These things in the Gir's house are nothing to the Kryptonians of the entire city, after all, everyone knows that the Gir family has a clan born after scientists (funny).

According to Calle, the captain of the Ghoul family's guard, Joe El's whereabouts have become more and more strange lately, and he has even traveled back and forth to the creation room several times, but most of the time he stays in his own castle.

What's in the central creation room in the city?

And the more time he spends at home, the less time he has left for Sean.

"Phew, fortunately, I know almost all this knowledge, and then I will leave it to time to settle down slowly, Joe Al, don't let me down!".

Looking at the city, that direction is where the El family is located, the El family is not a small family in Krypton, and there are even people who serve in the Council of Elders, otherwise Joe El would not be able to become the chief scientist and dominate Krypton technology.

Suddenly, he had the interest to see a Kryptonian who had been born naturally for tens of thousands of years

Although he will betray Krypton in the future, it also represents a way of the future, although it will be a failure for Krypton.

"Kahler, come out with me."

Outside the manor, someone has already prepared two birds, yes, birds, the kind with wings.

In the city, many Kryptonians prefer to travel and play on this unique Kryptonian bird, which is said to be fashionable, but he doesn't understand it anyway.

He can't control it, he doesn't have a choice, an adult who knows how others will treat you when you are different from others.

Whatever happens, the birds are generally miserable.


In El Manor, Joel and his wife Laura were 'you and me' when the vigilant intelligence in charge outside rang out with a beep.

Laura was a little panicked, although she said that she was pregnant with a child, and Krypton did not prohibit such behavior, but after all, it was something that would only occasionally occur for tens of thousands of years, and it would be false to say that she was not worried.

Joel comforted her, "It's okay, it's okay, I'm here!".

"Sir, Sean Hackle is outside the manor, asking to enter, will you let him go?".

Joel paused for a moment, he didn't have much contact with the Hacker family, and the relationship was not very good, how could the youngest son of the Hacker family come to him?

"Just him?".

"I noticed that there was another Calle Hackle following".

In other words, there are two people, what are they here for?

Laura suddenly said, "I heard that he was born after a scientist?".

When Joel heard this, he understood, could it be that he had come to him to discuss science and technology? Shaking his head, it doesn't matter what the intention is, he will invite someone in first.

Outside the manor, the smart man in charge of the entire manor opened the door and led the two into the manor, and after walking for a long time, he saw Joel sitting inside, which was later called a ball rape.

"Hello Mr. Al, take the liberty of interrupting".

"Sean, it's rare to see you, why did you suddenly think of coming to me today?" Joel quipped, winking rather amusefully.

Sean sneered in his heart, old rabbit, it's a good acting.

"Hey, why don't you see Lady Laura?".

"Oh, she's a little unwell today, she's resting, do you have something to do with her?"

Sean paused, stopped talking about the topic, and looked directly at Joel.

"Sean, what's wrong with you, isn't there anything difficult, if I can help you, just say", Joel was extremely enthusiastic, and his expression did not change much.

"Mr. Al, where do you say the future of Krypton is?".

After saying this, Sean sat down by himself, only Joel was stunned for a moment, and then sat opposite Sean, the two looked at each other like this, the divine light in their eyes was looking at each other, Joel found that he or the people on Krypton may have looked away, this Shaun of the Hacker family, it is not simple!

"Sean, what do you want to say?".

"It's nothing, according to the history of Krypton, we have always existed in the universe, constantly expanding and migrating, and every time a planet is used to the limit, we will look for another younger and more abundant planet to transform."

"Start migrating, start a new life, but, now that Krypton has stopped rotating, the higher-ups don't seem to have the slightest idea of leaving, Mr. Al, can you tell me why?".

Joel's face remained unchanged, but his heart was shocked, for he had told the Council of Elders more than once, but the answer he received was to ignore it... Ignore it... Everything will be fine.

But he is a scientist, and he is just a scientist, not a politician, he knows best what Krypton will become, others don't believe it and don't do it, what can he do?

"Perhaps, the Council of Elders and the higher-ups have their own considerations, you say so, Sean", Joel took a sip of water, moistening his lips, as if to drink some water to soothe the vibrations in his heart.

"So... Why doesn't the rest of the Kryptonians know about this?Do you know your duties, Mr. El?".

Joel put down the water glass, quite displeased: "I think Sean you have to understand that I am the chief scientific officer of Krypton, not you." As for the rest, I'm just a scientist, not a politician, not a presbyterian, and if you want answers, you should probably go out and look for them instead of coming here to question me."

"Do you understand?".

Sean nodded and got up directly, and when he left, he turned around and said, "Do you think the future of Krypton should be your unborn child?

After saying that, he left directly, Kahler didn't say a word, he could feel that the young master of his family seemed to know something, Krypton?


And Joel didn't have a child? I haven't heard of Joel and Laura having a child? Of course, no one will tell him about it.

"They're gone?" asked Laura as she stepped out and saw Joel sitting there.

"Laura, I believe that our children must be the future of Krypton, this can't be wrong, Krypton has no hope, and our children have infinite hope".

Laura looked at her bulging belly with maternal eyes, and she was also looking forward to the birth of the child, but she was ...... It doesn't seem like a good time.

"Everything is going to be fine, right?".

"Of course, I promise", Joel hugged Laura.

It was a long time before Joel spoke, and the two snuggled together.

"This kid from the Gall family probably knows something."

"Know what?".

"Regarding the matter of Krypton, the Council of Elders has always known that if they continue to stay on Krypton, they will only bring destruction, but they just don't want to leave, they are afraid."

"I don't know what they're afraid of, but I can't let our children continue to live in such an environment."

Laura was silent, no Kryptonian would have no emotions for Krypton, but there seemed to be no way to change this, even her husband could only persuade the Presbyterian to leave here, what could she do!

The Elders are reluctant to leave, and they want the entire Krypton to be buried together, the reason for which is unknown, but it will definitely not be small.

He is determined to obtain the Code of Life, and Clark has no idea about the future of Kryptonians.

To be honest, even with the Code of Life, Clark is a weak group, he has been on Earth for decades first, and he has been exposed to the yellow sun for so long, and he still almost failed to beat Zod, a Kryptonian who has just arrived on Earth.

Mainly because of the template, Zod was born as a warrior's template, the battle is like it is engraved in his genes, everything is instinctive, and Clark, who is just passively accepting, or rather, he has never seriously understood himself.

To put it bluntly, it is lazy and stupid, and will not develop its own body, what is the difference between this and salted fish?

Possessing a treasure that someone else dreams of and then discarding it is an extremely sx act in itself, what does it mean for him to have the Code of Life? He has infinite possibilities, and yet, he does not act.

How can such a person be called the future of Krypton? How can he be worthy of the Code of Life?

Two more months later.

"Young Master, it's all loaded, and it's equipped with the most advanced intelligence, this is the control core of the spaceship, and the key that belongs to the young master", Mousse handed over a black ornament, looking inconspicuous, with a letter similar to H on it, the abbreviation of Howle, which represents balance, and the El family's S, which represents hope. (whichever is the case).

In fact, this is the main control key of the spaceship, and it has the authority that belongs to his grandfather.

Karaka is a member of the Council of Elders, and basically with this permission, you can open all the technological items on Krypton, and even command all Kryptonite, provided that there is no higher authority than this.

It was said to be a small gift from his cheap grandfather, Karaka, when he heard him refit the ship, but to him, it was more of a toll.

"Thank you Mousse, how are the other members of the family lately?"

"The same old way".

Mousse smiled, Karaka didn't just have one child, Yabel also had two younger brothers, and there were many branches, but most of them were in other places, either leading troops or garrisoning.

Today he wore a new dress, but this new dress was made with great difficulty, a high-tech product, and as for the power, basically small missiles can't be broken.

If he shines on the yellow sun again in the future, it will be even more refreshing to cooperate with his own biological force field.

Why don't Hulk's pants rot, why doesn't Superman's suit rot? It's because of this thing, the biofield.

The biological force field cannot be touched or seen, it does exist, it is an extension of the living organism itself, and in the martial arts world, this thing is also called the realm.

Of course, there are also life races that use such biological force fields to communicate, but there are very few such races, but if there are, then the biological force fields of these races are very powerful, and they can evolve all kinds of incredible abilities, such as the Zerg, such as the Chirita and the like.

However, there is still a difference between the Cheritas, and not all Cheritas are the same. Many Cherita people take the path of transforming people with science and technology, and they take the mode of hive clustering, so that they will kill the boss, and the little brother will immediately go offline.

(Refer to Marvel's 'Chirita' people, refer to the "Star Wars" Zerg).

Krypton is calm, usually everyone eats when they should eat, drinks when they should drink, as if nothing happened, gatherings of parties, all kinds of wine banquets.

"Is this a pre-apocalyptic?".

Sean frowned, the entire race was in such an environment, and I heard that Zod had gathered some of his subordinates recently. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, it is true that Zod is a general, but he has no right to mobilize the army when he is not in wartime, let alone in the city.

It's just his die-hard subordinates, and it seems that the time is about the same.

"I'm glad I prepared you in advance, otherwise I wouldn't have known what to do."

With a scientific research spaceship, you will have a way back, and then as long as you wait for things to happen, you can leave Krypton and leave the DC universe after you cut off the Code of Life.

"I hope there won't be any mistakes."


Ps: In the comics, the family emblem of the Joker family is not H, but a curved line, a bit like some kind of organ, so it was changed to H here, which represents balance, and will be seen.

ps: New books for collections, monthly passes, rewards... shamelessly sells all kinds of !!

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