Gradually, the elder could no longer calm down, and he found that things were a little beyond his imagination.

Zizizi, the battleship behind him lit up, it seemed that he was planning to use a weapon? Scar had even erected his shoulder cannon, and the red aiming light was already aimed at Sean and S20, just waiting for the elder to give the order.

"Roar ......!"

The elder roared, and countless shoulder cannons appeared on the shoulders of these Predators, all aimed at Sean and S20.

"Hmph, I don't know what to do."

Bang bang, a few muffled sounds, the place where Sean and S20 were standing just now was a mess, and a huge crater was formed under the explosion, and the snow was melted inside.

What about people? It can't all be blown up?

"Hey, are you looking for us?"

A voice sounded behind the elder, and the elder immediately turned his eyes to see that Scar was already lying on the ground, and in the distance, the S20 who had just been dispatched was slaughtering his soldiers one by one.


The elder roared and kicked Shaun heavily.


The iron-blooded elder opened his mouth and roared, looking at the clansmen who had been slaughtered by the swords one by one, and he was furious.

Before the front foot landed, another spear appeared in his hand, which was slashing at Sean's chest, and the next moment, the whole person stopped there, and the spear was against Sean's chest, which was the location of the heart.

It's just that it was blocked out by Sean's clothes, and there was only a little spark at most.

Those eyes were amazed, how could this be?

Sean glanced down: "Don't be afraid, it'll be over soon", and his tone was very gentle.

Smack, a high whip kick kicked the elder to the other side and fell to the ground.

"Mousse, control the ship, clean it up".

"Good sir".

In Woods' eyes, another strange spaceship appeared on the other side, and more people flew down from above, directly into the Predator's ship, yes, it was used to fly.

God, what has she been through today?

They had been prepared for a long time, these people, no, or what the hell Sean was trying to do? Did Sean know that these aliens were going to be here?

"Doesn't it seem incredible, as if this world is not the one you know?"

Click, what Woods was holding in her hand fell to the ground, she didn't think she had a chance to resist, even a guy like Iron Will was no match for these people, and she couldn't be.

Have you ever seen an alien? Or have you ever seen a person fly?

"Don't look at me with hatred, if it's not me who wins, you know what will happen, they can easily subvert human civilization, look at it this way, do you still think there is anything wrong with me winning?"

"Is there a difference?"

Sean looked at Woods's expression and pouted, this guy has the potential to be a ball rape! Female individuals, in many cases, what controls them is often not rational, but emotional, to put it bluntly, it is 'what I think', but the world is not 'what you think' will become 'what you think', it doesn't matter.

"Commander, it's all in control."


Sean walked in front, behind the Elder and Woods, and there was the Alien Queen who had been hiding from the side and wanted to sneak attack, but the Alien Queen was now frozen.

These guys are not even as good as the Alien Queen, and they will sneak attack!

On the Predator spaceship, there are already more than a dozen Predators tied to the ground, roaring from time to time, so not embarrassed, there are 133 of them, and only a dozen are left, which is not bad.

"Is the containment on Mars finished?"


"Let's go, then!"

The two spaceships set off directly from the South Pole, and the traces just now were quickly buried by the wind and snow, even if someone came to investigate again, it was impossible to find out anything, the pyramid was blown up, the underground space collapsed, and the sea water poured in, and it was impossible to dig it out again.

Woods looked at this scene in disbelief, the Predator, the spaceship, Mars, everything, it was so strange that this group of people actually had a base on Mars.

"Mousse, fully analyze the technology and knowledge on the Iron Bloodship and find their home planet."

Sean will not let go of such an opportunity, as long as he finds the predator's home planet, there are prerequisites, he can attack whenever he wants, and the birth of every interstellar civilization is a wealth.

He just put this wealth on his table.

"Sir, that parasitic scar is about to hatch," S20 informed.

"Oh~!, let's go check it out!"

He was still very interested, on the scientific research number, Scar was held alone, and next door was where the rest of the Predators were held, and the two could see each other, but unfortunately, they couldn't do anything but watch Scar break out of his body by the parasitic alien in his body.

Originally, Scar wanted to go to the spaceship to take out the alien parasitic in his body after completing the ritual, but unfortunately he didn't expect Sean to suddenly appear, and he was also curious about the iron-blooded alien if it was more powerful.

"Roar ......".

Scar roared in pain, his chest bulging again and again at a visible amplitude, probably painful, as if something was growing out of his chest.

Pop, green blood sprayed out, and a flesh-colored little thing came out of Scar's chest, Scar did not die immediately, tenacious vitality, and he could only watch this alien move back and forth, looking at him from time to time, death is not the most terrible.

The scary thing is... Time to wait for death.

"This thing... Do you know the dangers of the outside world?" S20 was surprised.

"Yes, the newborn hatchlings have such a high level of intelligence, and the iron-blooded alien is still good", Sean watched this scene with interest.

Maybe it was because it was separated by things, and it had no way to take the people outside, or maybe it was its own needs, so it turned around and walked towards the Predator, opening its mouth and slamming its mouth.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, this alien hatchling is growing at an abnormal rate, and after ten minutes, it has a body that is more than 2 meters tall and nearly 3 meters long.

Sean walked into the shield and looked closely, the iron-blooded alien mouth was constantly dripping bodily fluids on the ground, and they needed to store a lot of water, which meant that their shells needed a lot of energy to maintain this normal state.

Whether it's an iron-blooded head on top of the head, a humanoid body, or a tail, all of them are prepared for killing.



The shield sprayed a large amount of cryogenic gas and potions that could cause it to stupe, and the iron-blooded alien began to roar, constantly smashing the shield in front of him, and even actively destroying his own body, trying to corrode the shield with corrosive blood.

It's a pity that this shield uses energy, as long as the energy of this spaceship is not exhausted, it is impossible to break it, even if there is a problem with the energy, the materials here are all corrosion-resistant, specially created for alien shapes.

Mars base.

The spaceship was docked inside the base, and the entire base was shrouded in a huge protective cover, and several huge ships could be seen in the distance.

This time, the Predator became excited as soon as he was escorted down, especially the Predator, who knew that those ships, if he remembered correctly, should be the ships of another civilization, the Titans.

"Be honest".

The eyes of the soldiers who escorted them glowed with heat rays, and several dishonest fellows were burned several times, and finally they were escorted away with a sigh.

Inside the mountain, an underground base has been established.

"I think you're going to love it, I forgot to tell you that the people next door might know you."

Next door, next door is not the Titan, the same huge body, also looking at the predator who was imprisoned in disbelief, and the alien queen and the predator on the side.

Where did this guy get these things from?

The Titan looked to his right, this, it should be a human on Earth, just a human being, how can it be worth his detention here?

In the main control room, Sean looked at the recent situation.

"How's the new ship done, Mousse?"

"Sir, it's 70% complete, but the materials are not very ideal, we may need to disassemble all the Titans' spaceships, it should take another month or so, and our new spaceship will be ready for use."

"Then let's do it, what about the analysis of the Iron Bloodship?"

"It's done, all their technology has been received, and the star map has been obtained."

Sean's eyes lit up, unlike the Titan's spaceship, due to the problem of age, in addition to the alien virus, there are only some technologies and the spaceship itself, and even the star map may no longer be applicable.

But the Iron Ship is different, this is the flagship of the Elders, with a complete star map, and even most of their technology, which is a convenience for Sean.

"But we have a problem right now, and it's the highest priority."

"What is it?"

"Energy, the energy we are using now cannot support vigorous development, we must find new energy sources."

frowned, this is indeed an imminent problem, if he leaves this world in the future, the materials he will take with him will definitely be huge, and the scientific research ship can no longer meet his needs, so he will want to build a new spaceship.

The alloys used by the Titan spacecraft are excellent, all of them are dismantled and re-smelted, and a new scientific research is created with special alloys mined on Mars to meet their future energy and other needs.

"Then put stellar capture on the agenda!"

"Stellar capture technology?" Mousse paused slightly.

As an artificial intelligence, he generally does not appear in such a situation, which shows that the technology that Sean said brought him shock.

Even at the peak of Krypton, this technology is not ready to be used, mainly inhumane, and even not in line with the development interests of an interstellar civilization.

In the Marvel world, Thor's weapon, Mjölnir, is made of a neutron star that has entered the terminal stage of the star, and it is also a pulsar, so it can be used to apply magic or technology on it.

Smaller in size, denser in size, and emitting energy, developing it into a weapon is definitely a wise choice.

The star capture and utilization technology in Krypton technology is a bit like the Dyson sphere idea proposed by human scientists.

The Dyson sphere theory is a theory proposed by Freeman Dyson in 1960 to build an artificial celestial body with a diameter of 200 million km, which envelops the star and extracts the star's energy.

To put it bluntly, it is a natural nuclear fusion reactor that uses the star Sun as a power source.

As long as there is enough material, they can change stars at any time.

That's why so many scientists and countries are so keen on the research of nuclear fusion, and once it's done, it means endless energy.

However, Krypton's star capture and utilization technology is even more shocking, this technology represents one of the standard technologies for the entire civilization to enter the god-level civilization.

Directly using scientific and technological means to capture a normal star and shrink it is not physically small, there are two ways to achieve this purpose.

One is to shrink it on a dimensional level, so that the star is essentially unchanged, so that it can directly and completely use the star's energy.

Second, the space where the star is located is directly distorted, bent the space, and the purpose of folding is achieved, and the space where the star itself is located remains unchanged, but in the real world, it becomes smaller.

Doesn't it look a bit like a 'two-way foil'?

It is also clear that once the stars of a galaxy are removed, there is a high probability that life in the galaxy will become extinct, so even Krypton rarely uses this technology.

"Don't worry, Mousse, there are more than 300 billion stars in the galaxy alone, we just need to find the galaxy where no life was born."

"No, sir, according to the Kryptonian Codex, we don't have such authority, and if you use such technology, you may be guilty of a Class A crime, sir."

At the beginning, Joe Eyre's life stealing code was only a Class B crime, and Class A could already be imprisoned in the Phantom Zone, and even the sentence could be hundreds of thousands of years.

Sean raised his eyebrows: "Mousse, if I'm not mistaken, I have the authority of the Elders' Council Karaka, right? Now I can say that my authority is the highest, carry out the order!"

"As you wish, sir".

As for the fact that they capture the stars in a certain galaxy, what will happen to the life in the galaxy, it is none of his business, the future between the races, there is no mercy.

The conditions for the birth of life, organic matter, water, and the atmosphere, these are three vital conditions, and surprisingly, there is no light, or the light and heat produced by stars.

In fact, creatures in the deep sea do not need the light and heat of stars, they themselves use their own chemical energy to generate heat.

Human beings, in fact, the organ that needs light the most is the eye, and other than that, it is not irreplaceable.

Of course, not to mention silicon-based life, such as Transformers, what do you want to do? Imaging?

A month later, the Mars base has changed a lot, all the Titan ships have disappeared, except for the ship of the Predator, a huge battleship about 1,000 meters long and nearly 400 meters high has appeared inside the protective shield.

This spaceship is their new scientific research number, also called the future, and the future of their Kryptonian will be born here, and the original scientific research has been used as a special purpose for cultivating new Kryptonians.

"Sir, Mirai has been equipped with my system, the quantum computer has been built, the energy is currently using old energy, equipped with hyperspace engines, and wormhole technology, weapons and equipment have been carried, but the current energy cannot be used for a long time, and it can only be fully activated after the star is captured."

Sean is already very satisfied, this spaceship can already beat many civilizations, and even this spaceship can still beat many advanced civilizations even if it goes to the Marvel world.

It's a pity that the weapon can't be used, but it's normal, the weapon used in this spaceship is different from the scientific research number, after all, it is a weapon developed based on stellar energy, laser energy weapon, pulse cannon, these are two weapons that are always available.

They are all pure energy weapons, clean and pollution-free.

Once equipped with stellar energy, this spaceship can be regarded as a 'death star', which can destroy a planet with one shot, and there are also traction cannons, which can pull planets, and even destroy stars, to achieve the purpose of destroying a galaxy, and under normal circumstances, it is only used to transform the galaxy environment.

"It's a bit of a pity that you can only use the hyperspace engine".


Hyperspace engine, to put it bluntly, is the spacecraft enters sub-light speed (90% of the speed of light) and accelerates, opens subspace, and then departs when it reaches its destination.

Wormhole, open a twisted wormhole, and then open a target wormhole after the spacecraft enters, but this technology requires one thing as a premise, that is, coordinates, if there are no accurate and safe coordinates, you are likely to go astray, or have other accidents, such as suddenly entering a sun.

Looking at the people behind him, the two hundred Kryptonian people in the early stage were all here, except for the ten Kryptonian technology companies that guarded the blood orchid base and ten that dealt with Kryptonite, this was all his strength.


Without much to say, without mobilization, he couldn't think of any civilization that could defeat them, even if he couldn't beat them, he could still run.

On Earth, Wieland Industrial Boss disappeared and his life and death were unknown, causing the stock to fall by ten percentage points, and the group began to grab the position.

No one cares what Kryptonian is doing, and in fact they can't do anything about it.

"Sir, we've arrived at the Kuiper Belt," Mousse reminded him.

Outside the spaceship, an invisible band of energy was huge, but it was extremely bright in the eyes of their Kryptonians, this was called the Kuiper belt, which enveloped the entire solar system, and it was not the first time he had seen this scene, and every time he saw it, he felt extremely beautiful.

"Let's go!"

"Future launches sub-light flight".





"Enter sub-light, open subspace".

Multiply... The spaceship seemed to disappear into the starry sky, and the people in the spaceship began to be confused, and a trance-like sensation acted on the senses.

This is also the Kryptonian, if you want to change to another species, you may need to enter the dormant chamber to be able to hold on, otherwise it is common to burst the lifeform.

Of course, they are not strong enough now, after all, the Kryptonians are either on the way to open or hang.

Two hours later, the spacecraft suddenly appeared in an unfamiliar galaxy, outside the spacecraft, it was like a dark starry sky, and there were few planets visible, but they were very special.

The two stars have reached a stable state, there are no other planets around the sun, and there are several planets in the living area, as if they were deliberately placed here.

"Is this it?"

"Yes sir, according to the notes left on the Iron-Blooded Civilization Ship, this is a hunting base for them, and there are always three Iron-Blooded Hatchlings to try, but their tribe will not be the same, there is a fight."

Sean nodded, this seems to be the planet in the new Predator plot, the Predator has been hunting humans or various life forms.

"Stealth docking, I'm going to exercise".

"Sir, why don't I go with you!" S10 was a little anxious, he didn't want Sean to go out alone.

"Don't make a fuss, if you go with me, then what are you going to do? you stay here to assist Mousse and measure the data of these two stars, and then this will be our motivation."


Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, he didn't say anything anymore, since it was a hunting planet, the people who came were just Predators, and they didn't have the ability to hurt Sean.

"By the way, Mousse, prepare a knife for me, I should be a knife man", Sean stinking in a pose.

"Sir, are you really okay like this?"

Sean smiled: "Kang is busy with Mousse, I can't fly up and stick to their faces and tell them, hey, you guys are here, aren't you? It's not fun at all, Mousse, you should have a bit of a sense of humor."

"Sir, my core tells me that I can't do this."

Waving his hand, ignoring Mousse, after coming out of the battleship, the iron-blooded spaceship in the sky had already begun to throw empty heads down, and a person seemed to be kicked down, but some people may not be very lucky.

Bang, there was a muffled sound in the woods.

There was a man in front of him who smashed into a pulp.

"It's miserable".

This guy's parachute was not opened, and there were still many people thrown down in the sky, and to be able to open the parachute at such an altitude, you must either have a super high sense of combat, and secondly, you must have some luck.

"Real people eat chicken, I haven't played it for a long time, so is this City P?"


ps: It's not easy to write a book, ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for monthly passes, ask for rewards... Shamelessly selling cute all kinds of !!

Everyone has a vote to vote, and the humble author asks for all kinds of !! online

PS2: There will be two more chapters during the day, also 5,000 words.

ps3: Flowers rose 2000 plus a chapter, rewarded any 5 times, added a chapter, commented 100 plus a chapter

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