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Chapter 200 Tang Mo's Film Critic (1)

"What are you thinking about?" Wan Qian looked at Tang Mo curiously as he lowered his head to meditate, thinking that after he finished filming the "Bao Lian Lan Lan", there was any emotion in it.

"I didn't think about anything, I just thought that this drama is over, what should I do~" Tang Mo responded with a smile. He couldn't say that he was thinking about what the next TV series should be filmed to be able to get the title of Emperor Shi, that's too Arrogant.

"Hehe, this drama is not over yet!" Xiao Keer on the side squeezed into Wan Qian and Tang Mo to complain, "We still have dubbing to solve!"


Tang Mo thought about it as if it was true. Shooting the Baolian Lantern is not like other TV shows. This show requires a lot of shots with some special effects, so there are some scenes with poor live radio effects, which can only be used for post-production. After the post-editing of Lotus Lantern is over, he still needs to dub. After the dubbing is over, the filming of this TV series can be truly ended.

Generally speaking, some roles in the dubbing of TV dramas will be handed over to the later dubbing actors. After all, some people's Mandarin and lines skills are really not good, and that is no way!

However, for this Baolian Lantern, according to Yu Ming, everyone must use their own original voice. Of course, if some people's line skills are really not good, then consider finding a voice actor.

Of course, Tang Mo is not disgusted with dubbing. You must know that this is his role. If he can dub himself, he will definitely make the character more complete, but he will waste some time later.

"By the way, Tang Mo, are you going to the film industry after this play is over?" Wan Qian asked curiously, "I think many people say that you should go to make a movie instead of continuing to make a TV show!"

"Not sure, but it shouldn't be so fast!" Tang Mo smiled. He is only twenty-two years old. Young is the capital. There is no need to say that he must go or not to go to the film industry. Anyway, there is a suitable opportunity. He is willing to try the script, whether it is a TV series or a movie, he does not want to simply fix himself as a movie cafe or a TV cafe.

"That's it, but listening to my agent, I might get in touch with some movie characters in the next step to prepare for the future!" Wan Qian said lightly.

"Yes, I think there should be no problem with your acting skills to shoot a movie. A little exercise can be the mainstay!" Tang Mo smiled and looked at Wan Qian and said, Wan Qian's acting skills have improved in "Baolian Lantern". , You can really make some movies to see the situation!

"What about me?!" Xiao Kerr smiled, "How is my acting?"

Tang Mo raised his eyebrows, "Well~~ Your acting skills are also good, but your looks are a bit disadvantaged. You look too young. Now you play a high school student without any sense of disobedience. Wait until you get older! "

Xiao Ke'er nodded helplessly. Although it sounds like Tang Mo was complimenting her appearance, sometimes it is not a good thing to be young, which means that many more mature roles are difficult to perform.


After the banquet was over, Tang Mo was so drunk because of chatting with Xiao Keer and Wan Qian, he was able to walk back into the room by himself.

Wan Qian and Xiao Ke'er glanced at each other, and then each returned to their room with a cold snort.

The two of them are now like Xiaoyu and Lilac in "Baolian Lantern", except that Tang Mo has become agarwood...

Tang Mo just woke up the next day when he received a call from Xu Shan.

"Hey, why does Director Xu call me when he is free?" Tang Mo asked with a smile.

"The movie is released, and the final box office is 3.6 billion. We are going to have a celebration banquet, you must come!" Xu Shan said happily on the phone.

"3.6 billion?! Congratulations!" Tang Mo smiled, his time and space "I'm not the God of Medicine" had a final box office of 3.1 billion, and after his participation, the box office rose by 500 million. Although this cannot be said to be his credit, the thought of his participation in the performance did not lead to a lower box office, but increased the box office. This is good news, because at least it means that he did not hold back!

"The celebration banquet will be held in the magic city the day after tomorrow. You should still be in Hengdian now? You will come at that time!" Xu Shan confirmed.

"Okay, it just so happened that my "Baolian Lantern" has been finished, I must go!" Tang Mo responded with a smile. As one of the five drug sellers, he would definitely go to such a big event as a celebration party. !

"Okay, then it's settled, just come to the hotel last time!" Xu Shan simply said and hung up, seeming to be busy contacting other creative members.

The phone was hung up, and now that the movie was released, Tang Mo was curious to check out what the internet said about "I'm Not the God of Medicine"!?

I have to say that the reviews on the Internet are really showing a one-sided trend. The quality of the film makes netizens love this film deeply, and there is basically no bad comment!

On Weibo, Tang Mo suddenly saw someone questioning himself in @, asking him how he viewed "I am not the God of Medicine" and how he viewed the protagonists in the film!

This question was directly at the top of his comment page!

Tang Mo thought for a while, whether he could also answer this question as a film critic, it seemed quite interesting!

Just do it, Tang Mo got up and opened the laptop, answering questions on the phone, text format and the like are still more difficult to deal with, it is more convenient to deal with problems on the computer!

"Yesterday, "I'm Not the God of Medicine" was released, with a box office total of 3.6 billion. Up to now, nearly 1 million people on Douban have rated this movie, and the overall rating has reached 9.0. It is not an exaggeration to say that this result can be regarded as domestic. Phenomenon in the film.

Here I will also talk a little bit about the protagonists in "I'm Not the God of Medicine"!

The first is Cheng Yong, the protagonist of the movie. He was originally a small vendor selling aphrodisiac drugs. For some reason, he met the leukemia patient Lu Yiyi and started smuggling the drug "Glenin". Because he saved many lives, Cheng Yong was crowned "the god of medicine." The good name of "Savior".

Our savior is not a superhero like Hollywood. He has no noble head, handsome, and extraordinary shots. He has a big belly, greasy and treacherous. He is a villain. He also bows to his knees. He is domineering after getting rich, but he is more like a real person.

Cheng Yong believes that what he has done can change something.

In fact, he really did it.

Nowadays, drugs related to "chronic myeloid leukemia" have entered medical insurance, and the prices of generic drugs have been declining. It used to cost more than 20,000 yuan a month to buy drugs, but now only three to four thousand yuan can be used for one year.

"There are always people who don't want to be an extinguished lamppost, to be the only light."

This is the case for Cheng Yong. He is a beacon to thousands of patients wherever he can."

After talking about Cheng Yong, let's talk about the benefits of Lu!

In the film, he is a young father. He didn't want to live when he was diagnosed with leukemia, but when he saw his son was born, he felt that he still had to live.

In fact, many families in life come from this kind of background. The older generation sees the younger generation and immediately has vitality. I have to live for the sake of my children.People's desire to survive is so direct.

Lv Yingyi is tall but always rickety, with a beautiful face but always with a pleased smile. He is alive and well like a citizen living at the bottom of society.

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