said that we must get justice back for you and recover your robbed arrears.

But the problem is, from filing a case to investigation, it is almost impossible to get down in a few months.

Even the heartless robber was really caught. Several months have passed, and almost all the flowers have been spent. I happen to be in the Bureau, and I'm still in charge of eating and living.

At this time, you can basically get this appeal by letting the law do justice to you. As for the money robbed, I don't expect to get a penny.

If it's a robbery, plus rape, it's a girl. I'm sorry. The children are about to be born in these months.

At that time, when the great public security police catch the criminal, the child's father will have a place, which is also a merit.

Say here, perhaps some people will not believe. It is pointed out that the Public Security Bureau solving a case seen on TV is clean and crisp, and there is no sign of delaying time at all.

But the problem is, that's when the media are scrambling to report. There are senior leaders at the top, and civilians at the bottom pay close attention to the media. If they don't work hard, they don't want to eat this bowl of rice.

Maybe you'll lose your reputation!

Therefore, when living in China, you must remember to clamp your tail and be a man at all times. Even if you have the ability to resist, don't do it easily.

If in the process of robbery, you rely on your own practice for several years to beat the robber, and then turn him to the Public Security Bureau.

Then the next thing will greatly surprise you.

The Criminal Investigation Department of the Public Security Bureau will immediately invite a forensic doctor to check the injury of the criminal. If you are seriously injured, what the public security bureau should do next is to prosecute the criminal first, and then prosecute you!

And it is called a criminal. He is a man and a citizen, and should also enjoy the right to safeguard his own interests.

Let you explain everything in court, prisoners only need to show their injuries, which can be used as evidence of their own violations. At that time, the judge will judge you to lose money. It's all a small matter. If the offender's injury is serious and incomplete, you will enter the Bureau and chew on the nest for several years.

Su Hao, who is proficient in criminal law, knows how deep the water is. He knew very well that as long as the case went to the Public Security Bureau, even if he was forced, he would probably put the old bottom through.

Thoughts fly around. Su Hao thinks he should contact the old man immediately. Only by letting the headquarters base deal with this matter can we ensure that the incident will not be made big, and we can ensure that we are safe.

But when Su Hao took out his mobile phone and planned to contact uncle Yi to inform the headquarters base.

In the whole process, the black meat ball, which had not made a sound, passed a message to Su Hao again.

"On the top floor, there is a more powerful energy body. However, it seems that there is no evil intention!"

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