Lucifer Angel King was doing his job.

The first step of the attack on the angel civilization universe is completed.

But there's still a lot of work to be done.

After all, this is one of the goals that Lucifer Angel King has been pursuing all his life.

Soyi did not allow her to carry anything with her.

And it was at this time that she received an unexpected request for communication.

"Is that her?" said Lucifer, the Angel King, looking at the video communication window with some surprise.

She hesitated for a moment, but then connected to the communication video.

On the opposite side appeared the Angel King Uriel, who had just finished attending the Angelic Conference.

"Hey, long time no see, Lucifer. With a hint of a playful smile, the Angel King of Uriel looked at Lucifer opposite.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "How did you 670 come up with the idea of contacting me?"

"Hey, hey, we've been friends with each other before.

And we often conduct military fleet exercises in private.

I remember our record was that I won 1,396 and you won 1,111. Uriel Angel King recalled.

Lucifer Angel King unceremoniously debunked, "You are mistaken, I won 1,396 games."

You like to reverse your wins and losses every time. "

"yes? It doesn't matter.

I heard that the Blue Kite Legion you are commanding now is very combative.

Would you like us to make a comparison?" said the Angel King of Uriel excitedly, his eyes glinting with excitement.

"You're still the same as before, for a fight, and you don't think about anything else.

Uriel you should know my character, I would never start a battle that didn't have to happen, it would only add to the casualties.

Perhaps in the legends of tens of thousands of years ago, the word Lucifer had the meaning of killing.

But no one knows that we are the least willing to kill.

It's just that our philosophy tells us that it is often only through a short period of killing that more killings can be reduced. Lucifer said helplessly.

This is a legend about the Lucifer ethnicity.

Successive Lucifer angel kings have always had a nickname Angel of Killing (BHBE), Angel of Hell, and many more.

This is all because at the beginning of the rise of the angelic civilization, although the Lucifer Angel King Legion may not be the strongest, they are the craziest in battle.

They will not hesitate to destroy any enemy who resists stubbornly on the battlefield.

In later accounts, some people even calculated.

Lucifer's angelic clan killed more enemies than the other angelic clans combined.

It's like the number of devastating strikes on the enemy's planet, which is nearly ten times that of other Angel King races!) (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Perhaps, this is also why when other angel kings persecuted Lucifer Angel King 10,000 years ago, the vast majority of angel civilizations did not have much opinion.

Perhaps from that time on, they had the idea of resisting the Lucifer Angel race in their hearts.

Think it's a stain on their pure white wings.

"You're still the same as before.

But you probably don't know.

That guy from Shalier held a meeting of angels.

They want to ask me and Gabriel to send troops to ease the fire in their backyard. "

The Angel King of Uriel looked at the Angel King Lucifer on the opposite side playfully: "You say, should I send troops or should I not send troops?"

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