At the beginning, there were some rumors that the eldest lady of prime minister's mansion was ill and always made strange moves.

However, this rumor also appeared for one or two days. After all, the prime minister is not so tolerant of other people's comments on him.

Although he also felt that his daughter had changed after a bout of illness, she had always been a jumping temperament. So now in the prime minister's eyes, it's just more weird than before. It doesn't make much difference.

As for the secret guard of prime minister's mansion, he was more calm. After all, xiyue'er has always been a very troublemaker before she was crossed. Now I just go to the roof every month to drink tea and shout. What is this!

This is much more peaceful than before. Sometimes I don't understand what I say, but maybe this is the difference between big families and ordinary people?!

Now the dark Wei can't think of it. In fact, xiyue'er is not a good master to deal with. It's just that he has been hit too hard and hasn't been relieved.

However, this is a later story. Now the work of dark guards is very comfortable, and they don't put the comments of outsiders in mind. After all, no matter what situation they encounter, their first priority is to protect the master's safety.

In the heavily guarded prime minister's house, although it is on the roof, it is still very safe.

Is there anyone who doesn't have eyes who will come to the prime minister's house? If you really make trouble to the prime minister's house, it may be a rebellion. There was no safe place at that time.

Moreover, for dark Wei, xiyue'er is more worried than before. At least now xiyue'er will say in advance what she is going to do and give dark Wei some time to prepare.

In the past, xiyue'er was a master who could do whatever she wanted. She couldn't figure out her acting style. She was a character who made dark Wei nervous.

At least for the dark guard, this change is a good phenomenon.

"Hello --" xiyueer, sitting on the roof, waved in a certain direction. "I'm going back to my room. Remember to put away this ladder later."

Although xiyue'er is not easy to deal with, based on modern etiquette, she will not be too embarrassed to others, so she will tell her dark Wei to remind her before doing anything.

For this reason, xiyue'er is the most approachable master in the prime minister's mind.

Of course, the owners of the prime minister's house will not know what the dark guards think.

Xi Yuer Shi ran went down from the roof and went back to sleep in her room.

The dark guards, after cleaning up the stall left by xiyue'er, return to their posts and do their duty. And also can't help but praise Xi yue'er, after all, this kind of master is very rare, not to mention Xi yue'er was a very difficult master to serve.

The prime minister's house is safe all night.

The next morning, xiyue'er started a new life step by step.

But life has always been an annoying goblin.

It's what you don't want to see.

I don't know what xizixue thinks. I've been provoking xiyueer. It's said that xizixue has been like this since I was a child.

This is still the information that xiyue'er thinks Xizi Xue's attitude is too strange, which comes from the mouth of other servant girls.

Xiyue'er doesn't care what deep hatred xizixue and her original body owner have, but now it's on her, she can't see xizixue's strange appearance in front of her.

Xizixue was the first person who was not agreeable to xiyueer in this dynasty, more direct than the prime minister.

Why is xizixue so unpopular with xiyueer? This also has to start from the time when xiyueer first came to this world.

The scene was not pleasant.


Xi yue'er looks at the room with carved beams and painted buildings. She is a little dizzy. She once suspected that she didn't wake up.

But the reality is so cruel in front of her, she is very clear, the world is not fake.

Fortunately, she is the only one in the room now, and she can calm down.

But this quiet was soon broken, because the maid who regularly sent medicine into the room found that she was awake, and looked at xiyue'er with a very indescribable expression.

It's like seeing a dying man suddenly come back to life and be able to dance.

The servant girl soon adjusted her expression. Xiyue'er didn't find her twisted face.

"Miss, are you awake? I'll invite the master and his wife to come here. Please drink this bowl of medicine quickly The green shirt maid put down the medicine bowl and ran out. Before xiyue'er could answer what she said.

Xi yue'er looked at the black medicine in the bowl. There was a faint bitter smell in the room. Xi yue'er turned her lips and carried it to the far table.

"Slow down, ma'am. Watch your step."

Outside came the cry of a servant girl.

Now the people who come here should be the parents of the body owner. I don't know what they are. Will they suddenly find that they are not their original daughter.

Without waiting for xiyueer to think more, the noisy sound of footsteps came closer and closer to the room where he was now.

The door was opened with a bang.

A well-dressed woman ran straight to her. The gold steps on her head were shaken together and made a clear sound.

He was surprised, anxious and a little fragile.

"Oh, my dear, you are awake at last! I'm scared to death. "

Sure enough, this is the mother of this body.

Xiyuer is held in her arms with a blank face. The woman's height is a little higher than xiyuer's. she puts her head on xiyuer's shoulder, and the cry is a few decibels in an instant, which makes xiyuer's ears buzzing and her brain blank. The expression on Xi Yue er's face is more and more at a loss.

Although she knew that there would be a mother and daughter meeting, then one of them burst into tears to express her joy.

But she didn't expect the scene to come so fast and so violent that she didn't have time to respond.

After all, will she be too cold? Will they doubt it?

Sure enough, you can't talk about people during the day, you can't talk about ghosts at night, whatever you want.

The elegant woman finally howled enough, reflecting why Xi yue'er's mood was so calm, and she didn't feel excited and tearful at all.

"Mother... You calm down, I just woke up, my brain is not very clear, you..." Xi yue'er wanted to ease the scene, but before she finished, she was interrupted by the excited woman.

"Yes, fern is right. You have just recovered from a serious illness. You need to have more rest. You are too excited for your mother. Come on! Go back to bed and lie down. The doctor and your father will be here soon

Xiyue'er hasn't thought of any other countermeasures yet, so she has to go to bed to have a rest according to the noble woman's words.

Not waiting for xiyue'er to come up with a solution, there was another noisy voice.

The one who is full of dignity at the front should be the master of this body, and also the master of this mansion - the prime minister.

A little old man with a goatee and a medicine box was following him. Looking at his clothes, he should not be an ordinary doctor.

But this is not what Xi Yueer is concerned about now. Unless the world is mysterious, no one should be able to find out that the owner of the body has been lost.

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