Become a big entertainment boss

Chapter 470 began to shoot

After coming to the home and breakfast, Tang Mo watched his curious asked. "How do you think of renting a home ?!"

"Isn't you said that it is best to be near the Yanjing Film Academy? I check it here!" I have a laugh, "I solved the problem of the shooting, and solved the accommodation of our crew." It's a perfect! "

Tang Mo really seems to be true, the accommodation in the B & B is really don't worry, although it is said that it has ended the shooting of "buried" in a very short time, but how short it needs a four or five God, the life problem of the drama group is still solved, and now I have rented a home, it is really completely solved!

"Can you start shooting now? First kill the play of the female colleague first, and there are other things behind her!" Tang Mo.

"Yes, the crew is already in place, I originally want to tell you to start shooting tomorrow. Since I am in a hurry, I can start shooting today!" I used to take a picture of makeup artist who immediately greeted and gave home. It is a few twins and security clothes!

After Wan Qian went to change the clothes, the makeup artist naturally painted a more miserable makeup, his face was very messy!

"I will take a robbers!" Tang said.

"Become" this movie robbers must not be out of place, Tang Mo looked out his arm, and then took a fake gun with the crew, enough to open a shot of Wanqian, even fired a head There is no picture of the picture, after the clip comes out, I can only hear a gun!

"Let's not be the most simple crew, and even the booting ceremony is not !?" I used to laugh before the shoot.

"That's not, the boot ceremony is still there!" Tang Milton hook his hand, he looked at the sudden smile, he saw a few fresh apples and packaging big chicken legs sold!

Tang M Sumi sex as a tribute with the big chicken legs, simply making a boot ceremony ...

After the booting ceremony, the shooting officially started, Wan Qian came to the guests, but it didn't have to contribute to what acts. She only needs a person who arrested to be captured by captive!

Start shooting ...

Wan Qian's eyes looked at the camera, Tang Mo took guns on the camera to take gun's head, then pressed the trigger!

OK ...

"Nothing?" Wan Qian helplessly smiled, this is really a simple drama of her guests, less than five seconds, then people have gone.

"Nothing!" Tang Mo laughed.

Wan Qian ended the guests, that is, this is such a random, his main purpose of Wan Qian is still in order to match the sound of the female role inside "buried", the passenger string is really just a matter of things.

After the shooting, Wan Qian went to the room to make makeup remover, and Tang Mo was the filming rule of discussing the film of "live buried".

"Live buried" is still a little more difficult, especially the lights need to pay special, after all, Tang Mo can't really lying in a closed coffin to shoot, and many of the film is dark in the coffin. It is necessary to make light!


"Then I officially started shooting tomorrow. I will always come and see it. He said for me to end this movie in a week, you must strictly check it, don't be taken by my teacher. It seems that it is a feeling that I have to put it! "Tang Mo smiled.

"OK, you can rest assured, I must strictly check!" Zeng Hao smiled, in fact, he also felt that Tang Mo said that he wants to end the "live buried" shoot in a week, he is going to excel, Let Tang Mo understand a week's time you want to take a movie, it doesn't exist!

After Wan Qiang makeup and rewind his clothes, from the room, Tang Mo naturally left the home.

Wan Qian stayed in Tang Mo's home for a night. The next day, I was reluctant to return to the film. Although she can please have a two-day holiday, but there is no such necessary, wait for her. After the willow is "After the shoot, there is time to be slowly interacted with Tang Mo.

After Tang Moon sent back to the film, I came to the B & B you just went yesterday. By the way, I sent Hu Aimin to a position, indicating that he is "buried" today, he has to start shooting, if there is time, you can come and see!


In the home and Breakfast, people with the creed the crew took a soundprogency in the home of the home, and the scene was in the scene!

In order to prepare for shooting, once directly customized five ex-mold coffins, it is fear that a coffin may not be enough in the process of shooting, surprising!

Xiaoqing also took the scene of the B & B and has to say that Xiaoqing's business ability is still very nice. Only two days, there is also a Zippo lighter with the rice granules and talk about advertising implantation!

According to the market price, the advertising is implanted in three hundred seconds. It is also a five-minute duration. Generally, the price is between 3 million intervals, and floats according to the stamped cofference.

And Tang Dai's film and television drama, if you need to implant advertising, the market price is definitely a top place. If you let Tang's medals advertise words or use advertising products, it is not too far!

And "Live" this movie, almost all-on-film lighters will appear, so the price is very high!

In the end, Xiany did not make Tang Mo disappointed, with a zippo lighter, 30 million rice mobile phones, a total of 50 million advertising implants, let the "live buried" movie, not released in the ticket Earn four thousand eight million!

Yes, pure earning four thousand eight million is so much, as for the two million shooting costs and employee wages!


"Buried" shooting does not need to be like other movies, a scene of a scene is cut through the clip, and the shooting lens can completely follow the processes on the script, a piece of shooting.

Now, it is to shoot the first scene of "live buried" movies, the male protagonist is closed in the self-rescued picture in the coffin!

Tang Mo has been painted with makeup, there is a lot of dust and sweat on his face. He is tied to the hand, and the mouth is firmly blocked, silently lying in the coffin!

"Everyone is ready, quiet!"

"The props group is ready!"

"The light set is ready!"

"First, First Mirror, Action!"

The field board started, the movie was officially filmed!

"Call ~~ Call ~~ Call ~~" A thriving breathing sound came from Tang Mo's mouth.

"Pon ... Pon ..." Then he spend the voice of the wooden board around the coffin around him!

Then, it is a speechless, Tang Mo has groped a lighter from the side ~

~~ The sound of the lighter cover is opened, ... ... Rubber ribbed sound, there are several lighters being ignited, but it is very fast, but it brings through this short lighter. The camera captures Tang Mo's eyes!

Finally, the lighter was ignited, and the fire flicked was very clear!

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