In the laboratory, Sean looked at the petri dish in front of him with a look of surprise.

"Mousse, record the results of this experiment."

Under the electron microscope, the T virus fused into Alice's cells and was entangled with each other, and the T virus disease did not change Alice's cells, but evolved.

Appearing in a more perfect posture, unlike other people's cells infected with the T virus, it can't support the fusion of the T virus at all, once the cells can't meet the needs of the T virus, they will mutate according to the needs of the T virus, that is, zombieization.

Such a direction is uncontrollable, and only God knows what it will become.

And Alice is a clone, and the body is now paralyzed because of neurogenic amyotrophy, that is, ALS, perhaps for this reason.

Although Sean is reluctant to believe it, there are not many such patients in the world, and besides, it is the protagonist's aura or something, but he is sure of one thing, the T virus may not be useful to him, at least there is no possibility of zombieization.

"That's why Alice can fuse the T-virus perfectly?

Sean himself was a little surprised, if so, according to the reasoning, does it mean that as long as the human body is undergoing some kind of cellular decay, it can fuse the T virus? I'm afraid it won't be that simple, maybe Alice is the chosen person.

Others who are vaccinated with the T virus will most likely only turn out to be mutations.

After all, people are the protagonists.

However, the direction has been determined, and it is not far from perfect control, and this result reminds him of a movie he once watched, called World War Z.

Among them is a terrible virus, its infection ability is no worse than that of the T virus, once bitten, it will turn into an irrational zombie within twelve seconds.

However, the zombies infected by this virus do not aim to satisfy their appetite, that is to say, they do not take the criterion of survival as the first consideration, but frantically infect new hosts.

For the sake of reproduction.

What drives them to make such a choice?

Individual organisms will only consider reproduction if they meet the conditions of survival, which means that once they appear, there is no threat?

Moreover, this virus has the strange weakness that it does not infect terminally ill or other hosts that carry other viruses in their bodies.

Why is that?

"Could it be that these viruses are intelligent? How do they sense whether there is a virus or disease in the human body that is not conducive to their survival? They are highly infectious, and they can sense whether the human body is suitable as their host, which is incredible."

No matter how the human body changes, it cannot be achieved overnight, and it is unknown what it is.

Compared to this, the T virus is more perfect, there is no need to worry about survival, there is basically nothing to resist their invasion, and it can also 'evolve on the best' when reproducing.

For example, a licker, every time a new piece of DNA is acquired, it initiates a new mutation.

The body adapts to its ability to survive better, with strong armor, claws, and even more infectious viruses.

But no matter what the virus is, every time it spreads and infects a new host, the new host must meet an energy environment that is sufficient for it to reproduce and cycle, and it is clear that infected humans are not a good choice.

After all, even if it is a zombie, it stands to reason that it will only survive for a few months at most.

However, the weirder thing is here, whether it is the T-virus or the virus in World War Z, it will lurk in the zombie corpse for a long time and multiply.

Once they have no target, they lie dormant, reducing their energy consumption and allowing them to survive for a long time.

There are signs that viruses are like having intelligence, they will pick their own hosts, and they will mutate and evolve in the direction they think is reasonable.

"Fortunately, not every zombie infected by the T virus has this ability."

Sean's mind remembers the Licker, which can be seen from the first part of the movie, after the escaped Licker absorbs Spence's DNA, his body begins to mutate.

It has become even larger, with increased strength, speed, etc., and even extremely sharp claws.

The skin on the body can be called biological armor, and if these things continue to mutate, I don't know what will become of them. Especially the flying dragon that appeared in the sixth part, obediently, it is not reasonable at all.

"No wonder there are so many people who are keen to study the T virus, the future, it is indeed within reach, unknown, and indeed a temptation."

"However, it is not a good thing for a child to have Pandora's box in his hand, to open it or not to open it."

"Sir, this virus has a lot of potential!"

"Mousse, after collecting the data from this research, we are not far from fully grasping the use of this virus on Kryptonians."

Outside communications have been cut off, civilian satellites have largely ceased to function, or the above-ground base station facilities have become useless because of the lack of electricity, and even because of the spread of the T virus, few people have used these things.


"Sir, there are a lot of teams near the base, and it seems that they are interested in our base."

Andrei glanced at it: "Don't worry, if these people knew that this was Ambrera's base, they would have left obediently."

This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened, especially with the recent global virus infection, and no city can be said to be safe, especially the bald eagle.

There are always some people who see some houses in the desert, surrounded by wires, and they are curious, and the result is the same, either walk or fight.

"But sir, Dr. Sean is basking in the sun up there."

As soon as the soldier finished speaking, Andrei ran over: "Where, where?".

clicked on the monitoring on the ground, and sure enough, there was a person lying on the ground lying on a recliner basking in the sun, followed by two people, a man and a little girl to be exact.

"How can you let the doctor go out alone? Do you want to live anymore? If something happens to the doctor, we all have to become research material together."

"Sir, what now, those people from outside are going to get close here."

Andrei grabbed him by the collar: "Quickly call the reaction force, with my authority, quickly".

On the ground, the three of them were bored basking in the sun.

"Hey, I said you brought us here and left it like that?" Carlos threw small stones.

An Jie took a sip of the cold drink, and after a while, it seemed to be cold.

"Why, you want to be studied by me, if you have such a request, I can accommodate you."

"You...... What's that?" Carlos was about to say something, but in the distance of the base, smoke and dust flew up.

Although this is a desert and the wind often blows, it will not be just one way, it seems to be ...... Dust brought up by the convoy.

"Someone's coming?" said Anjie.

"If it weren't for the fact that there were still people alive in the base, I would have thought that there would be no humans in this world," Carlos lamented.

"I'm afraid it's not a good thing."

Sean opened his eyes and looked down, and saw that they were surrounded by barbed wire, and there were no zombies there, probably trying to grab something.

In the last days, the first thing to lose is not the ability to resist, but human nature.

"Shall we go in and hide?" Carlos pulled Angel in front of him, on guard.

"No, someone has already taken care of it."

A slight jolt came from the room behind him, and Andrei stood at the front of the action team with an angry face, obviously not in a good mood right now.

"Doctor, do you need to deal with it all?".

"No, I just need to use some materials recently, you can do it."

The team of refugees who originally thought that they could come in here to rob them had already been beaten into bears by Andre and others before they got close to the ground of the base, and the sharp-eyed ones were already running for their lives.

"Every time I see such strength, I always feel unfair," Carlos muttered.


"If ordinary people want to achieve such skills, it will take at least ten to twenty years, scientific training, and all kinds of training, but Ambrera only uses a small medicine bottle."

"And do you know what that means?" Sean asked rhetorically.


"It means elimination, and if you can't keep up with the times, you will only be eliminated."

Carlos was silent, not knowing what to say, which was indeed the case, but always reluctant.

"Sir, it's done."

Smack, Andre brought someone back to salute, and Sean waved his hand and asked them to deal with it themselves and continue their sunbathing plans.

Now that he has been in this world for several months, his body has begun to change, and although he has not used R-1 type potions, his strength is estimated to be not much worse.

"It's still almost, if it is born with a combat template, it should be faster."

In the base, a group of people are surrounding Carlos and Anjie to draw blood, which is commonplace, and compared to Alice's blood sample, Carlos and Anjie's blood sample has also found a lot of things for them.

"Do you want to join them?" An Jie whispered as she looked at Carlos in a daze.


"It's safe, but it's boring."

Indeed, there is nothing to do, except to come once a week to 'donate blood', basically just eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and people have gained a lot of weight.

Carlos nodded: "Maybe this will be a good choice, if I join them, we shouldn't have to worry about being sent to the dissection room."

An Jie laughed, although she was young, she knew a lot.

In Sean's personal laboratory, he spends time in the lab except for his daily sunbathing.

He seems to have a unique pursuit of scientific research, which may be a common problem of scientists, always wanting to do such things.

"Phew, the blood samples of the two of them are still a lot worse than Alice's, but for most humans, it is already very rare."

After the experiment, his reasoning was further proved that there could be only one Alice in the world's more than 7 billion people who could fuse the T virus.

The premise is to fuse the host's physical fitness, but he now has a better option, which is the R-1 type human evolution potion.

What if they were to use R-1 Human Evolution Agent and then be infected with the T virus?

At least one direction.

"Are you sure you want this?".

Carlos nodded: "I'm sure, it's just that Anjie is still young, she shouldn't touch these things", this is a request.

"Maybe you'll die".

"In the current situation, isn't it a matter of time before death happens? I heard that all countries in the world are now fully infected, and a nuclear bomb attack was launched the day before yesterday."

When a huge mushroom cloud rose from the ground, he never imagined that he would see such a cruel picture in his lifetime.


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