Best Movie Star

Chapter 196: audition blacksmith

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Burbank, a small satellite city of Los Angeles, is home to many world-renowned media companies such as Walt Disney, Warner Bros., NBC, Viacom, and PBS. Media Capital".

In addition to media companies, Burbank also has a series of studios and studios closely linked to media companies, and Disney Studios is one of them.

Under the summer sun in June, a black Mercedes-Benz swerved into South Bowell Street and quickly stopped in the parking lot in front of the Disney Studios.

It was still early before the audition time, and Matthew and Helen Herman in the car did not get off immediately.

"This crew is really weird." Matthew said to Helen Herman again, "The crew has already confirmed a male lead, and the audition for the other two leading roles has also reached the final round, but even the director has not yet been determined. ."

Helen Herman looked at Matthew and said, "It's not that it's uncertain, it's only a month before filming starts."

Matthew couldn't deny this, "You're right, director Gore Verbinski is only in charge of filming."

It has been half a month since Walt Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer Film Productions announced the establishment of the project. The team that has already established the framework has worked surprisingly fast, and quickly identified several other important candidates.

While director Gore Verbinski was still debating whether to take over the project, Jerry Bruckheimer and his cast director passed two auditions and decided that Hollywood eccentric Johnny Depp would be the Captain Jack Sparrow, who played one of the two male protagonists, also auditioned for the other two roles, the Governor's daughter Elizabeth Swan and the little blacksmith Will Turner.

Without any suspense, Matthew passed the first audition very smoothly, otherwise he would not have come to audition with makeup today.

In the past two weeks, news has been continuously released from the crew. After Johnny Depp signed the contract with the crew, Gore Verbinski also decided to sign a director agreement with the crew.

However, Gore Verbinski's new film has not yet been filmed, and it is impossible to participate in it for the time being. According to the information obtained by Matthew, he will not report to the crew until after the filming.

In other words, Gore Verbinski, the director, will not participate in any actor's audition.

Matthew has been paying attention to the progress, and he is accustomed to this situation.

This project, not a script or a ready-made character, was inspired by Jerry Bruckheimer as a producer and producer, who was rumored to want a Caribbean-themed ride at Disneyland. Taking this as an inspiration source to make a movie, I called the screenwriters and horses to start writing in the form of a proposition composition. After the script was born under his inspiration, I first determined the madness of the hero and the starring Johnny Depp. Then choose director Gore Verbinski to direct.

Except for a few assistant directors, other positions in the entire crew were selected by Jerry Bruckheimer, which had basically nothing to do with Gore Verbinski. elder.

The starting point of the project is Jerry Bruckheimer, and the center point is Jerry Bruckheimer.

So Matthew and Helen Herman didn't work on Gore Verbinski ahead of time, even though they knew that Gore Verbinski was a very likely director.

Helen Herman's focus is still on the cast directors of Disney Studios and the crew.

As for Jerry Bruckheimer, Helen Herman just touched it a little, this long-faced producer is different from others, he is famous in Hollywood, an absolute gold medal producer, and there will be his Jerry- The Bruckheimer film production company is a considerable investment, and if the actor is not suitable for the role, he will never talk about the so-called human feelings.

To impress Jerry Bruckheimer, the most important thing is to audition.

A problem with one of the main characters is very likely to cause the film to fail. Maybe such an investment will not hurt Disney, but it will definitely bankrupt Jerry Bruckheimer Films.

In the crew, I am afraid no one wants to choose the main actor who is suitable for the role more than Jerry Bruckheimer.

In this way, the impact of off-day recruiting on the audition will be much smaller.

Matthew still has some confidence in himself. Even if he doesn't have confidence, he must be full of confidence in himself.

What's more, he has already used his biggest competitor, Orlando Bloom, to remove the crew from the set.

Orlando Bloom didn't even participate in the first audition for Little Blacksmith Will Turner because of his lead role.

Of course, there is also the potential for others to be the beneficiaries.

Matthew carried a bag and entered the Disney studio with Helen Herman. The No. 2 studio was not far from the studio gate. They walked over directly. On the way, they could see the people coming in and out of the huge studio gate in front of them. Out, all kinds of materials were transported in, but the audition was not in Studio No. 2, but in Studio No. 3, which was smaller and diagonally opposite.

The two came to the No. 3 studio, and immediately a crew member led Matthew to the dressing room. This was an audition for one of the male leads. The treatment was completely different from that of an ordinary role audition.

Coming to the door of the male dressing room, Ma Xiu saw an actress wearing a British lady's dress coming out of another dressing room next to it, which seemed to be the actress who auditioned for the heroine Elizabeth Swan.

He took a special look and found that it wasn't the flat-chested English Rose in his mind.

There were no hard and fast rules for the crew, and Matthew didn't mind. Helen Herman accompanied him into the dressing room, probably seeing that Matthew had just paid attention to the actress, she whispered, "That's Kristen Bell, One of the actresses who ended up auditioning with makeup on, and this morning was mostly about you and her."

Matthew nodded lightly and didn't say much. He had a general understanding of the situation of the crew. Compared with Will Turner, there were more actors selected for Elizabeth Swan's makeup audition, and the competition was more intense. There's Keira Knightley.

As for his competitors in Will Turner's makeup audition, there are three main competitors, British star Jude Law, Spider-Man Tobey Maguire and Christopher Masterson, who is not as famous as him.

Originally, the crew also invited Ewan McGregor to audition with makeup, but Ewan McGregor declined the invitation to prepare for it.

Sitting in front of the vanity mirror, Matthew is also considering the situation of the other three actors, whose auditions will take place in the next few days.

Helen Herman has carefully studied and analyzed these three competitors and believes that although Jude Law and Tobey Maguire are famous, the possibility of getting the role is very small. Jude Law is said to be fighting for the Olympics. Experts preparing for the Weinstein Brothers film, most likely, like Ewan McGregor, voluntarily dropped out of the audition.

As for Tobey Maguire, unless Jerry Bruckheimer is crazy, Spider-Man will appear in a pirate movie.

According to Helen Herman, Jerry Bruckheimer asked Tobey Maguire to audition with makeup, which should not make some people face, but this kind of face is impossible for him to take his reputation as a gold medal producer. Take risks with the future of the studio.

Therefore, the real threat is Christopher Masterson, who is the same age as him and has almost no fame.

This person didn't have any fame before. What Helen Herman could find out was also Christopher Masterson's participation in the past year. He played only a small supporting role with little weight, and Christopher Masterson It is also from a very small entertainment agency, and the strength is not even comparable to Helen Herman's Angel agency.

That's what made him A young actor with no reputation, no appeal, and basically no network, can enter the second audition, the biggest possibility is Jerry- Bruckheimer thinks Christopher Masterson might be a good fit for Will Turner!

Will Turner's final casting choice depends on Jerry Bruckheimer's wishes.

The makeup artist finished Matthew's hair, combed his long dark brown hair that was close to black neatly behind his head, and styled it into a typical seventeenth-century English hairstyle.

Matthew's make-up above his head also ended, and then went to the dressing room to change clothes, with the assistance of an assistant, put on a very fitting costume, then climbed on his boots, buttoned the cuffs, and stood about the height of a man. in front of the mirror.

His shape is completely different from the type of small blacksmith in his impression, but his temperament is completely different.

"Not bad..." Helen Herman leaned over, looked Matthew up and down through the vanity mirror, and exhorted, "This time with makeup, the crew asked to choose a free play from the character script, and take it out. What you do best!"

After the first audition, Matthew got Will Turner's script for the role. He has studied it many times recently and is well prepared.

"Don't worry." Matthew seemed confident.

Since this audition was a free play, the crew asked him to come here last week to discuss the costumes and props needed for the audition.

He left in front of the mirror and came to the door. Helen Herman opened the long backpack he had put here, took out the saber that Matthew used when practicing fencing, and handed it to Matthew.

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