Bestow Me a Love Like Wind

Chapter 1350: Birthday party (42)

Lengsi City can't wait to dig a well by himself, and then jump down by himself!

Three years ago, three years ago today was also Xu Zipei's birthday party. He heard that Nie Zhining intends to study abroad with Gu Qingqing and wants to go abroad with her.

Gu Qingqing's grades are among the best in the university. He submitted OFFER as early as his senior year and has been approved by an American university. It was only because of no money that I could only study for graduate students of Hua Xia Guo who were still free at the time. But if Nie Zhining is willing to pay for her to go abroad, nothing will be a problem!

At that time, the Leng family had not yet experienced a crisis. The Nie family and the Xu family had a happy cooperation with the Leng family. At that time, it was impossible for the Nie family to think about moving abroad. Therefore, as long as Nie Zhining and Gu Qingqing successfully studied abroad, even if they were not married or anything at the beginning, they should associate first. If the parents object, stay abroad, if the parents reluctantly agree, then consider coming back.

In short, as long as she can pass, she will never see her!

Therefore, when Nie Zhining announced with a little pride that he and Gu Qingqing might be going abroad at Xu Zipei's birthday banquet, he was completely blinded!

Even if she doesn't love him, as long as she can stay and stay here, he can often see her. You can still get in touch if you have something to do, and you can usually hang out together. No matter what, as long as he sees her, as long as he can see her!

However, Nie Zhining would not even give him such a humble wish?

He drank glass after glass during the banquet, and, this time, it was the 68-degree Kinmen sorghum that Nie's family had brought back from a business trip to a certain island. This kind of wine is strong, but the taste is mellow. When you drink it, you don't feel anything at first, and it takes a while to show its flame-like aura!

Lengs City drank glass after glass, and only wiped out half of that bottle of wine.

At the time in Xu’s family celebration, Gu Qingqing was only the daughter of a nanny, and she was not qualified to have dinner with them at all. When I drank these wines, I seemed to be drunk. Someone suggested going to a nearby clubhouse to play all night. Lengsi City just shook his head, and his body began to shake before he took two steps.

Seeing his physical condition, where can he go to the clubhouse? Reluctantly, Xu Zipei had to let someone help him into the guest room, let him rest in the guest room, and let the driver take him home after he woke up.

Lengscheng did not object either, staggering and being helped to the guest room to rest.

In fact, he is not that drunk, although his body is a little uncomfortable, but his mind is always clear. When he lay down in the guest room for a while, his mouth was burning with fire, just wanting to drink water.

Then he got up and slowly leaned out of the wall.

The Xu family was quiet. Because of Xu Zipei’s birthday, the whole family had just had a big celebration banquet. After cleaning up, the Xu family gave the whole subordinates a holiday so that they could have time to go back and rest. Except for the driver outside, it was Gu Qingqing who was guarding the house.

Xu Zijin didn't like Gu Qingqing, so naturally he refused to take her to the clubhouse and let her stay alone, even her mother was on vacation.

In the Xu family of Nuo Da, there was nothing but his wandering shadow.

But after two steps, he heard a timid voice: "Senior?"

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