Just out of the bedroom, the weather outside is gray. The hazy haze shrouded in the blue and clear sky is very much like Su Hao's mood at the moment.

This kind of haze weather is common in Beijing. Living here for three months, Su Hao was used to this kind of haze.

Leisurely strolling on the elegant sheep intestines path of Kyoto University, green willows are hanging on both sides, and sometimes the swaying branches float back and forth in the breeze, as if waving to Su Hao.

Everything seems very quiet and pleasant, and the of Jingyi seems a little unusual.

The number of pedestrians on the road decreased sharply. As usual, the lovers who like to visit the lake in Kyoto University and the garden path also disappeared one after another.

This is not too much pressure on learning, but Kyoto University, which has just experienced the upheaval of massacre, is like a haze on its head. That terrible atmosphere has always shrouded inside and outside Kyoto University.

Kyoto University, which has always been famous for its security, would have such a bad event. Although Kyoto University and the government suppressed this matter for the first time, they have been unable to resist the crazy reports of modern media for a long time.

In this regard, although the government has known that Miki is not human, it still hides the truth in order not to cause riots in society.

As the media reported, it was the abnormal murderer who rushed into the school and created the murder.

But as the saying goes, there is no airtight power in the world. For outsiders, maybe they are really skeptical about the complicated truth. But for the students of Kyoto University, especially those who took classes in the teaching building that day.

The situation in their hands is naturally more authentic than the overwhelming reports of the media.

As these students talk privately, what kind of abnormal murderer can kill several security guards with good physical quality who have been soldiers with their bare hands. Then break into the teaching building and kill innocent people.

What's more, I saw that the murderer even opened his mouth to suck blood. Is this something that human beings can do?

I'm afraid the things in this are not so simple!

A moment of silence enveloped inside and outside Kyoto University. Let the originally lively Kyoto University suddenly fall into a sad and clear situation.

In order to make a similar vicious time happen again, the school has coordinated with the Beijing Metropolitan Public Security Bureau. The security work in Kyoto University has been handed over to the Jingdu Public Security Bureau for specific arrangements.

But whether Kyoto University banned students from talking about it in private, or the government asked the media to whitewash the case. This attempt to cover up is tantamount to revealing the truth to the world.

Looking around, Su Hao didn't feel decadent. When Su Hao was unable to sigh, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Su Hao, come with me!"

Suddenly he looked back and stared, but Uncle Da limped towards the school gate with a broad step.

Thinking for a moment, Su Hao followed up step by step.

Soon, Su Hao followed Uncle Da to his old room. As soon as he stepped in, uncle Da asked in a mellow and slightly hoarse voice, "what would you like to drink? I only have tea and boiled water."

Would you like something to drink?

Now even if you want to give Su Hao a drink of nectar, I'm afraid it can't dispel the haze in Su Hao's heart.

Casually waved his hand, and Su Hao sat on the cold bench lazily.

"Is there anything important you asked me to come over?" Su Hao was not very clear, which made Su Hao unwilling to talk to Uncle da.

Uncle Da shrugged helplessly, poured Su Hao a cup of boiled water, and silently put the glass water cup in front of Su Hao.

"I don't think you're in a good mood. Are you still angry about the incident caused by the blood clan at Kyoto University?" Uncle Da grinned thoughtfully. He didn't want to play with Su Hao. He came straight to the point. Instead, he could make su Hao better reveal his heart.

At the beginning, the old man arranged uncle Da to enter Kyoto University. On the one hand, he passed the latest instructions to Su Hao in time. Another important reason is to help Su Hao complete his task smoothly.

The so-called help Su Hao is not just to provide some help. Naturally, it also includes enlightening and comforting Su Hao!

This is where the old man has foresight. The old man knows Su Hao very well. Although Su Hao's real identity and his own strength are already very well known.

But the problem is that Su Hao is only an 18-year-old child.

In China, most of the 18-year-old children still reach out to ask their parents for money, live under the protection of their parents and live a carefree life.

Su Hao, however, had to face the great responsibility of saving and changing the future and destiny of the human world.

With the weak strength of mankind, we want to compete with the nine ethnic groups whose scientific, technological and military strength are far beyond. Even the old man often can't sleep at night, let alone children like Su Hao.

In contrast, Su Hao's shoulders are still very young. There are still obvious deficiencies in his view of the overall situation.

Therefore, uncle Da must give Su Hao psychological comfort and guidance in time, so that Su Hao can carry out his task smoothly within Kyoto University.

Hearing uncle Da, who was similar to the enlightener of half a psychologist, Su Hao reflected his resistance.

"You're right. I'm just resenting it." Su Hao sneered a few times and said sarcastically: "Can you explain to me why the CIA jiufan team is obviously near Kyoto University and turns a blind eye to the killing behavior of the blood clan. I know that the old man must come up with the excuse of considering the overall situation. However, the blood clan has been killed to Kyoto University. Why can the jiufan team ignore it?"

After thinking for a while, uncle Da explained: "Su Hao, calm down and listen to me first. You're right. The jiufan team did stay around Kyoto University. They got the news immediately about the massacre of students by Miki at Kyoto University. But if it's not a last resort, the jiufan team can't do it at will."

cannot but!

What a last resort!

Su Hao's ironic smile on the corner of his mouth became stronger. Soon, when the ironic smile turned, Su Hao's eyebrows almost twisted together, angrily patted the wooden table and scolded in a cold voice: "What is a last resort? Is it difficult? Only when all the students at Kyoto University are dead, the jiufan team is willing to take action. Damn it, it's 163 human lives, not 163 pigs. It's dead."

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