Su Hao had little impression of the foreign anti aggression war that took place on the national land decades ago.

Listening to the No. 1 chief, these memories forgotten in the long river of history are just fresh memories left in the minds of previous generations, as if those scenes of hard struggle, inch by inch persistence and deep love for the motherland and land are contained between the lines.

"The eight years of the war of resistance against Japan, no, to be exact, it should be 16 years. Since the fall of the northeast, the national war of resistance against Japan has never stopped. The eventful years, even I didn't think that at that time, relying on the backward old guns and guns, we could resist the attack of devils like wolves and tigers. When I think of these, I suddenly talked about youth mania, holding yellow on the left, holding green on the right, brocade hat and mink fur , thousands of horses roll the blood of Hiraoka. "

Su Hao, who has not experienced a hard time, naturally it is difficult to understand the inner defiance and emotion of the No. 1 chief.

After all, Su Hao received serious military training in the mercenary army. He also led the mercenary team into the enemy's hinterland to carry out rapid mobile warfare and Blitzkrieg.

"Chief, I don't quite understand. As you just said, since the award of the rank in 1965, there have been no fierce generals in the army who have been promoted to general in recent years. Do they have no real talent and learning?"

No. 1 chief appreciated Su Hao's keen and careful thinking. Even though the age difference between the two was more than 60 years, it did not affect the dialogue between the two friends who forgot their years.

He rubbed his stubble chin. His gray beard was neat and well trimmed.

After pondering for a moment, the No. 1 commander spoke in a rough and crazy voice and said, "since 1965, there has basically been no major war in China. In the ten-year counterattack war against Vietnam, our army has basically maintained an absolute advantage. As long as the military headquarters directly ordered at the beginning, I have no doubt that we can capture the enemy's capital in a short time."

Speaking of this, the No. 1 chief showed a proud sense of superiority on his face and said with a light smile: "The outbreak of war will have a great impact on the national strength and people's quality of life as long as the countries involved, whether the victorious countries or the defeated countries. Just as the so-called guns and guns have always been gold. Quoting Napoleon, a French strategic wizard, the three most important things in a war are money, money and money. Can you ensure the most effective outcome of the war After the victory, quartermaster supplies are very important. Just as Sun Tzu's art of war says, the three armed forces do not move food and grass first! In fact, that's the truth! "

The No. 1 chief likes to talk about the past and the present. He is also a man with cultural literacy. If he had not beaten people into a disability in his hometown and was afraid of being convicted and sentenced, he might have been a famous literary master at home and abroad.

After years of war, the smell of books on his body was gradually erased and turned into a rough, crazy and bold character.

However, in his bones, he still claims to be a cultivated scholar. As the saying goes, "literature can raise pen and secure the world, and martial arts can determine the universe immediately". Don't be modest. It refers to people like chief No. 1.

Su Hao listened attentively. The view of war in the eyes of No. 1 chief was completely opposite to Su Hao's idea.

Su Hao once led a mercenary team to interpose between the abdomen of the enemy. It can be regarded as the first rank among the ten thousand armies.

However, the mercenary team violated the orders of their superiors and invaded the enemy's hinterland. The most fatal problems were military supplies, food and ammunition, and some necessary medical supplies.

Although the mercenary team has more quartermaster supplies than the normal special forces, the general special forces only carry military supplies for three days, but the items basically carried by the mercenary team can be used for ten days.

Of course, when carrying quartermaster supplies, we must take into account the internal problems of the members. It is precisely because the members of the mercenary team have greatly surpassed the normal special forces in terms of physical fitness that they can carry nearly three times the quartermaster supplies of the normal special forces.

However, in the enemy's hinterland, it was deeply surrounded. Ten days of military supplies were consumed in the blink of an eye.

The problem of food is easy to say. The mercenary team has strong ability to survive in the wild. Even in the desolate Siberian grassland, they can survive well.

Therefore, the problem of food is not a troublesome problem in the mercenary team. The most important thing is ammunition. When the ammunition is exhausted, Su Hao can't go to fight with the enemy's aircraft, tanks and machine guns with a knife.

Su Hao is smart. That's why he is smart. He habitually develops a way to support the war by fighting. As long as he meets the enemy, he doesn't need to ask for instructions. After annihilating it as quickly as possible, he will loot all the enemy's materials.

It's almost the same as the bandits gathering in the mountains and forests!

In Su Hao's words, if you don't eat, drink or rob the enemy, you can't shoot the people.

If the enemy had anything, Su Hao would take everything except foreign women. He would take as much as he could eat, wear and wear.

If the players cuddle less, Su Hao is unhappy and scolds his mother. If they cuddle more, Su Hao's mouth is like the lotus in full bloom in June.

It was by this way that Su Haoleng led a mercenary team and wandered around the enemy's encirclement for a month. Leng turned the enemy upside down.

But Su Hao's way of supporting the war is only suitable for the operation of elite teams. For one thing, the combat capability of the elite team is strong enough to take one as ten and one as a hundred.

All military qualities, whether shooting or close combat, are superior to ordinary soldiers. It's like a fight between an adult and a child. The other party will die.

In this dominant situation, the strategy of supporting the war with war can be better implemented and implemented.

After all, there are only a dozen people in the team, and the military supplies needed are not much.

But if it is a field army of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. It is very difficult to carry out this strategy of supporting war by war, even if you want to implement it.

When the devils launched the sinister war of aggression, they fell into the malady of supporting the war by war. Finally, the devil's domestic resources were almost exhausted by the war of aggression.

After taking a deep breath, the No. 1 chief continued to talk: "I'll answer your question now. War is a huge disaster for every country. But it is also a double-edged sword. Invisibly, it can highlight the unyielding backbone and tenacity of the country."

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