When Su Hao, Xi Biyao and others took the special bus sent by the headquarters base to dujiabao, Su Hao identified a problem. In this world, there are only things you can't think of and there are nothing rich people can't do.

If Su Hao saw the western-style ancient castle at murongzhang's home last time, Su Hao was amazed. The Du family castle in front of Su Hao at the moment can be absolutely called unparalleled in the world!

The beautiful castle, illuminated by the golden sunset, has an ancient cyan appearance plated with a layer of golden yellow.

Ancient cyan and golden yellow complement each other and are beautiful.

The magnificent ancient castle continues to follow the western architectural style. It is only different from the Gothic architectural style prevailing in the 13th century and the Byzantine architectural style in the 16th century.

The architectural style of the castle is just like that of the castle in the fairy tale world. The tall blue circular dome is inlaid with a huge ancient clock in the center of the main building. On the round ancient clock, there are ancient Arabic numerals.

Suddenly, the huge roaring sound of the bell gradually washed away over the castle. The melodious sound of the ancient bell seemed to be full of magic to dispel the haze in his heart, making Su Hao's floating restless heart gradually silent.

Everything is so peaceful, the pale light of the sunset, the castle with blue brick walls that has experienced centuries of wind and frost, and the ancient bell that makes you crawl in awe.

Morning bells and evening drums, green lights and yellow scrolls, perhaps this is the artistic conception and charm now.

After taking a deep breath of fresh air, Su Hao turned his head and asked xibiyao, "I don't understand why you have to arrange these strongholds in the world because your Protoss technology is so advanced. If there is anything you want to investigate, you can directly send a warship to stay in the invisible mode and stay in the world for a period of time."

Xibiyao took lotus steps and twisted her slender waist, nodded and smiled and explained: "In fact, not only the protoss have set up strongholds in all parts of the human world, but also the other eight races have left many strongholds in the human world. Although what you say is reasonable, even the protoss can't casually send a warship into the human world. During the cold war, the blood clan once sent a lot of warships to the human world to investigate every move of the human world However, due to the internal problems of the warship, the stealth mode was automatically cancelled, so it was found by the radar of the human military. Finally, the blood clan warship was shot down by the human! "

Speaking of this, Xi Biyao paused and continued: "If only a few warships are lost, I'm afraid it doesn't matter. After all, there are still many such warships among the nine races in Haotian. However, humans will slowly master the advanced technology of Haotian through shooting down the wreckage of warships and long-term research. For a stable world system, its technology should follow the culture Point forward, no matter which side makes too rapid progress, the consequences will be a devastating blow to the world. "

Xibiyao's great truth reminded Su Hao of the World War II, which had a great impact on the human world and even the layout of the human world now!

In the modern history of mankind, this devastating war that affected nearly 70% of the world's territory and all mankind can be understood from this perspective.

When the culture and technology worshipped by the human world can not blend with each other and go hand in hand, mankind will have a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Of course, this culture based on the human world can include humanistic feelings and human pursuit and satisfaction of material.

When human beings are not satisfied with living material and spiritual materials, and at this time, scientific and technological means have greatly surpassed the culture of the human world, it is bound to arouse human belligerence.

If I can't get material and spiritual security through my efforts, I can only fight for everything I need through war!

From this point of view, it seems that the three countries that launched war during World War II all contain such factors.

Thinking carefully and fearfully, Su Hao had to admire Xi Biyao's profound views on the human world.

It is very disadvantageous to develop too fast in science and technology and ignore human's pursuit of culture.

When Su Hao's eyebrows were locked and he seemed to be thinking deeply, Xi Biyao's thin lips opened gently and said in a charming voice: "If you have a good history, you should understand that science and technology have developed too rapidly in the past 100 years. But if you think about it carefully, if human beings really have such wisdom and creativity, and free human beings have the wisdom to create words and tools, it has been thousands of years, but why is the period of rapid development of science and technology limited to the recent years More than a hundred years. "

Hearing these words, Su Hao suddenly stopped. His brain hole suddenly opened. He looked shocked and said, "it should not be your race in the heaven who secretly help the science and technology of the human world."

Although xibiyao's words were vague, the deep meaning in the words was not so.

Human beings have developed specific and traceable civilizations about 7000 years ago. From the beginning of slash and burn farming, social hunting, and then to the beginning of clear status and enfeoffment, throughout the history of scientific and Technological Development in the human world, there have been a large number of talents and rapid progress in science and technology in the past 100 years.

Not to mention the greatest physicist, one of the only geniuses in the world, Einstein.

Nicholas Tesla, who can create alternating current, feels that he can be called a genius inventor in the human world.

Maybe many people don't know Nikolay Tesla, the greatest inventor in the world, but if there is no Nikolay Tesla in the world, I'm afraid the civilization of the human world is destined to go back a hundred years.

This is not alarmist!

Nicholas Tesla had more than 1000 inventions in his life, whether it was alternating current, radio transmission, or remote control machine. Even Nicholas Tesla was able to create hundreds of millions of megabytes of lightning nearly 100 years ago. Now the technology in the human world is so advanced that the best lightning is only a few million volts.

According to Nikola Tesla's assistant, Tesla has created an instrument through which you can charge wirelessly as long as you are on the planet.

For now, if your mobile phone has no power, as long as you plug it into the ground, the mobile phone will be fully charged automatically.

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