Become a god from looting the rich

Chapter 102 New Elements

When Zhang Hang rushed to the manor, he looked at the manor that was already shrouded in sea mist, his eyes flickering, but he didn't come back for two days. How could the sea mist have such a scale?


At the moment the energy equipment was turned on, the thick sea fog opened up a safe road, but it was just a road. The scale of the energy equipment determines its limit.

Walking into the manor, the mother-in-child charm in Zhang Hang's hand burned more and more quickly, Zhang Hang held a celestial master charm in his hand and rushed directly into the sea-fog-filled villa. The situation here is much more serious than Yunshenyuan. Now, Zhang Hang doesn't know why the sea fog diffuses so quickly here.

"Shao Hang is here!"

Lu Xuan's face was beaming when she saw the mother-in-law talisman in her hand burning up quickly. Zhang Hang's arrival meant that they would be saved.

In the sea fog, a purple light suddenly flashed in Zhang Hang's pocket, and the surrounding sea fog was like a beast that had encountered natural enemies, rolling towards the surroundings.

"Is Ye Mingzhu?"

For insurance, Zhang Hang took the broken Ye Mingzhu along with him when he came out. I didn't expect that the seal inside the Ye Mingzhu would still be effective even if it was broken.

When the Ye Mingzhu was taken out of his pocket, the purple air current began to riot, and it quickly condensed inside the Ye Mingzhu to form a purple vortex. The surrounding sea fog was instantly swallowed by the whales, and the smell of the sea began to dissipate.

"Is this solved?"

Zhang Hang stared blankly at the Ye Mingzhu in his hand, and vaguely Zhang Hang saw that the cracks on the surface of the Ye Mingzhu seemed to be slowly healing, and the purple gas condensed into a whirlpool began to stabilize.

"Zhang Hang!"

As soon as the sea mist dissipated, Lu Xuan rushed out of the room and threw herself on Zhang Hang. She didn't know if it was because of shock or excitement. Her body leaning on Zhang Hang was still shaking.

"Don't worry, it's all right."

Zhang Hang comforted Lu Xuan, his eyes scanned the anchor and the servants at home. There were a dozen people missing, most of whom were servants.

Many servants did not respond when the sea mist spread. Those who survived were people who were relatively close to Lu Xuan, Zhuang Mengdie, and Lu Xiaoyun. When the sea mist spread, the Heavenly Master Talisman would react and they had time. Save people.

After the attack of the sea mist, the anchors were not in a very good state, and they completely lost their usual jokes and laughs. After all, they were just lucky. The ending of the other little sisters who did not appear can already be guessed.

Zhuang Mengdie and Lu Xiaoyun were responsible for appeasing the frightened sisters, while Zhang Hang pulled Lu Xuan back to his room.

The sea fog spreads so quickly, there must be other reasons. The sea fog of the manor can be easily removed by the night pearl Zhang Hang. If the same situation occurs in other places, without the night pearl, there is no talisman formation, the speed of the sea fog will spread. How fast Zhang Hang can't even imagine.

"Lu Xuan, do you know when the sea fog appeared? I only walked for two days. According to my estimation, the sea fog cannot spread so quickly."

Zhang Hang clumsily helped Lu Xuan tidy up her messy hair, and asked gently about the spread of sea fog.

"I don’t know the specific situation either. I slept, but the jade you gave me flashed suddenly. When I went out, I found that the outside was covered with white mist. If it weren’t for the light of the jade, I would save it. There is no chance for people."

Zhang Hang rubbed his forehead, but in the end he still couldn't find the reason for the spread of sea fog.

"Get a good rest, I will solve the white mist problem as soon as possible."

The spread of sea fog has threatened the people around him, and Zhang Hang can't sit still, especially when the spread of sea fog has caused such an abnormal situation.

After Lu Xuan was asleep, Zhang Hang tiptoed out of the room.

When Mr. Yin learned about what happened in the manor, his tone became heavy. The energy design drawings contributed by Zhang Hang were originally good news, but now this kind of abnormality has appeared again. His mood is like riding a roller coaster. Never stopped.

"I will let the branches all over the country pay attention to this problem, but Zhang Hang, we must solve the sharks as soon as possible. Yanglin has a population of one million. You can't just watch them all become sharks' food!"

Compared with other places in the country, Yanglin City is relatively safe. Perhaps because the population is too large, the sharks cannot eat so much for a while, so the casualties are not very large.

Zhang Hang said, Ye Mingzhu got his hand. Zhang Hang felt that he was getting closer and closer to the truth of the Shark Man incident. When the fog was resolved, it was the time when Shark Man was sealed again to Ye Mingzhu.

"The most urgent thing is to let Yu Zheng and the others find the source of the violet radiation."

The moon is high at night and the stars are dotted with stars. However, Zhang Hang and many people can't sleep tonight. The matter of the sea mist has been fermenting for too long. I don't know how many people will be swallowed by the white mist.

The sea fog spreads on people and spread to other cities. As the largest city in Nanjiang Province, Mingyang City is naturally unlikely to be spared.

A young man in his twenties was lying at the foot of Longhu Mountain. A cloud of white mist grew from his seven orifices. The sea mist that was originally only the size of a fist expanded rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.


When the sea mist filled the Longhu Mountain, a golden light shone into the night, and the sea mist quickly disappeared without a trace as if it had encountered ice and snow in the warm sun.

After the golden light, the sea mist dissipated, and even the body of the young man disappeared.

On the back mountain of Longhu Mountain, nine celestial masters are sitting together. Everyone except the great celestial master has frowned. Something just touched the amulet formation of Longhu Mountain. Although I don’t know the origin, it’s definitely It's heterogeneous.

"Big brother, another alien has appeared!"

The decaying and dead wood-like big celestial master's eyelids throbbed, and finally responded calmly: "The tragedy happened four hundred years ago. With the little teacher, this matter will be resolved soon. Let's rest assured to suppress the ghost gate. "

The great celestial master spoke, and the other eight celestial masters closed their eyes again and condensed the talisman to suppress the ghost gate.

After dawn, Zhang Hang rearranged the manor's rune array. Lu Xuan and his room were specially taken care of by Zhang Hang to arrange two rune arrays so that even if someone was infected with sea fog, it would not spread so quickly.

"The things at home depend on you. Professor Yu and the others are studying the composition of sea fog. I have to hurry back and stare at them."

Lu Xuan nodded. As a smart woman, she should know when and what to do. If anyone in China can figure out a way to deal with sea fog in a short time, it can only be the professors of Yunshen Academy.

After Zhang Hang left, Zhuang Mengdie walked out of the house and asked in a low voice: "Sister Lu Xuan, Zhang can solve those weird things."

As a survivor of Humei, she knew better than others the secrets hidden under the light, so the impact of the sea fog incident on her was also digested after a night of precipitation.

"I haven't seen anything he can't solve."

Returning to the Yunshenyuan, Zhang Hang saw that Yu Zheng and his group of professors had bloodshot eyes, their hair was messy, and their unkempt and unkempt faces looked like Tong Shi.

"Mr. Zhang, we have finally found the source of the violet radiation, come with me soon."

When Yu Zheng saw Zhang Hang, he excitedly pulled Zhang Hang's clothes and rushed into the laboratory.

"Plutonium element?"

"This is not a plutonium element, I will show you it again."

Yu Zheng asked Zhang Hang to stand aside, and a three-dimensional model emerged.

After a wave of academic terms, Zhang Hang finally understood why Yu Zheng and the others were so excited. This newly discovered element is similar to plutonium but has a big difference in atomic arrangement.

"Congratulations for discovering the new element, but before that I need you to simulate the violet radiation emitted by this element, and then find a way to store it in a container."

If you can't find it, it's no use.

"Let's work hard on this."

Speaking of Yu Zheng's body trembled, he leaned on Zhang Hang's shoulder and passed out into a coma. The other professors were similar. They couldn't hold on rotating their bodies for three consecutive days.

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