Each SWAT's face was very dignified, silent and slightly lowered his head.

When the atmosphere in the corridor was cold and awkward, everyone's walkie talkie heard a scream of fear, accompanied by fierce fire.

"Captain, we found a suspicious man on the seventh floor. Now there has been an exchange of fire. Two of us have been killed and three have been injured. Request support, request"

Another terrible scream came from the walkie talkie. Soon, the sound inside the walkie talkie stopped!

At this time, Su Hao, who is at the end of the Lingling, has climbed onto the roof of the opposite teaching building. In the mercenary army, Su Hao received a lot of training in this kind of unarmed climbing.

Although the teaching building has more than ten floors, it is a piece of cake for Su Hao, whose physical fitness has long been different.

As soon as he climbed onto the roof, the cool wind came and blew Su Hao's neat and handsome hair and swayed back and forth.

The black hair tip swings back and forth in the line of sight, which can isolate Su Hao's cold eyes and lock the opposite teaching building.

The Phoenix rolls the clouds and looks at each other from a distance!

Take a deep breath of the cool water like air, and the roaring wind sounded in his ears. Su Hao whispered, "Xiao Hei, why do you want me to come here? Do you want me to stare at Zhong Zhengxiong with hate?"

"Don't worry, Zhong Zhengxiong will appear on the rooftop of the teaching building opposite in a moment. Then you will do as I told you, and I'm sure you can get the result."

Wait, the result is Zhong Zhengxiong!

Su Hao looked around. The whole roof was empty. There was nothing except some welded metal shelves. What did he take to kill Zhong Zhengxiong.

The distance between the two teaching buildings is more than 100 meters. If you want to kill Zhong Zhengxiong with one blow. The best weapon is a sniper rifle, but where does Su Hao go to get a sniper rifle now.

Thinking of these, Su Hao suddenly felt that Xiao Hei seemed to be joking with Su Hao. His bright eyes drooped, and Su Hao Ran in a strange way: "Sleeping trough, Xiao Hei, you're playing with me. There's nothing here. Tell me how to kill Zhong Zhengxiong. Besides, the best way to kill Zhong Zhengxiong is close combat. You've already sensed that Zhong Zhengxiong is moving towards the rooftop. Let's go directly to the rooftop of the opposite teaching building. In this way, once Zhong Zhengxiong appears, he can kill him with a kitchen knife. Why should we go the other way Where is it? "

Su Hao's mind was full of the idea of cutting with a knife, because Su Hao felt very dissatisfied and angry with Xiao Hei's blind command.

"The main reason why I let you come here is to avoid meeting those special police. I think you must have heard just now. The chief of the special police said that as long as you see suspicious people, you don't need to ask for instructions and kill them directly. Don't you think it's very illogical?"

Xiao Hei's keen insight and careful thinking are unmatched by Su Hao. Although this little thing has no human emotion, it also virtually casts Xiao Hei's ability to grasp the whole situation in any dangerous environment.

After Xiao Hei said this, Su Hao also found this problem. Su Hao was a mercenary and he was very clear about some rules of special police and special forces.

Generally speaking, whether special police or special forces appear in non battlefield areas, any combat action must be asked for instructions before they can choose to attack or retreat.

The so-called non battlefield zone means that there are no legal combatants. Like Kyoto University, almost all of them are students and teachers. There are no terrorists at all, so it can be divided into non battlefield zones.

In non battlefield areas, whether special police or special forces, as long as they cause innocent civilian casualties because of their wrong actions.

At the slightest, he will be expelled from the army and will never be hired. At the worst, he will be sent to a military court for trial.

But the ferocious special police captain dared to shoot and snipe as long as he found suspicious personnel in this non battlefield area.

That's a problem?

This is an order from the government and military!

Suddenly, Su Hao couldn't help shivering. In his calm thinking, a reasonable speculation immediately emerged.

The government and the military have secretly spied out that many non-human creatures have been mixed into the human world.

"Your idea and my speculation basically coincide. After Sanmu was killed by the blood clan Liangzi, the body was not recovered by the headquarters base. It was recovered by the government and the military. The government and the military will certainly study Sanmu's body. Based on this, the government and the military may already know that there are creatures beyond human beings. What's more terrible is this kind of life Things are similar to human beings. They are mixed in the crowd and can hardly be distinguished. Therefore, they dare to order the special police to directly snipe and kill all suspicious people without asking for instructions! "

The earth shaking news made Su Hao's heart churn like a torrent of the sea. Until now, he didn't understand Xiao Hei's intention.

If Su Hao is found by the special police, he will inevitably be shot. Most importantly, once the government and the military intervene, Su Hao's latent action will be virtually interrupted.

The series of unbearable consequences caused by that time is absolutely terrible!

After LengSheng sneered, Su Hao found that the task he accepted this time was so dangerous!

"Xiao Hei, let's let go of other things first. Let's discuss how to end Zhong Zhengxiong." Su HaoLing looked up and saw a small figure in his clear sight.

Yes, that's Zhong Zhengxiong!

"How about your projection technique? How far can you throw a five kilogram iron pipe?" Xiao Hei asked.

"I can throw about 200 meters out of a five kilogram iron pipe. As for the accuracy, I can't guarantee it."

Hearing Su Hao's confident words, Xiao Hei immediately said, "well, in terms of accuracy, I can control your observation ability. As for strength, you can use as much strength as you have."

Su Hao now understood Xiao Hei's meaning and attacked Zhong Zhengxiong with an iron pipe from a distance. As long as Zhong Zhengxiong's fragile heart is destroyed in an instant, he can be killed in one blow.

Looking around, Su Hao disassembled one of the welded scaffold steel pipes and weighed it in his hand. It weighs about five kilograms.

Hold your breath. With the help of Xiaohei, Su Hao's line of sight is like a telescope. He constantly enlarges and enlarges, and finally locks it in Zhong Zhengxiong's heart.

"Ready! Project."

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