The viscous liquid "clattered" poured down from the air. Most of the liquid, with flickering flames, poured on Zhong Zhengxiong's face and body. The remaining small part splashed on Zhou Weiwei's face.

With the liquid on the skin, there was a burst of white smoke. Immediately, the pungent smell of sulfuric acid and the burning pain from his face made Zhong Zhengxiong roar like a raging lion.

"You dare to splash me with strong sulfuric acid. You're dead. I must kill you today."

Just now Zhong Zhengxiong didn't expect that the glass bottle thrown out by Zhou Weiwei was full of concentrated sulfuric acid. So that the concentrated sulfuric acid liquid splashed on Zhong Zhengxiong's eyes!

The burning sensation of tearing the heart and cracking the lungs, accompanied by the corrosive sound of "zizizi", let Zhong Zhengxiong cover his face and make a crazy roar to alleviate the sharp pain of sulfuric acid corroding the body!

In contrast, Zhou Weiwei, when the concentrated sulfuric acid liquid splashed out. Although she has closed her eyes and made some protective actions. But there was still some strong sulfuric acid splashing on her delicate face.

Concentrated sulfuric acid corrodes her white and tender face like cooked egg white. Zhou Weiwei is stunned and bites the shell teeth without any painful screams.

In addition, Zhong Zhengxiong has already killed his heart, and the excessive shock also weakens the pain on Zhou Weiwei's face.

With her watery eyes open, Zhou Weiwei, regardless of the strong corrosivity of strong sulfuric acid on her face, burned red, quickly climbed up the windowsill, and her small and exquisite body helped a lot at this time.

Let Zhou Weiwei skillfully climb out of the window and glance back at the hysterical Zhong Zhengxiong. At this time, the right eye socket of Zhong Zhengxiong has flowed out of the water-colored lens and red blood because of the burning of concentrated sulfuric acid. It flows on her cheeks like an evil soul and a fierce ghost. It is really ferocious and terrible.

Suddenly, Zhong Zhengxiong's left eye seemed to have vision. He could see Zhou Weiwei standing on the windowsill, trembling with fear.

After a roar like a wild beast, Zhong Zhengxiong raised his index finger. His blurred vision could not give the exact position of Zhong Zhengxiong and Zhou Weiwei.

In the hazy sight, there were three figures of Zhou Weiwei. In his fury, the blood energy beam on Zhong Zhengxiong's finger was emitted more than a dozen times at a time.

With the energy beam gradually moving over, Zhou Weiwei, standing on the narrow windowsill, glanced at the cement ground more than ten meters away from her, and moved towards the windowsill with fear!

"Whoosh, whoosh"

Poor glass mirror, after experiencing more than a dozen energy beams. On the bright glass mirror, a round hole the size of more than a dozen fingers is prominently displayed. On the edge of the round hole, it is slightly blackened, which seems to be the trace left by the instant burning of high-temperature energy, giving off a pungent and choking smell!

Finally, a whole glass mirror was almost pierced into a hornet's nest by the energy beam emitted by Zhong Zhengxiong.

"Click, click, click"

The glass mirror suddenly heard bursts of crisp cracking sound. After a second of stagnation, I only heard a "crash". The glass broke directly and scattered from the fourth floor.

The sudden bursting of the glass made Zhou Weiwei, who was already frightened and frightened, scream with fear.

As soon as his legs softened, he rushed out directly from the narrow windowsill. Fortunately, Zhou Weiwei did not fall vertically, but made a leap forward. Just ran to the branch planted one meter away in the teaching building.

With the help of the obstacles of the branches, Zhou Weiwei's falling speed was slowed down. Bursts of "click" breaking sound came from the thick branches, accompanied by Zhou Weiwei's panic and scream, which immediately attracted many students to come and help.

"Isn't this Zhou Weiwei from the Department of financial management? How did she jump out of a building? And breathe. Come quickly and help Zhou Weiwei to the school infirmary."

"What's the matter with Zhou Weiwei's face? It seems that she has been burned by strong sulfuric acid. Just now I saw that she jumped down from the fourth floor, and the glass on the fourth floor was broken. Is there anyone else on it?"

"When is it? It's important to save people. Leave the rest to the police."

"Alas, have we run into evil at Kyoto University these days? First, a freak murderer rushed in and killed more than 100 students at one go. Now someone jumped from a building in the teaching building. What the hell."

"Otherwise, give the headmaster a suggestion and ask a Taoist monk with water to recite the Sutra of past life. Let's spend it."

"Stop fucking nonsense and come to help!"

At this time, the screams and broken glass came from Zhong Zhengxiong's classroom. Attracted the attention of two policemen guarding the teaching building!

Since the last murder at Kyoto University, Kyoto University has contacted the Jingdu Public Security Bureau and asked the police of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to stay on the campus of Kyoto University. In this way, the police can deal with any malignant case at the school at the first time and reduce casualties.

With their keen perception, the two policemen on duty immediately realized that this was not a trivial matter. On the one hand, quickly grasp the starting phone and contact the special police stationed on the campus of Kyoto University to ask for support. On the other hand, he hurried towards the fourth floor!

But when I rushed to the corridor on the fourth floor, I saw a student with red blood on his face and covering his cheek. The clothes on the body were also burned to rags, a big hole, a small hole!

Seeing this, the two policemen hurried over, patted the strange student on the shoulder and asked in a hurry, "what's the matter with you, classmate? We're now."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the policeman's forehead was pierced by a bloody light column. In an instant, the policeman's voice stopped, his mouth was half open, and a look of pain and surprise flashed on his face at the last moment before his death.

Slowly, as the policeman 'Putong' fell straight on the ceramic tile, his pupils immediately expanded. A stream of white brain fluid mixed with blood flows out of the hole on the forehead!

Another policeman quickly took out his pistol. Now they all wear guns to deal with emergencies.

"Bang bang!"

The flustered policeman pulled the trigger angrily, and all three shots were on Zhong Zhengxiong.

Slowly, blood streamed out of Zhong Zhengxiong's shot part, arm and thigh.

Because Zhong Zhengxiong is not human, his body is much tougher than human. Even if the gun hit the body, it didn't splash blood and flow wantonly like hitting the human body.


Another beam of blood, broken gold and cracked stone, passed through the police's thick neck.

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