Seeing his soldiers die, Xiulein Sagan Yanaled said with tears streaming down his face: "No, let's end it quickly, they are all innocent..."

"So, your face is really cheap."

The spider slapped him backhanded.

Chapter 1150 The kingdom sent troops again, the death of the prisoner's Virgin Mary

The entire army died.

Xiulein Sagan Yanaled looked at the blood stains on the screen in despair, his heart was icy cold.

When did Luo Ye become so scary?

These armies add up to nearly 5,000 people.

It turned out to be slaughtered like this.

It's just too scary.

"Why...that's why..."


It was another slap in the face of Xiulein Sagan Yanaled.

"It's so noisy, don't force me, be quiet!!"

Challenge the territory of the gods.

Death is due.

Who told them to be ignorant of God's will.

God is here.

Still choose to resist, who will die if they don't die?

After the spider beat Xiulein Sagan Yanaled, he turned around and went to rest.

Anyway, she will vigorously develop the religion next.

To be the strongest in the world.

Eliminate all heretics.


Three days later, the Kingdom of Anareto did not receive any news from the army.

Instead they got news of the victory in a distant town.

"What? The army has been wiped out, where is Xiu... where is Xiu?"

Facing the roar of the old king.

Ministers, look at me, I look at you all chose to remain silent.

At this moment, the king looked at the herald.

The latter whispered: "I haven't got any news about the prince for now, he should be alive..."

"Come on, continue to send troops, this time it is 20,000 troops, you must suppress that border town for me..."

"Your Majesty, this Taixing army has mobilized many people. With an army of 20,000, the capital will lower its defenses.""

"I just want to see my son, do you have any opinion?"

In an instant, the Minister of Military Affairs was afraid to speak.

Facing the murderous eyes of the old emperor, what could he say?


In the city.

After hearing the news that Xiu's whereabouts were missing, Kanadiya Seri Anabarudo immediately wanted to go to the town to check for information.

"You are going to die like this..."

"But you can't leave it alone..."

"Uh... By the way, is it really okay for you to be like this? You are a man..."

Kanadiya Saili Anabarudo shook her head and said, "I only know that I am his childhood sweetheart!"

In fact, they were good friends in the previous life.

Now the whereabouts of the good friend are unknown.

How can Kanadiya Saili Anabarudo stand by and watch.

Eventually she left.

No one can stop her.

Because the kingdom fell into turmoil.

The king insisted on crusade against the evil **** in the border town.

But the soldiers dispatched last time were killed so easily, once the soldiers were killed again this time.

Well, the kingdom has a chance to fall.

Therefore, everyone is thinking about their own future.


Facing the stubborn orders of the king.

The soldiers struck out.

This time they have more people, and they are also equipped with great magicians and human powerhouses.

Regardless of high-end combat effectiveness.

Or magical combat power.

They have all been upgraded by more than one grade.

But the spider didn't care about it at all. Anyway, there are more people suffering in the small towns on the border.

Face has food.

The Spider Goddess who can guarantee her own safety.

They are more than happy to be believers.

Although the people are ignorant, they understand who is really good to them.

The Spider Goddesses do not collect taxes, only their beliefs.

Such a good thing, who has encountered it?

This is the only one in the world.

Even joining the Eternal Divinity can gain powerful strength.

This is the most enviable.

From the original one small town, it expanded to three small towns, and then expanded to ten small towns and a major city.

The speed of the development of Eternal God is beyond people's imagination.

The noble lord wanted to resist.

But they faced group after group of **** believers.

Can only sadly choose to be judged.

Because the religion does not allow them to survive.

To put it bluntly, nobles are vampires.

It's nothing more than a moth in the world!


"." Lady Goddess, the king sent a large number of men over again, this time 20,000 soldiers. "

"Oh? There are so many, it seems that I have to do it myself..."


Shurein Sagan Anareid in the rear heard what the spider said.

He understood that she wanted to kill him.

Immediately began to resist.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, his abdomen was pierced.

"You're really annoying... I let you live for so long just to see that everyone is a reincarnated person, who knows that you don't want to repent.

Forget it, let's kill it...

To save you from calling indiscriminately! "

The spider's thread pulled.

Shurein Sagan Anareid's bones broke instantly, and not only that, his meridians were already poisoned.

Even if saved.

Also unable to stand up.

Then, the spider threw it into the maze.

That is the territory of the Spider Queen, basically there is only one end after entering, and that is complete death.

After Xiulein Sagan Yanaled landed, he needed to scream in pain.

The next moment, a row of red compound eyes appeared on top of his head.

"No...I don't want to die, I am a prince...I am a prince..."

The huge head was already drooling, and then submerged the little bug.

Chapter 1151 Feren joins the religion, the old king falls into a coma

Xiu is dead!

As a reincarnator, he is pretentious.

Thought Luo Ye would not kill herself.

But he paid the price for his arrogance.

It doesn't cost money to fill a cup, but it's terrible!

Fei Lun looked at the Xiu who was being eaten by the spider queen in the picture.

I was so scared that I broke out in cold sweat.

She doesn't want to die.

Even if you pay some price, you want to survive.

Although the system can help them become stronger, it does not yet have the ability to regenerate.

Once dead is really dead.

There are no exceptions and no room for redemption.

At this moment, the spider turned around and looked at Fei Lun with a smile on his face.

"Are you willing to join the religion and offer your heart????"

The earth dragon Feren nodded immediately! !

"See Master, Fei Lun will be obedient..."

"Hey, that's right. He who knows current affairs is a hero, if you always act like I'm a prince, you can't kill me, and I'm your classmate.

This guy should be killed!

The fool who fantasizes in his head all day, doesn't he realize that he has come to this world!

Each 870 world has rules that belong to each world.

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