At this stage, the black bears have begun to feel that they are in their hands.

He thinks that the timing is very appropriate.

After all, the opponent's current strength is not that strong, only two black giant apes are left.

In this state, he is confident to win the two African gorillas,

After all, the strength of this old black gorilla is not particularly strong, regardless of the number it relies on,

At this time, with the two heads, the black ball thinks that she can still be easily solved.

It is not a big deal for him to be able to easily solve the black gorilla.

After all, the strength of these big black stars is inferior to him in terms of individuals.

It’s because the number of each other is relatively large,

That will keep him down for a while,

But now this trend has been resolved,

At this time he already felt that he could completely despise them,

After all, their strength is too weak.

In his opinion, there is no need to spend much energy.

Can solve these small opponents,

So at this time, he has already begun to not be impatient,

Continue to steadily put oneself and mind in front of this situation.

Because the situation is very different at this time, and many situations are indeed for her to trust you,

Some new changes have occurred, but this disease does not represent the current situation.

Because at this time he is already in a very heyday, even before,

Because he held the attack of two black gorillas,

Caused his physical weakness, which is not an exaggeration after all,

When he solved the black gorilla before,

He said that to pay the price is to hold on to the desperate attack of two elephants.

It’s because of these two attacks that his body has been between now,

I still feel the pain as if there are some ruptures in the internal organs. For me,

It’s a very serious injury. If you don’t take time to rest,

If such a fierce struggle continues, it is easy to cause a big change in his own situation.

In order to prevent this situation from continuing, he must take some time to ease it.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause some bad effects.

So under this situation, some of the actions he performed needed some changes,

Otherwise, if these things happen well, it is easy to cause some of its effects.

It can’t be realized perfectly, so at this time,

The black bear has already begun to retreat, intending to stabilize this situation.

I don’t intend to continue taking risks by quickly solving the other end,

Because the other end was not easy to solve, he took the lead in solving the black gorilla,

Is thought to be small, just grown up,

So your experience is not particularly stable in Guangzhou, if you are a black elephant,

Maybe the black gorilla that was attacked can react instantly,

Can rely on serious injuries at home to escape this mortal situation,

So at this time, the black size ambition clearly knows,

The battle in this section is already at a complete disadvantage.

Although they seem to be in an advantage at this stage, pressing the black bears to fight,

But they themselves clearly know that their strength is already.

You have started to become weak, they are not physically strong,

It’s not enough to support them to continue fighting. You must know that under normal circumstances,

They originally thought they could get rid of this black thing,

But I didn’t expect my back to be so unbearable.

He didn't even win this game, so he was in this state.

He can only give up this battle. After all, if he continues to fight like this,

It is easy to cause their remaining companions to die here,

If there is only one black gorilla left,

Then it means that this status will suddenly change drastically.

So at noon, they all continued to fight, they were both the beginning of each other,

After looking at each other, they all found a sign that the drug cart was going to retreat in front of each other’s eyes.

And the black armed men who have been observing at this time,

They have long discovered that the situation before them has changed dramatically.

They also know that the changes that occur at this time are definitely not something they can change.

But this kind of time is really easy to have some impact,

After all, at this time, the Heat are prone to different influences and changes.

At this time, if they come to solve it again,

It is easy to cause some different changes, so at this time they are also thinking,

What are some of these methods to solve this situation?Now they feel the time has come,

Because the two black gorillas have an idea to evacuate,

So instead, their time becomes very effective,

In this case they can get involved,

Thinking that they can participate in this battle,

The armed men began to have a trace of panic in their hearts.

After all, this battle is too casual for them. If you are not sure about it,

If they rashly participate, it is easy for them to be easily solved by the black shape.

After all, the opponent’s body is too huge,

Even if they were to throw this kind of giant hand up, there was nothing for a while.

Unless some large-scale weapons are used, they will not be effective at all.

So in this case, the kind of behavior they need requires a lot.

Otherwise, they can only flee eagerly in this situation.

So in this case, I personally felt the saddest and started using my own weapons,

They aimed at the eyes of the monster, the black brown bear,

For them, the only situation that can participate in the change at this stage,

This is the special situation in front of them, otherwise it would be difficult for them to make a very good solution.

You must know that in this state, once they make a different solution,

It is easy to cause their previous actions to become very unacceptable,

So at this time, if they must be certified,

They must need fresh means to solve,

Otherwise, just use some means to do something, the result is absolutely not easy to do,

So at this time they are also thinking about whether they can use some necessary steps to solve this battle.

Otherwise, it is easy to cause, and the results of their difficulties will be different.

Others don’t know what their boss thinks,

But their boss is only that they really understand, so take advantage of this opportunity to aim at the opportunity,

Blind the eyes of the giant black bear in front of you, because if you can’t see clearly with this black thing,

Then their next battle will be easily resolved,

Although the power of Heihe Middle School is not so powerful, it mainly relies on the sense of smell to hunt,

But now, under such a huge body, if the other party can't see even the slightest heart and eyes,

Then even if the opponent can fight with the smell, they cannot continue the fight.

Because they can completely rely on sneak attacks, attacking each other uninterruptedly,

So at this time, when the two black gorillas have already started to evacuate,

The sudden accident dispelled them completely.

I saw that the black bear originally wanted to retreat and rest for a while.

He has seen that the black gorillas are planning to move completely, so he is not particularly anxious.

In such a moment, it exposed its own weaknesses to these armed men.

When the armed personnel saw the black sleeves, they only focused on the two black gorillas.

The other armed men immediately took up their weapons and aimed them in the eyes of the opponent.

With an order, the weapons in the hands of the armed men sent out bursts of fire.

Suddenly a terrifying attack swept into the opponent’s eyes, the terrifying attack was very fast,

That fast attack is hard to reach even by a black brown bear, so in an instant,

Have the skills of armed personnel to quickly aim,

They reach the target of the attack in the eyes of the opponent in an instant,

Black suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyes, and then immediately felt that he could not see anything.

Although he was not particularly good as a force before,

But it also needs to see some situations clearly, and now the situation is completely dysfunctional.

The state of things that could not be seen clearly appeared in front of him suddenly,

This black bear suddenly felt a trace of panic,

I saw him suddenly feel the darkness in front of him, unable to clearly see the surrounding situation.

This situation caused the black bear to have a huge psychological panic.

For him he clearly knows what this kind of thing means,

If the opponent is just a black gorilla, he is not particularly afraid of this situation.

Because relying on his own strength, he can also defeat the opponent,

But if there are two black gorillas, if he can’t solve each other quickly,

So it’s easy to expose one's own weaknesses in front of the other party. In this kind of food,

It is easy for him to fail to achieve what he wants to achieve, and sleep until this time,

She howled a few times in pain, planning to evacuate directly, but what she didn't expect was,

The black elephant pattern immediately began to besiege the black heavy,

The situation suddenly moved to a picture he could not imagine, for him the current situation,

It's definitely not that friendly. The shortcut to success he originally thought would turn into a very dangerous situation.

At this time, the situation has caused a huge change in their behavior,

For them, they thought it was a stable situation,

Some new changes have taken place, they didn’t plan to car before,

Because they can also see that the strength of black football is very powerful,

Even if they rushed forward, they would never be able to solve each other.

Instead, the opponent can consume his physical strength and instantly counterattack when they are exhausted.

There must be praise between the two parties, and an actor must be created again,

But now the situation has changed. Before,

He thinks that some different situations have different scenarios,

I thought it could be resolved quickly, but now it cannot be resolved.

So at this time they say that the way of thinking is absolutely different.

After all, the situation has changed drastically at this time. Armed people have quickly evacuated here.

After they achieved their goal before, they immediately understood,

At this stage, they can no longer participate.

Even if they get rid of the eyes of the opponent, the opponent still has a very strong strength.

Able to maintain its own combat effectiveness, in this case,

What they did has reached a very good goal,

Can’t continue to insert it, and for the armed man himself,

They also need a little bit of time, the armed men have already told them,

There may be some things to do next,

When they heard it, they were already preparing for the next thing.

After the black gorillas only noticed the change of the situation, they suddenly looked back.

I found that the eyes of the black brown bear turned out to have blood stains.

This is a very good time for them to find out that

So they quickly continued to counterattack. For them,

After the other party’s black object couldn’t see their position clearly,

It will play a very good role for them, if it happens,

If the other party is still a black bear, but they are only black,

Even if there are huge changes to the dark things at this time, they will never participate.

Because for them, your ability to shoot your head is very powerful,

Even his is not an opponent with a black sleeve,

But now the situation has changed,

Now two black college students besieging a black sleeve,

Under such circumstances, they think that even no matter how difficult it is,

They can also solve each other,

Only at this time the black gorillas noticed this,

Suddenly looked at the surrounding armed men, they also noticed the change he just happened.

They didn’t expect to see such bugs in their eyes before,

With such a strong strength,

At this time, they all put the armed personnel in a very high vigilance place,

When they want to come, they want to solve the problem of black sleeves,

Then the next step is to get rid of this group of boring men.

After all, they think this group of people helped them,

But they don’t appreciate it because they know the cunning of human beings,

So they won’t let each other go,

They are afraid that I will use other weapons to retaliate against them after the other party returns.

After all, they had seen some different weapons before,

It is precisely because of this that they will not have particularly good kindness towards these guys in front of them.

Because they know what their nature is.

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