"Yun is old, you have a good relationship with Zhang Hang, we also know that this thing has been fired, all the bastards of the tide are picked behind, we will put down the face to ask you, this is doing it. Your Yun family is a hand of the State! "

Du Minglong is now holding his face and begins to seek cloud. The main secret secret is the best in Zhang Hang relations, and this bridge is indispensable. For the whole family, this face is not only Don't.

"Yes, I do my best, but you have two people who have psychological preparation, Zhang Hang, this kid lion, the urine, the urine, can not let two."

"Small problem small problem, as long as you can resume the relationship, we should pay the price for yourself."

The cloud is very satisfied, and I am also helping Zhang Hang standing in advance. As for the follow-up, it is not what he can care.

"Zhang Hang, General Du knows that the Minister of Lang knows that he is doing things, now I want to sit down with you, don't continue to provide advanced technology to foreign countries, this thing is also white, but not cheap Give others. "

On Zhang Hang, I took a call and then laughed. "Yun is old, you also know that it is not in me, I have already compromised to negotiate, and I went to the city, they were behind my hometown, This negotiation Walker didn't dare to come back again. This is still forbe, the free state has promised to give me a special identity, I can settle with the whole family to settle. "

Du Minglong is more uncomfortable than eating dead flies. Zhang Hang definitely can't ran to the free country. After all, there is so many things in Yunjiang need Zhang Hang management. How can I say that I ran, this It's just that the lion is open.

"Zhang Hang, if you are still a elder, don't say anything, this way, it will be settled in your Longhushan. At that time, the Minister of Du will personally reach an agreement with you. Will give you a satisfactory answer, you first let the Romoya's consumption will receive it. "

Yun is old, the majesty, Zhang Hang is silent for a long time, and finally helpless: "Yes, tomorrow, I am waiting for the Longhu Mountain, but can only come two, I don't want to It is calculated by people. "

I hang up the phone, I watched the two people helplessly: "I have done it, and I will see yourself. Zhang Hang, the kid eat soft, as long as the two grasps the ivity, this matter It is almost possible. "

Du Minglong was bombed with his heart, but he still had a smile in the old noddion.

After the two left, Yun Lao was another phone to call Zhang Hang.

"Your kid is talking to the mind tomorrow, and things have come to the Prime Minister. If you continue to do this, you really can't take the court. I think that they should be not light, you I have passed the way of extortion. "

Zhang Hang smiled: "You can rest assured, I will definitely ask for a compensation, so I am sorry to stop there."

"What? Zhang Hang, you are playing!"

Yun's old face changed, it is believed that Zhang Hang may spread more advanced technology, which has a great impact on the country's overtime development. If Zhang Hang also continues to share advance technology, it is absolutely I don't hesitate to take Zhang Hang.

"I can't do it, the dog is running to the clouds of the clouds, copy information, I don't know if he has any special means to pass the information, even if you don't pass the internal information of the clouds, he There is a lot of information in the hands of the clouds. This has been exposed, even if it has passed this, the next time? Yunxiao can't be a warm lamb! "

"how do you want to do it?"

Yun Lao also understood Zhang Hang's meaning and asked in dull.

"Give foreign advanced technology, but it is a little behind, and the advanced technology I provide should be the development of the world, rather than a country. The current situation has proved to give some people. Looking for something, I always want to hit my idea. "

Zhang Hang wants to be balance. As long as it has also got a new balance of advanced technology abroad, the official cannot easily ignore his own tiger, unless they have full of grasp of itself in China, and destroy Romiro Asian consortium.

"You look at it, but it is still that sentence, don't fire, otherwise, the domestic hidden water is deep than you think, you accidentally, you will be shipped."

Zhang Hang took a sound, and Yun is also tired of saying that there is no two sentences.

Zhang Hang made a call to Li Wei to let him discuss the acquisition of the collections of the Dragon Hill at 10:30 early. Some confused, sorrow, I don't know what Zhang Hang wants to do, but I looked at Zhanghang's smile, I feel I feel It is going to be unlucky.

In the afternoon, I woke up in the forth, after all, nine Tianshi teamed up with Bioli. The effect is naturally different. I still have a half-dead. The body is far more than before, and the white hair in the corner has disappeared.

"Mr. Zhang Hang, is there anything in the clouds?"

After seeing Zhang Hang, I thought of the cloud of clouds in the first time. However, Zhang Hangnene will bring him out to show that the cloud is not too big.

"Yunhou is nothing, but I want to know why the tidal will appear in the cloudy courtyard, even if the super space leaping technology, the coordinate orientation of the two parties."

Yu Zheng's face is a red, and the sound is a tremble: "It is Cao Qiming. He has always been a person of the Science and Technology Bureau. I found that his is not interested in talking to him. Can you let him join us, who knows he actually The person who took the technology bureau in the super-space leaping technology. "

"What about others?"

Zhang Hang said that he saw this called Cao Qiming when he solved the tide.

"I lost it to the domain!"

When you talk, you are biting your teeth, before you laugh at the people who have been referred to by the people, the result is sold by his students, but also almost funerally bury the entire cloud.

"Since I have solved it, don't put it in my heart, the clouds of clouds have been dealt with, and the one hand of the Tomorrow's Science and Technology will consult the program. When you follow together, you need anything at the clouds. I am also clear. "

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