Listen to what the Angel King Uriel has to say.

The decadador lieutenant seemed to feel a picture emerge in front of him, which was the growth of the Green Kite civilization from the first few interstellar warships to a small fleet.

Then it becomes a corps fleet, and then it grows into a legion fleet.

In the end, the scale continued to grow, and it became the green kite civilization that can now compete with the angel civilization!

Although they have some exquisite tactical means of "583", they have not stopped there.

They have also created special starships that can carry a fleet for space jumps, so that their blitzkrieg and surprise combat capabilities have been greatly improved.

They relied on this ability to kill the enemy by surprise in the first round of counterattack attacks on several universes of the Angel Civilization.

After that, they also prepared a large number of advanced interstellar mechs, and also designed and produced a starship called the T5 Longkun-class interstellar mecha transport ship specifically for these interstellar mechas.

It's the strange-looking starship that is now providing starfighting mech support to the battlefield.

It has to be said that they also focused on the research and development of interstellar destroyers.

Among other interstellar civilizations, the interstellar destroyer, although regarded as an indispensable existence, is a panacea starship.

However, its combat value is not very important, and it can often only take on the supporting role of a battle.

But the green kite civilization didn't think so.

The several interstellar destroyers they have developed and produced have their own special combat performance, whether they are in legion-level operations, such large-scale battles, or local battles.

For example, a T5 blue-eyed White Tiger-class heavy interstellar assault destroyer relies on powerful firepower configuration, heavy armor, and short-range rapid assault capabilities.

It can even rely on its own starship alone to form a single ship to destroy the enemy, and it can also exert extremely strong combat capabilities.

Even now, when all kinds of powerful interstellar warships of the Green Kite civilization are emerging, this T5 Blue-Eyed White Tiger-class heavy interstellar assault destroyer is still undertaking a very important task in it. "

The Angel King of Uriel did not hesitate to praise himself.

At the same time, there was a strange light in her eyes, as if a lover was telling the moment of his lover....

"And the Blue Kite civilization is still improving in its own combat system.

For example, in their combat style, because of the powerful firepower of the interstellar missile ships, they also brought extremely high battlefield consumption.

It may be that considering this, among the T6-level interstellar battleships, the Green Kite civilization has developed the T6 Thunderbeast-class heavy interstellar gunship.

This stargunboat has a very strong range of firepower output, and at the same time uses energy cannonballs, the consumption is much smaller than that of the starmissile ship, and the interval between firepower output is greatly shortened.

The only drawback may be that in terms of the power output of 4.4 in a short time, it is not as terrifying as the interstellar missile ship.

The Green Kite civilization has a very perfect combat system, and until now, they have not stopped trying to improve their fleet system.

Presumably, in the coming time.

They will build more and better starships. When the Angel King Uriel said these words, there was a slight envy in his tone.

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