In the afternoon, Zhang Hang came to the ancient house. At this moment, the ancient house has been surrounded by the three layers of the three layers in the third floor. The space in the altar has no technical content to Zhang Hang, but for the conventional situation, this is advanced. Technology, if you can control the space, it means that in the space research and development of a new world gate is about to open.

Since Lang Yu is in relation to Zhang Hang, Lang Yu is comparable to the position of the position in the secret. It is better than the rocket. One person has to rise, and the class of Lang Yu is also following the class. This time is responsible for the ancient house security work. It is the class of Lang Yu. Kuncheng's whole knowledge is almost by Zhang Hang, the security of the ancient house is lying down and putting the work.

The ancient times saw Zhang Hanglai, and her face was full of smiles: "Mr. Zhang Hang, this time in Kuncheng rely on you to solve it, this time I will definitely give you a lot of benefits."

Zhang Hang posted a hand, laughed: "It is also for those things, you will help me, withdraw the people here, come back in the afternoon."

Gu Yue stunned, the expression on his face was somewhat embarrassed: "Mr. Zhang Hang, you also know that this has been included in the secret area, there is no ordered to do this."

"Don't hit the official cavity, I have said that I have talked about what I have taught it. If you are not happy, I will call the cloud now to let him change to me!"

The ancient face is a black, Zhang Hangxue passes Lang Yu, and he must be withdrawn. After his rising channel is directly blocked, Zhang Hang is in the status of the State, and Lang Yu also has a short three points in front of him. .

"Mr. Zhang Hang, I invite the gorge, I will make people."

Gu Yue, a waving, it was ready to pack things and retreat, and this phone called Lang Yu. Zhang Hang wants what Lang Yu is too lazy to ask. Anyway, Zhang Hang must bring accidents to him, not to let the extra situation People have a day, he still has this power, and people who are just looking for an exclusive service cannot refuse.

In less than ten minutes, the people around the ancient house are all emptied. Zhang Hang found a place to sit down and waiting for the appearance of the mysterious people. He is very curious about how the other party is in his own eyelid underground. Entered the locker.

At two o'clock, Zhang Hang suddenly felt a cool breeze, turning his head, I saw a young man in casual wear, smiling and stood behind himself.

"You look very general, I am seriously suspected that my uncle is not overestimation."

The young man got up and down, and his face revealed a disappointment expression.

Zhang Hang's face has a smile, this kind of born teenager is best flicker, I want to set his words, it is much simpler than dealing with those old fritters.

"I am indeed an ordinary person, but listening to you, you seemed to be staring for me?"

Young people smiled: "There are pension in the world, we have a special person to investigate all of his information."

Zhang Hang said, continued to ask: "What is the official person?"

The young people are proud to: "Of course, a lot of powerful people have invested in the arms of our story, and I don't know what uncle wants to attract you."

"You leave a message to make a transaction with me, please listen to me, you should clear what C4 will explode tonight, or don't waste time."

Young people pulled out a roll of yellow parchment from the pocket in front of Zhang Hang: "Sign this, I will give you another half of the structure, you are the story of the story."

Zhang Hang's eyes: "Listen to what you mean, the structural map is on you?"

"Then, this is not used in addition to your other people."

The young people have just caught the voice, Zhang Hang suddenly smiled, and the young man's feet turned out a green big net to sleep in the middle, and four flames did not know when they were posted on his back.

"what are you doing!"

Young look is called.

"Things are given to me, tell me about the story, I can let you leave safely!"

Zhang Hang face cold, the existence of the story allowed Zhang Hang felt a crisis, no matter whether there is no exaggerated component of the young man, he can get the distribution of the whole teaching C4 must be a matter of this, and this is not known to be enemy. It is a friend's forces staring at Zhang Hang at night.

"You dream! You dare me!"

Young people have anger, a breeze blows, and young people have disappeared from the Qingwang.


Zhang Hang turned and kicked the past.


A scream, the young man was on the ground, Zhang Hangyi fell into the flame, and Xiong Xingsun did not have a young man's shape.

It is also a breeze blow, and the voice of the young people sounded: "You actually dare to dare to die, I will tender you today!"

Zhang Hang Duqi Qingguang is playing, and the outline of young people in front of him appears. Zhang Hangyi fists the past, and the young people in the sullen sound once again been on the ground.

Broad blows, Zhang Hang can clearly see that young people are actually changing, and now he finally knows why there is no way to trapped young people.

Tina is coming out! "

I can't sleep, my flesh is still can't sleep.

Tina was drifting from Zhang Hang's hand, and I went around to find that the death is not there. This is a little relaxing. "Let me do?"

"I have to take his soul completely, you must have a way."


Tina digested those ancient books preserved by the first generation, just purely pulling a soul is too simple.

The young man was put twice in Zhang Hang. I will continue to have a mistake to be able to hammers if I have a false means.

When I was born, I actually saw Zhang Hang's side, I didn't know when I had a little Loli.

Tina's gaze is like a cold cellar. When the young man just looked at it, he felt that the soul was frozen, and the dangerous signal was blown in the mind.


The body has made the easiest reaction, but it has been destined to his ending in the moment of Tirna.

The young man only feels that the body is light and fluttering. The feet gradually become very fast, and look down on the one who wears themselves lying on the ground, and they are in the horrible Loli walking.

"Want to tender me?"

Zhang Hang looked at the young people smiled. Sure enough, the ability of the young people was only blushing. It didn't have a way to immunize. Tina was simming the young people, especially the death of the soul, but everything with the soul God of death is Tiangu, but unfortunately, it is in rule restrictions, and death can't help you with your lives.

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