Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1321: Birthday party (13)

Gu Qingqing is completely stupid! Especially, this is still in front of everyone. In private, if she is really unhappy, she can resist, or at least protest two sentences to express her wishes.

But now, with so many eyes, she didn't even dare to struggle too hard, her lips were blocked by him, and she couldn't protest.

However, it can't continue like this! Apart from other things, he thought that if he kissed and hugged him like this, the wrong things he had done in the past period of time could be wiped out?

Last time, he treated her brother with such indifference, pushed his mother away, threatened her with the truth about her father’s death, and even—she also learned from the prison guard today that he deliberately suppressed the lawyer and My brother had a lot of contact, and I didn't let the lawyer help my brother apply for bail!

Yes, she knows that her mother is greedy, and her brother is not a good person. However, he couldn't deliberately suppress it, and it was enough not to let them meet. Why didn't he let the lawyer apply for bail, or even let the lawyer do anything that would be beneficial to her brother's release!

She even thought vaguely, could it really be that day when her mother threatened to tell the truth about his death to her father, and he used this method to suppress her family? Then, as soon as she found out today, she immediately stated that she was going to let her brother go.

Otherwise, why explain, her brother was imprisoned for so many days, he was indifferent to him, but today, Lin Zhouyi helped her go in to see Qingshan, he panicked!

Although she herself may not believe this speculation, she has to say that she was indeed sad because of this incident, and she was sad for a long time, and even now, he has not explained it!

Compared with this matter, even the matter between him and Xu Zipei is nothing.

Anyway, from the beginning of the fight, she never thought that she could win the "white moonlight" in the heart of Lengs City.

The more she struggled, the tighter Lengscheng hugged her. She only dared to put her hand on his shoulder, pushing him out and out constantly. But maybe she didn't dare to work hard, and secondly, she had just exhausted her strength after dancing, and her resistance didn't seem to be resisting at all, but rather like an invitation to refuse to welcome her!

Except for Gu Qingqing and Lengsicheng, everyone else stood on the side, collectively dumbfounded.

No one even dared to bother them, and no one meant to stop them.

Her resistance gradually weakened, not only the hands that tried to push, but also the body that wanted to struggle and twist were completely softened.

On the other side, Lengs City, who is holding her, is still tightening his arms, tightening his arms, as if he can’t wait to compress all the air in her body, compress her into his body, let her and herself The same as one.

Her will is like walking on a chain of a cliff, swaying from side to side. If she doesn't pay attention, she will be completely subdued by him, and then it will be over!

Lengs City, who was holding her, seemed to gradually feel the loss of strength in her body, and he slightly raised the corners of his lips and moved forward more gently. Anyway, there is no media to interrupt this time, only these upper-class people, which is very in line with his previous desire to make a small public disclosure.

Instead, he took this opportunity to make the matter of her own wife public.

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