Zhang Hang came to the flight attendant, rushed to the ancient ocean to the first class, Zhang Hang still saw the domestic dead god, and this child is still different from the God of Death, he has the normal people's body, and it is completely It is two states.

The ancient ocean lifted his head, although he was a little, but his eyes were full of indifference to life. For Zhang Hang helped him to upgrade this ancient ocean or even a certain reaction, just standing and carrying his own shoulder bag into it. First class.

The old four bubbles of the mountains have returned to the seating. When he saw the ancient ocean sitting opposite, Zhang Hang's shoulder squeezed her eyes: "I can't think of you is interested in the little girl."

Zhang Hangyi pushed the Old Shan, cold channel: "You die sooner on this mouth."

Although the death of the World Rule is not able to do it directly to the living people, but they can drive a person's death, this ability is quite disgusting.

The mountain is old and smiled, and the top and down, there is an ancient ocean, has not opened it, and the ancient ocean finally opened: "If you say a word, you will die."

The old four original laughter face suddenly stiff, if you want to say, you will be in your throat, and the danger touches his nerve. Intuitive tells him that more nonsense is really dead.

It feels different from the Hissone, Zhang Hang can clearly see the rich death in the ancient ocean, and the deadness of the ghost, the dead gas on the ancient ocean seems to be manipulated, if It is like this kind of dead gas, just like a business, it is very troublesome to handle it, and if you don't deal with it, you will definitely take this dead.

"You don't mean that death can not kill people directly?"

The special ability of the ancient ocean made Zhang Hang showed the dead god around. This goods will not come to the pit, but it is not good to sin, or it is touched by the world rule. Maybe I have to feel the horror of the world rules.

Death looked at Zhang Hang and said: "I am talking about me, the death of you here is different from me, they have their own intact body with the soul, the power of human identity, can interfere with people's death. "

Zhang Hang is curious to have ancient ocean, maybe you can further understand the world rules from him.

"Foreign death can't enter, you violate the rules."

Suddenly, the ocean looked at the death of Zhanghang, and the death of the dead, there was no chance to fight against the chance, and Zhang Hang was shocked. This little girl was a bit too scary.


The ancient ocea looked at Zhanghang and asked indifferently: "Do you want to stop me?"

Zhang Hang looked at the deadness of the ancient ocean, and smiled, he didn't want to go to the back of the back, the ancient ocean's indifferent to life has arrived no, no matter who is not in a tenderness, even death Doured in the dead, your body board is still countless.

The ancient ocean suddenly frowned, turned to the dead god of death, whispered: "No, it is the force of the rules!"

The ancient ocean raised his hand, and the rich dead gas fused into the body, and the dead half of the dead was eroded. If the ancient ocean will take the dead, the death is definitely no longer.

The death of the death is calm and looked at the ancient ocean. Zhang Hang hurriedly opened the circades: "You are all dead, there is no need to be so stiff, there is something to say."

The ancient ocean sat down and got excited Zhang Hang for a long time asked: "Why are you? Why is there any death to you?"

Death is the defenders of the world rules. Without the feelings of the machine, they don't have to have a relationship with anything. This is the first time in the ancient ocea to follow the death of the god, and this person is not a signs of death.

Zhang Hang black face, this helpful research madman, no one can see a trouble,

Deep breathing, Zhang Hang pressure low voice: "Is there any special move?" I let the person you stared recently? "

"The clouds have just come back from the second space, even if he wants to pass the news, it takes time."

"Is there any relationship with him with the development of this energy weapon?"

The eyes of the clouds have been discovered by Zhang Hang, but they have not said it. As long as he is fine, the clouds can save peace, but unfortunately, now the situation is different.

Yu Zheng hesitated for a moment: "This is a lot of efforts behind him, and academicians who are responsible for research and development have been touched by him."

Zhang Hang's eyes flashed, and the home is a big bread that only the mouse is no problem, but if this mouse is broken, you can't endure it, no matter whether he is a secret Bureau or a special bureau.

"Take him to see me!"

It is not open to discourage, Zhang Hang wants to do it is to maintain the stable research environment of the clouds. This is also what he wants. If it is not to take into account Zhang Hang, the eyes have already been thrown to a certain space. .

After more than ten minutes, a 40-year-old middle-aged man followed the rush, and saw Zhang Hang sat on the chair and seeing the progress. The middle-aged people had a heartbeat, and the bad premonition is in the heart.

"Professor Xue, you are still the old man in our clouds, I remember that you seem to be a yellow governor brought it."

Zhang Hang put down the tablet in his hand and looked at the middle-aged.

Xue Dynasty's face was slightly changed, but still smiled: "Yes, I was a student of Huangli."

"How do you feel about the R & D environment here?"

Zhang Hang continued to smile and asked.

"The world is impossible to have a better research environment than here, whether it is equipment or reserves."

The entire cloud is only able to chat with Zhang Hangzheng. Today, Zhang Hang finds himself, plus his identity, Xue Dynasty has already felt nothing.

"Then why do you still want to kill all people here? Drug Huang Academician research energy weapons to bring more disasters to the clouds that you will not be clear, what are you still a special bureau?"

Zhang Hang suddenly converges smiles, and the face is blooming, and there is already a faint killing in his eyes.

Xue Dynasty trembled his body and smiled: "I finally didn't escape your eyes. I was submitted to R & D, I was sent to the interior of Cloudard."

"There is no problem in observation, I have been in the existence of your existence, but why do you want to bring me trouble? The Yellow gods will be placed in research, but you have destroyed this enthusiasm for scientific exploration, how should I? Treat you? "

Zhang Hang took a hand, very casual stood up and looked at the busy figure in the laboratory.

"Mr. Zhang Hang, according to my observation, the technology in the clouds in the clouds can be shared, we will become the pioneer of the times, and our country will also stand in the top 100, once the energy weapon is successful, the world The pattern will change! "


Didn't finish it, Zhang Hang is on the ground.

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